Unpopular Opinions

Lor’themar should marry Thalyssra and become elf-king

let a ranger lord smash blizzard

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Not really, as soon as you step foot on Outland the Scryers are already around and long-established within Shattrath. The Blood Elven ‘civil war’ was pretty much happening when you turn up with Thrallmar/blood elven pilgrims. Hell, you start having to deal with Kael’thas in Hellfire peninsular when Pathaleon the Calculator runs experiments on some earth golems.

Edit: Besides the point of Garithos isn’t just what he did, but the fact that long-standing allies (Dalaran) pretty much stood by and watched:

“These are the same people who happily turned their eyes away when Garithos sentenced us to death. They can all rot in hell. At least Arugal suffered a deserving fate.”

Lor’themar is a weak leader and should be replaced.

I’d dislike your post if I could.

Because agreeing with you means I’ll be wrong, and I dislike being wrong D:


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Exactly! intenletters

The game is moving in the right direction, and despite a few misses here and there, BFA is shaping to match or even surpass Legion by 8.2/8.3. Of all my years playing WoW since, on and off, mid-TBC, I feel I’m having the most fun now.

Its better to have a bad story than no story. Horde may have issues storywise, but at least there’s actually interesting stuff happening.

Can’t say I agree, you can have a good video game with no story…

But rubbish story detracts from even good gameplay.

Unpopular opinion: Orsinium’s story is overrated and the Thieves’ Guild dlc provides a lot more quality entertainment in the form of a good story, great characters, and fun and varied gameplay.

But the Clockwork City ending takes the cake. Having a conversation with a god as reward = best.

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EBM is the best music in the world.

His return in Summerset is also :weary: :ok_hand:

God damn spoilers >:(

There should be a Ground Mount Appreciation Micro Holiday. A day where you cannot use flying mounts in the 1-60 Azeroth zones.


An absolute whingefest this would trigger would be worthy enough to see.

I still think it was Blizzard’s capitulation to players not wanting to have their precious daily routine disrupted too much by the Scourge Invasion 2.0 that was the first step they took down on their dark path when they cancelled the zombies earlier than planned.

There already is such holiday. It´s called “levelling to 60”.


Or, or, or, make it so you get an achievement for not using a flying mount the whole day so players have a choice to do it or not.

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Or, or, or, remove flying mounts completely.


Hhmm… upvote because that is unpopular or leave it as is because I don’t agree with you.

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