Unpopular Opinions

Just remove mounts full stop and have people have a stamina bar so their speed drops to 50% every so often, also make it so every add has double the aggro range and has raid level stats; people will truly appreciate the roads of azeroth more then.


I’d actually be up for a Dark Souls styled World of Warcraft.

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Just make it so every character has a permanent buff they receive upon character creation called “Static Air” where whenever you attempt to fly you get electrocuted and die an agonizing death whilst your spirit gets tortured in the afterlife in unending torment and-…

ok how about we just remove flying ok

I would trade your souls and more without a second thought if it meant I could keep flying in this game.

Lacking it even now is rly frustrating. It’s definitely a feature I couldn’t live without (and a major reason why i kept avoiding argus).


Crater = using flying mounts
Small = using ground mounts
Big = running
Intergalactic = rp walking


interdimensional = hooking up your walk forwards button with a treadmill

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Pre-dating the nascent universe = using a VR headset and traveling in first person


Dumb = Going outside for a walk.

ERP is a legitimate form of RP.

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Well that is unpopular.


i once said opinions can’t be wrong… and here we are…


Air raid sirens are heard in the distance.


Maybe on an alternate platform that is designed for it, not on a videogame where it’s against ToS.


They really should, unless called for due to military or diplomatic business. But alas, an elf can dream.

When the hell did you start posting Lavella? Oh… Just tonight. Right.

I don’t see the problem.

I’ve been trying to find the bit in the ToS that says ERP isn’t allowed. Can you point me to it?

In it’s entirety I’d say ERP is fine, as long as it is kept in instances or otherwise unaccessible areas to other than invited parties.
Just keep any sexy talk in a private channel and for the love of god double-check consent and all that jass before you do anything stupid >_>

Hoo boy, this thread is gonna go places even more now.

I’m expecting it to get flagged or locked now, in all honesty.

It’s like the N word.

But yea, I guess it is if you put it into a story and both parties are fine with it. I think it isn’t if you goto GS though.