Unpopular Opinions

On one hand I want to upvote because wow that is spot on an unpopular opinion.

On the other hand, WTF.

Yeah no. Downvoted, if only in spirit.


I know this is a joke but I think it’d be kinda cool if the world was genuinely massive (as opposed to 5mins to run through a zone).

Imagine mages having a portal skill tied to very difficult raid-worthy questlines, so mages or warlocks who have put a lot of effort get to ‘select’ drop-off points inclusive of small cities/settlements, and the highest of portal skill levels being able to almost completely select any point of the playable maps to make custom portals. These, of course, take very long to cast and end up requiring rare to legendary materials varying on the ‘level’ of the zone.

Alternatively, just imagine if WoW felt like a cool world.

I feel like that with every expansion forward we’re taking a step back of making the world feel cool and many more steps in making it feel like a bunch of mismatched, linear rooms clumsily stuck together. There’s no novelty or charm to the world.

They’ve posted on the old forums as well on various of their alts.

Yes, but did happen to read the ToS at all?


Could you link the ToS that says that? Because to my knowledge there is no where anything mentioned like that.

Unpopular opinion:

Rigid, obdurate, unwavering enforcement of the terms of service would effectively end a lot of what we do as roleplayers. Depictions of violence? No more pvp campaigns and general merry old warfare. Vulgar language? I hope you’re good at inventing oaths and treading on eggshells so as not to cause slight. Abusiveness and racism? There goes the faction war.

Sure, we can still make our stories but the call to obey the letter of the law in all things falls on its face and would depopulate the RP servers faster than fast if it was to be enforced beyond the selective outrage at a particular type of rulebreaking that the battle cry usually is intended to prevent.

Sensible response: it’s time to update the terms so as to be less ambigious and legalistic as catch alls and outright disallow specific things but that’s not actually feasable for corporate structures as banning X suggests your company is having problems with X in the first place.

The rules are so poorly worded in regard to what’s unacceptable that they demand an end to emoting. There are better arguments to go around but invoking the letter of the law is RP suicide. If you want to nuke Goldshire/Silvermoon/whatever, you don’t know the apocalyptic range of the blast radius.




“vi. Your use of the Platform to interact with Blizzard and other players is governed by Blizzard’s Code of Conduct (the “Code of Conduct”) and applicable in-game policies (the “In-game Policies”). The Code of Conduct and In-Game Policies are not meant to be exhaustive. The Code of Conduct and In-Game Policies are incorporated into this Agreement by this reference, and are available on Blizzard’s Customer Support database, located here.”

and the CoC:


" Communication

When participating in communication of any kind (chat, voice communication, group finder), you are responsible for how you express yourself. You may not use language that could be offensive or vulgar to others.

Hate speech and discriminatory language is inappropriate, as is any obscene or disruptive language. Threatening or harassing another player is always unacceptable, regardless of language used. Violating any of these expectations will result in account restrictions. More serious and repeated violations will result in greater restrictions."

So in short, ERP falls under language that could be vulgar/obscene to others due to its sexual implications. And are thus not permitted by the CoC and the ToS


Once more Levey you elucidate my own thoughts into writing in a far more nuanced and pleasant form than I usually can manage.

Unpopular, maybe with some. But true? Yes very much so.

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Wouldn’t that be the same for IC racism, vulguar words, gore and depicting gore / fighting scenes were blood is used and so forth? Making the entirety of RP against the CoC and ToS?

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Possibly yes. Hence why I do not do such myself in my rp :), I never felt the need to explicity emote in gorey details how I kill a foe, or insult other races in rp. RP can still work pretty good beyond/without it.

However, it is also worth noting that Blizzard are reactionary in their upkeep of the CoC/ToS. They dont activly monitor this behaviour, instead it is up to us the players to report what we deem is breaking it, and then they take actions.

So on AD it has become quite the norm in opinion that gorey rp doesnt violate the ToC, but ERP for example does, and thus is reported possibly more often/frowned upon. Though both are indeed a violation of the CoC. But Blizzard wont react to it, unless it is reported.

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Yes, yes it is. The rules do not consider fiction and RP server interaction at all.

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I mean eh… In the end I am all for reporting people who openly ERP but not when it’s instanced or w/e since nobody can see what they do anyways. But seeing in the middle of SW two people ERP’ing in /s should be reported, I agree to that.

I noticed. AD is one of the most populated realms but yet we don’t have specific rules (other than naming policies) for it. It’s weird.

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That’s a general stance to take honestly, since if no can see you, who is going to report you?

We did have some rules back on the old website/like 4-5 years ago, but they removed it with the update of the new CoC and new support site.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= 6u8f6pE69k0

“They removed our own ruleset. Burned us with the curse of non-rpers and they mashed our servers together with others!”

“They did?”


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If it weren’t for ERP, most RPers would’ve quit the server and game by now. ERP is what keeps people coming back, and attending their guilds boring military drill RP events is what they do between ERP sessions.

You all know this uncomfortable truth is a fact. You need ERP to exist.

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What if I’m not in a boring military formation guild though


I hope this isn’t an unpopular opinion.

But…Public Stoning in Stormwind? It has to go. Last I checked Iraq wasn’t a place on Azeroth.

I don’t follow this logic? Is it the old “everyone does it really” that has now spun into “It is the main form of rp” Still what?


That’s because you erp full time. You aren’t fooling anyone Loras.


Unpopular opinion but here we go: Openly condemning ERP whilst “allowing” gorey emotes is as double standard as it gets.