Unpopular Opinions

You said you’d keep our rendezvous secret. Now Telaryn is going to find out and you know how possessive he can be.


I find french a very vulgar and inappropriate language, can we get that banned?


That might apply for you and other erp-addicts, but ERP on its own is uninteresting and only creates awful characters that go around ****ing left and right. Since many are ‘promiscuous’ belves, it stains the image of the whole race as well.

If it’s wholesome romance between adults that trust and know eachother it’s another matter. I don’t consider that “ERP” since it’s the whole package of RP, with intimate details, but not RP focused solely on the sexual aspects, which is what ERP is.
ERP = cheap sex with no emotional investment only designed for lust
Romance RP = an actual portrayal of a relationship, which may include intimate scenes but should not rely on it
Too often ERPers create stupid drama, people cheating behind other peoples back because they can’t grasp the concept of sticking to a partner IC or OOC, or just see it as a cheap way to rock their boat.
Too often people pick poorly or don’t even care if the other person is a minor or is actually put off by advances.
Or people play characters who are ‘loose’ or whatever as excuse to get ERP.
That’s why ERP usually goes wrong. As a rogue I see a lot more than the average player. I see interesting conversations.
I often catch people that seem normal at first then run off with a Troll or some random person to Sunwell or Magisters.
I see guilds harboring people with risky profiles. (I wonder if there is a blacklist of guilds to avoid, that cannot be accessed on the forum due to name and shame).
Is it name and shame if it is someone that breaks the TOS?
But like I said, if it’s a couple and they are not likely to involve minors or disturb anyone, it’s not worth getting upset over, for me at least.


I am genuinely confused if this is a big :fishing_pole_and_fish: maneuver or is it a legit statement


Check with Blizzard.

I’d actually say that ERP is when it’s done for the purpose, between consenting adults / on an appropriate platform, whereas it’s just cyber sex if you’re doing it for jerk fuel. But that’s really beside the point and I agree with you otherwise.


I’m sorry but I doubt that would be the reason. I’m not sure what goes in your head, but I don’t RP just for ERP. I have fun without being damn wh*re in game. You could list all sort of reasons why people stay or come back and I don’t think ERP is one of them at all.

Yes, it’s alright between adults who consent, but among 12-17 year old people (Or where ever you live and age of consent by law is) it’s not accepted. And in +12 game, it’s not good thing.


Sounds more like something for the peeve thread.

My guess is that the reasoning of this people is: “Queen Tiffin was killed by a thrown rock during a riot. Therefore stoning is a thing in Stormwind.”

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This is going in my top 10 dumb posts collection.


Would like to add that people now also /w random for erp for nowadays

Told her kindly to staple her flaps to her arms and fly like the winds… cant even platinum flip in peace these days smh


dont come near me you mega weirdo


I don’t usually agree with your posting style or content but this I agree with.
Especially the part about too many characters acting like wh*res for ‘fun’.
Are elves even polyamorous? A race that lives so long has a lot of time to be monogamous, have multiple partners throughout their lives, but only one at a time.
It makes no sense to portray elves as overly promiscuous, considering they live so long and have thus a lot of time to reproduce.
Unlike humans, who need to hurry while they’re still young.


My head canon is that elven relationships are considered to be a lot more meaningful culturally, given the context of their longevity. They’re an ancient and patient people; romance and relationships aren’t rushed - though present genocidal circumstances might speed up the process a little. Easier to jump into love when you don’t know when your last moments will be.


RP should be like real life.

You don’t have sex in public in real life, so why do it on the streets of Stormwind or Silvermoon?

Likewise you don’t commit torture, bloody murder or get away with swearing your head off on the streets either, so don’t do that in RP.

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You clearly haven’t seen Cardiff on a Saturday night.


Agreed, but the common excuse I get from these people is “we are at war, might as well enjoy life!” and then they turn into a succubus or something and run off to Magister’s terrace.


you don’t?

Telaryn’s all the succubus I need :smiling_imp:


Yeah seen enough police shows to know if you get caught you get banged up, usually while a policeman is acting all smug in front of cameras…

I wonder if police forces make money from these shows? There are a lot of them.

Unpopular Opinion:

The anti-ERP crusaders are very much like Christians, whom use the Bible (the ToS in this case) to justify rallying against something they dislike, while ignoring that many of the things that they enjoy and do, also net you a one way trip to hell (bansville).

I somewhat blame that on Blizzard portraying Bloodelves as these coked up super models, snorting enchanted dust off of someones abs.

I actually preffered Blood Elves when they were mana starved.

I think the sad part about everyone using Magisters’ Terrace, Sunwell and Karazhan is that those that then use it for other reasons (courtyards or other aesthetics) would appear to be off dallying instead of regular RP.

… But maybe that’s just me.

I actually find it sad more people don’t RP out the fact that Blood Elves are still mana addicts. If you spend all your mana out in the field, you should still start suffering from withdrawal - the Sunwell doesn’t instantly pop you back up at full capacity.