Unpopular Opinions

Agreed, they’re all really cool zones to use for RP. Even the garrison is cool for military RP, but if you’re there it’s often assumed you’re just up to no good.

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Yeah I tend to whisper people in my friends list a mocking “Lewd” when ever they go there…

They got their revenge when my rogue hit WoD levels.

TBH just take it to a platform that enables it and is more ‘fitting’ if that’s how you get your socks off, be that ERP or murder hobo/gore RP.


What about gorey murder hobo ERP?

Then you need jesus and a psychiatrist.

:church: :latin_cross: :man_scientist: :pill:


only addicts deem nonessential acts as necessity, really quite weird and strange of u to say lavella


factually wrong

Factually wrong and you aren’t even trying to word your drivel to suit the thread, unless you think your opinion is fact

1/10 wouldn’t even shag in the Wailing Caverns

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Judging by the average forumgoer / elf RP-er I’ve encountered in the past year I cant 100% believe it was a bait post.


It was defo a :fishing_pole_and_fish: , cause this is a one-end conversation

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Y’all should be careful with your replies, since it seems there are no humans working Blizzard’s CS and forums anymore, bait could be used to get people forum banned if the baiter has friends to flag with them.

The system is fairly automated anyway, you can effectively ‘squish’ accounts for 24 hour stints if you brigade the report button. Regardless of CM interaction.

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There we go with the ERP discussions again. I’ll miss the Unpopular Opinions thread, once it gets locked. :slightly_frowning_face:

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False. Citation needed. ERP is certainly not what keeps me playing, That is a simple statement of fact. Can you provide me with facts showing that is why people RP?
I mean Facts, not just “Stands to reason” or “in my opinion”.

Yet it turns out it is on Azeroth in Uldum, during the City Nights. by people completely ignoring city guards and consequences…

How many quests do Blizzard give us to cut off ears or decapitate people, yet they get squeamish when people describe these things? Petulant, absolutely petulant, not to mention hypocritical.

Or Coventry…I have seen things you people wouldn’t Believe… Usually around a certain nightclub that might as well be renamed ‘Goldshire’…

If you open tickets enough and get an actual person to look at them, they will remove the persons ability to report however, so there is some hope, The more they abuse it, the longer they get squashed for. Its kind of noticeable as to what is reported and why, and you can go “Oh it was ….you…” Then watch them squirm defensively.

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The best book I have read in this regard is Witcher series, simply because it actually uses differences in sexual behavior between races as important point in their history (and as you would have guessed it, humans are like rabbits to the others).
One of elves, Avallac´h even talks to Geralt about this issue and how half-elves became a thing: “Here´s the thing about sex, Geralt. It gets boring after a hundred years.”

It makes sense for elves (and other extremely long-lived races) to get bored by some things, including sex in general (not just with particular person, in general) and start seeing it on the same level as we see eating food in our favorite restaurant. Sure, we will still do it, we still like it, but it´s not like we see it as the greatest purpose of our free time to eat there.

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Are you trying to say that ERP is “non-legitimate” and “against the ToS” because there are no quests showing it, basically? An often show example: If vulgar language is against the ToS, how come Garrosh calls Sylvanas a b*tch in a quest. To me that’s double standards as well.

My two cents of the day: Blood elves need a serious mouthful of tragedy to be interesting again. Either that or character development, but this is Blizzard we are talking about.

You’re missing my point. I’m not defending ERP, far from it, Blizzard emphatically do not show that, nor should it be shown. They do however encourage graphic acts of violence. So complaining about such things is hypocrisy, graphic acts of violence I mean. Colonel Kurtz (Who Blizzard themselves reference) in WoW says it best "We train young men to drop fire on people, yet will not let them write (Obscenity) on the sides of their aircraft because -that- is Obscene.
Complaining about ERP is legit, it is not shown in game. Complaining about Gore is absolute madness given that it exists from Level 1 as a starting character.
My opinion on that has changed, the more that certain people on both Factions have started ramping up the gore game, yet are a bit squeamish when what they are doing is described. Either have the courage of your convictions, or do not do it, it really is that simple.

ERP however, no, absolutely not.should never be around for potential minors to see. If a minor sees mutilation, That’s their parents fault, but is not going to directly affect them.


Unpopular opinion:
Stop claiming ERP violates the ToS if you won’t show me where in the ToS it states that ERP isn’t allowed.

What makes them not interesting for you? I’m curious.

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