Unpopular Opinions

Under the same rules that dissallow swearing and gore and so on.

Theoretically one could ERP as much as they wanted if they kept the words and phrasing to a certain level so as to not break the ToS.

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Can you quote it to me?

Completely agreeing here.
But it isn’t it a little weird that the act of violence shown in game is acceptable whilst writing it down could -potentially- be vulgar / offensive and therefor go against the ToS?

By all means, I am not defending ERP, but to me it feels like people are pushing and shoving the ToS into directions just to be right sometimes. It is more a question of common sense and ethics that ERP shouldn’t be done, because as you already said, we see violence in the game since level 1.


The ToS says, don’t break the Code of Conduct.

ERP along with a lot of other RP would break this part of the Code of Conduct.


When participating in communication of any kind (chat, voice communication, group finder), you are responsible for how you express yourself. You may not use language that could be offensive or vulgar to others.

Hate speech and discriminatory language is inappropriate, as is any obscene or disruptive language. Threatening or harassing another player is always unacceptable, regardless of language used. Violating any of these expectations will result in account restrictions. More serious and repeated violations will result in greater restrictions.`


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The Holy Light is easily some of the least interesting lore Blizzard has, and it sucks that they’re increasingly slam-dunking themselves into stagnation by focusing on their “maybe light evil?” storyline, or only furthering the development of racial lore through their connection to the Holy Light.



So from what I see ERP isn’t actually prohibited by the ToS. Only the use of vulgar language is, which I think is a problem that extends beyond ERP.

So if anyone has an issue with people doing ERP it’s more of a personal grievance than an issue of them “breaking the ToS” as has been (wrongly) stated on these forums many times.

Pretty much, ERP breaks the same rule as ‘swears a lot’ Soldier/Sailor/Dwarf RP

Glad to hear it.

So the anti-ERP campaign has about as much legitimacy and impact as an anti-swearing campaign.

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Blizzard doing something in their own game does not give any form of a green light to the players, who wish to do very descriptive graphic acts of violence via the in-game chat. If something is stated (and it is) in CoC re. vulgar language, gore or any form of sexual content - then it is automatically a no-go. People just like to go to extremes, which isn’t extremely rare in any community, let alone an online one.

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Sounds like America to me tbh. But I have to agree, yea.

IT’S AN OPINION THREAD NOT A FACT MANE. But that’s what I call an unpopular opinion, waow.

Lorewise there are only like what? 10% (or less?) of the entire population left. Wanna purge these too? I dunno. You can’t do much with a race that’s already RIP in terms of numbers.

Can’t believe that any ADer who has used vulgar language in RP or OOC chat is basically an ERPer :S

Their development in the narrative and as a people. I liked them much better when there was a somewhat monstrous nature lurking beneath the veil of culture and pristine buildings, with fel and Light being utilized in ways their people had never done before.

Then their prince betrayed them, was slain, risen, and slain all over again. And the whole Blood Knight thing was a scheme hatched by the naaru, so that arguably wasn’t ever in the hands of the elves either. Ever since they have gradually become the bootleg version of what they were at first, with only rare occurences of new lore (the Animus constructs were cool) being added to their tapestry.

They’re dull to me. And their rejection of void elves, which was a chance for them to embrace some chaotic and dangerous elements once again, convinced me that they will be staying that way for some time yet.

Blood Elves were cool, they were like Norse Elves, fair of face but foul of presence.

Looking beautiful on the surface, but a race of magical crack addicts once you scratch that super model vogue image they put out.

Now… they are just High Elves in red armour.


I’d just like to revisit this briefly since you asked. Blizzard/Blues, Vrakthis on the US forums in particular, has several times over the years had this brought up regarding language bans, and they have confirmed that Blizzard themselves follow the ERSB guidance and rating to what they allow in the content they create.

However, we as players and player-created content are enforced by the CoC and ToS determined by Blizzard.

The problem with this was that blood elves were going down on a dark path. Their eye color change was only the first sign of Fel corruption that would only get worse as those crystals corrupted Quel´Thalas further and further.

While I also like more morally gray blood elves, staying on their path from TBC wasn´t an option. Eventually, they would become more and more corrupted, probably akin to Fel orcs or Felblood elves.

Void elves are basically the same thing as TBC blood elves, toying with powers that are corrupting them and would be destructive for their kingdom. Their rejection of the Void shows that blood elves are one of the few races that are actually capable of understanding they messed up and learn from mistakes of the past.

I try my best to RP someone more interesting than Generic Elf Thot. Luckily the HBM are a great guild of somewhat morally dubious characters that feel like proper Blood Elves.

Problem is people love to play Blood Elves as pseudo-Alliance High Elves and that leads to some boring RP.

Sorry, I know I’m dragging up old posts, but I feel like it’s worth it, because Chronicles actually says:

The cataclysmic birth of the cosmos also flung shards of Light throughout reality. These shards suffused the matter of myriad worlds with the spark of life, giving rise to creatures of wondrous and terrible diversity.

So yes, it’s safe to say that in a way, Life = Light.
Also worth noting that holy magic too has the ability to heal, which also lends credibility to this.

So does water magic?

Splashes you with water You are full health now.

Shaman healing in a nut shell.

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