Unpopular Opinions

It doesn’t need to be ERP, it could be a fight scene, it could be an insult delivered in RP, the rule is needlessly vague.

We are (presumably) not children. We have the self-control to write emotes that do not risk being taken as obscene.

I think you are being too afraid of something that isn’t a problem in reality.

If you write something that you are afraid might be taken as obscene, maybe take the safe route and don’t write it.

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This has turned into the “ackshuyally” topic.

Case in point:


It’s “GMs fewer” not “GM’s less.”

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When participating in communication of any kind (chat, voice communication, group finder), you are responsible for how you express yourself. You may not use language that could be offensive or vulgar to others.

Hate speech and discriminatory language is inappropriate, as is any obscene or disruptive language. Threatening or harassing another player is always unacceptable, regardless of language used. Violating any of these expectations will result in account restrictions. More serious and repeated violations will result in greater restrictions.

This is the rule that can be broken.

One could ERP without being obscene.

Does hate speach apply to Horde versus Alliance?
Would you get done for saying “Clucking rogues?” and going on a tirade about the jerks that play them?

We do not know what Blizzard counts as crossing the line only that “You may not use language that could be offensive or vulgar to others.

Who are these others? Reasonable people? Snow flakes? People from one small country where one word we use is actually a swear in their native language?

Let’s not even start on what the heck inappropriate or disruptive language, because those could mean anything depending on who is doing the reporting.

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And that is where good ol’ ignore button comes in.

If they try to skirt around the rules for loopholes to do ‘legal’ ERP they are not worth your time.


(Morsteth’s brain grows in sizen ten times)


Really now.


Morsteth!! Stop bullying, and let these people have really creepy pixel sex on a video game built with a young audience in mind in PEACE…


(Morsteth’s overly vast brain invades Bearan’s mind) Dude… “young”… is a relative word… what you said… is too vague…


Yes really now, the rules are ‘don’t say anything anyone can find offensive’, well you’d be hard pressed to find stuff that doesn’t offend someone, somewhere these days.

The thing is for all Morsteth’s trolling and so on, we used to have an explicit rule against sexual language, so why the hell wasn’t it kept, instead of a stupid rule that is left vague as hell.

We had a rule against ERP, we now have a rule against offending people or being vulgar in someones eyes.

Can’t we just go back to having the no ERP rule?

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Just think of it like this: The RP community will always have that rule, people who care about WoW RP don’t ERP ! :triumph:

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Cybering in a 12+ video game to own the libs


Because blizzard wants to have as much freedom as possible to do as they like in every case. They define what is ‘obscene’ so they can decide in each case what to do.

It’s pretty bad but in no way does it excuse ERP or suggest that they will suddenly be ok with it (they aren’t).


It’s not the obscene part that annoys me, we had that before with no sexual language rule we had.

It’s the ‘You may not use language that could be offensive or vulgar to others.’, policing ones words because other people can’t police their feelings, and then getting hit with auto-moderation and have to fight to find a human GM?

That is what I find irksome.

Basically all MP games out there have a rule to this effect, though?

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Usually they have some for of list of ‘don’t use words’ even if it is as terrible as DCUO’s chat filter.

Those are useless. Ridiculously easy to get past with intentional typos, spaces in the word etc. Human judgment will always be necessary for a final decision in any case that isn’t super obvious.

You have way more faith in Blizzard than I do, given the whole ‘We don’t auto ban people’ claim, then various youtubers and twitch streamers prove they do.

Pretty sure it’s a case of if someone takes offense they and their buddies can get you punished, and you have to ‘fight’ to get a human GM to look into it and unban you.