Unpopular Opinions

I know what you meant.

It’s a small miracle this topic hasn’t been nuked into oblivion yet.

Agree. This is what I meant earlier when I said that objections don’t just arise from whether people have broken TOS or not. Some may argue that on AD, others will simply argue with ERP because they disagree with the notion of it, irrespective of whether it’s “TOS clean” or not. So people will argue both.

As the players police this more than blizzard, I wouldn’t be surprised if the overwhelming opposition sits in spite of TOS legality and is focussed on the “personal distaste” angle. It’s just that for many this distaste is informed by their own cultural background and laws (most of us come from countries where doing sexy times with underage people is legally punishable and also socially taboo).

I have PM’d him on Facebook, we had a similar conversation before. It gets into very rocky ground, but essentially, even if country A refuses to Extradite the subject of the investigation, they do tend to incarcerate said person under suspicion, in a means of placating Country B. The message is generally gotten across “You are being watched, and people across the seas think you are a sex offender” Which usually gets the point across, apparently. There is a very low rate of repeat offences.


Yeah, I get you completely and I agree. That’s why I added in the qualifier of ‘proven’, by means of screenshots / chat logs / whatever may be considered legitimate evidence. I don’t mean any ‘he said she said’ hearsay.

Just going to point it out that I find it deeply disturbing and alarming how vigorously Lavella seems to not just defend ERP(that in itself isnt the worst), but also activly seem to promote it as something healthy/important for the server?

But the thing that makes things most concerning for me as a parent is that she completly disregards any notion that minors could be exposed, that doesnt even seem to phase or be an issue for her, and I find that troublesome :l

It is designed to be a 12+ game(With possible younger players having acess via parents, siblings etc), sexual player made content is not allowed in it. Explicit sexual content isnt allowed in it by Blizzard either. And Blizzard are forced to enforce the laws said people/if a minor is exposed to, is in. And as Brigante and Varenthalas said, in most cases in Europe, the laws are very strong. Speaking just from my own country(Sweden), it is age 16 which is the consentual age(with other 16 year olds), and even then it is considered to be against a minor until the person is actually 18.

And that is just the act itself. In Sweden, anything of even remotely suggestive sexual nature including any, even fictional characters such as artwork, novellas, chatroom/texting rp, that involves a character beneath age 16, is considered to be a violation against minors and severly punished, with nothing short of jailtime. So in our case, even if both participants are 18+ when doing any cybering, if any of them erp/involve a character in their erp that is below the age of 16, it is still considered a crime.

And as said, Blizzard would have to enforce/alert authorities of said country if this would be seen and reported. So just keep it out of wow.


Yeah, unfortunately I do believe not all people hold the amount of “proof” needed before meting out punishment to the same standards as you, and I would hate to grand legitimacy to these people

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I’ve actually learned something interesting and applicable in the UO thread. I love trudging through the muck sometimes, you never know when you find a penny.

Agreed again. The lynch mob culture (which I definitely used to be a part of) doesn’t really help anyone. Between that and assuming that anyone who remotely defends - in this case - ERP or offers a different perspective automatically must do it themselves, when we should all know that’s not true, it can become pretty toxic.


Yeah, I have the weirdest set of friends with the oddest set of abilities, but yeah. That’s UK Law, and still applies in the EU, till the end of March anyway :smiley:

Not the B word!

Oh to live in a country where nobody and I mean NOBODY knows what’s going to happen next. It’s like the UK 8.1.5. Will it be content rich or a flush?

I never promoted it, did I? My opinion is merely that a lot of people that RP, also ERP, and that I think ERP is an important reason in why the server hasn’t bled dry yet. That’s my unpopular opinion, I’ve no real horse in the race when it comes to ERP itself, this place isn’t the place to discuss that.

I could rant, I could, but I won’t, suffice to say I voted to Remain. It is going to be an interesting time, and I have my survival plan worked out. My mother did say I would be probably best off shooting her first, as long as I could aim straight, but yeah. I have a survival plan

Well, good discussion lads. Definitely learned some new things too, and am looking forward to hearing what Brigs finds out from hos buddy :pray:


Do you have any base for this though beyond “its what I believe”? Cus so far I’ve seen -no one- agree with you on this, and you still come back to defend it, rather than having it being just an opinion.

Hence why I consider it promoting it. You have several times stated that it is basically the reason RP still exists on AD which is just false.

I come back to defend it cause it seems to have created quite a discussion - but the discussion has derailed into legalities now and whether ERP is good or bad, which I am not interested in, really.

Thank you for this great + insightful argument. Do you also happen to be convinced that earth is in fact flat and less than 10 000 years old?


Sounds like a pretty unpopular opinion, huh.


I think people are curious where you’re drawing these opinions from, because you presented them earlier as if they were akin to facts. So the question is where’s the evidence?

If you’re an ERPer yourself (whatever floats your boat so long as minors aren’t involved) don’t you think that most of the RPers you’ll meet probably will be ERPers too?

It’s like asking a prisoner how many men on average he thinks take drugs. His pool of perspective on the subject is going to be horribly jaded due to his frame of reference.

Not that i’m asking you to conduct a survey, I just think the claim “most RPers ERP” is a pretty wild claim to make without anything to back it up. I’ve played WoW for a very long time (Vanilla baby) and I’ve only come across ERP maybe once or twice in all that time. So clearly you and I have been running in different circles.

@Brig I have no survival plan. I’m a teacher of humanities and liberal arts which is already a domain under scrutiny at the moment, so i’ll probably be breaking out my guitar and singing on city corners in 9 months - Locking the country into a situation where we’re forced to massively increase productivity due to cutting our nose off doesn’t really convince people to fund courses where you sit around studying ancient dead greek men (not exactly popular in today’s circles anyway, stale males and all).


B-but icewalls!