Unpopular Opinions

I think that the stigma that RP has because of ERP probably drives a lot of people away from it. Your claims about it sustaining RP are pretty baseless as there are guilds and communities on AD that ban ERP and they do just fine.


You got me there, yeah.

That’s the worst of it, he was 17, I -WAS- the authority figure…that’s not good!

Agreed in ten letters.


Just observing it. I’ve been in many RP guilds, and I always noticed how many people tend to ERP with one another (spending long amounts of time in an instance usually is what’s the give away to me), whenever events aren’t going on.

It’s a fair point, but I’m not so sure about this. I don’t really go out of my way to find ERP, since I hate being the one to ask or even bring it up.

Quite a difference to running into ERP, and running into someone who ERPs.

Drugs are banned too. Just because something is banned, doesn’t mean people cease doing it.

Anyway, this was an unpopular opinion thread and I posted mine. I have nothing more to say about this topic, it’s just how I feel.

This so much!

As Child: Wow teacher always knows exactly what to do, when, everything is just so together! How do they do it?

As Adult Teacher Myself: YOU THINK I HAVE A LESSON PLAN?

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That’s fair enough, maybe I interpreted your opinion commentary as presented in a more declarative light.

And whilst I agree “bumping into ERP is not bumping into one who ERPs” there is a correlation.

But thanks for keeping things civil even though we disagree on this.

hmm . . . ok

What’s the phrase?

‘The Lady doth protest too much’?

Maybe it’s being from the UK and thus completly jaded by ‘moral busy bodies’ but I suspect some of these lynch mob folks have more skeletons in their closet than Sylvanas.

The Unpopular Opinions thread has finally fulfilled it’s original purpose, I never thought I would live to see this day.


Can you elaborate on that suspicion and give direct examples? Some of us have nothing to hide and are quite adamantly reporting ERPers or deviants.


Perhaps not entirely on the level of ‘says X is vile, does X in secret’ but similar disliked things like sabotaging guilds, doxxing, harassment and so on.

If you mean examples of what has jaded me in the real world I can be more direct.

Nearly nobody is ‘innocent’ and has broken the TOS in some way or harassed another person, done some crap etc etc. For instance a LOT of people against ERP are damn hypocrits and break the TOS often by harassing and stalking others and are some of the worst people around.


Yeah, I’m not 100% sure coming up with claims of hypocrisy is the right way to go when you don’t have anything relevant to present. More so when it seems its 100% unrelated to ERP.

Strictly in the AD Community and in this case people who advocate reporting and demonizing ERP on the realm forums. I doubt I’m moving goalposts when being this specific.

I don’t think she can provide examples unless you want her to be punished for naming and shaming.

Harassment, doxxing and all that is just as bad as ERP tbf. References: Old forums if the threads haven’t been deleted.

Then I point to what Vaxir has said.

In my small time here I’ve seen guild sabotage, In game and out of game stalking, people hoarding screen shots of other people breaking the rules, to turn around and break the rules by spreading them on the forums, sharring nudes of another player, and that’s just since January.

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True and I rike it.

Here’s my (possible unpopular) opinion of the day: nobody cares. The anti-ERP crowd that tries to convince the people who support it that’s just bad etc etc etc.

No, you won’t change their minds. Goes for both the people against and for it. Nobody cares about your opinion and people will do what they want anyways. Yes, even ERP with a minor because nobody truely cares.

I can see that no nude january didn’t come through, huh?!

Why mention it then? Seems a rather pointless remark when it’s targeted at virtually no-one, based on nothing substantial and seemingly unrelated to what’s being discussed. It seems simply like an inflammatory blanket statement.

Good thing we are in an unpopular opinion thread. You egging others on and being petulant fanned those flames far more than any of your haters ever could, not to mention when you have claimed multiple times that you’re only present on these forums to troll others.

What did you expect the result would be?

Pls present evidence of all that as, as you’ve said, without it it means nothing pretty much.

I don’t troll nor have a bad temper so idk where it’s even come from haha. I’ve only egged one person on if I’m honest. They deserved the ban.

Also odd to get kinda salty at me when I just claim to know the facts.