Unpopular Opinions

I said this in another thread, but people take the forums way too seriously. They’ve been known to be a trash space for years (it’s why i’m here, me = :put_litter_in_its_place:), though admittedly it’s a lot more of a pleasant place than it was back during Cataclysm. It’s no longer the wild-west with a new controversy every wednesday.


/e mentions person Y ERP’d in 2009.

I mean it’s a tradition alive and well, I heard on the wind there was a massive dispute at the recent Northrend campaign and in true fashion Horde guilds all packed up and left.

Not sure if factional napoleon syndrome or a deliberate malevolence on behalf of the players who refuse (under all circumstances) to take a loss. :man_shrugging:

Was on Alliance side that campaign. The Horde leaving had little to do their loss in the overal campaign and more to do with drama in the Campaign discord, apparently started by someone Alliance side. I don’t know the details as well as others, but I doubt taking a loss was a reason Horde all but abandoned the campaign.

You Germans can be proud of your heritage too, every nation has it’s black page in the history books, except mine ofcourse.

I think alot of people still care, but with the inconsistency of Blizzard’s A+ story… we’re getting so divided because we have so many examples of how the Horde/Alliance should be ingame that everyone that thinks they see how the Horde/Alliance should really be wants their cake and eat it too.

I remember when WotLK was “The worst expansion ever”, it was going to “destroy World of WarCraft” and WoW was "“dying because WotLK looks bad”, and the story was “crap”, same with every expansion afterwards.

and here we are, looking fondly upon most of them, give it two years and BfA was also a good expansion :thinking:

It was due to the dodgy antics of Alliance players so says the grapevine; doxxing and so on, there was a drama thread about it not too long ago. People simply didn’t want to roleplay with folks who deemed it acceptable behaviour.


And yet there have been cases in the past when the boot was on the other foot and the Alliance were told to just “suck it up”. Which is fair enough and all, but then to go and not give the same courtesy when its the other way around?

Entirely understandable why there was such a fuss really.

It involved sharing nude photos of another player (in the form of a discord emoji iirc). Can’t exactly fault the host for calling it quits after stuff like that went down.

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Wrath didn’t half the sub count in a single financial year quarter though.

People aren’t so much as looking back and saying WoD overall was good but rather that classes, dungeons and so on were still reasonably solid in spite of tons of other issues. WoD was still a dumpster fire but when you compare it to the forest fire that BfA classes and dungeons are it suddenly doesn’t look so bad.

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Yet BFA still has more content not even half way into the expansion than WoD ever did. Methinks people are tightening the rose-tinted goggles a bit too hard. Garrisoncraft was an okay experience to level in and had a fair story (wibbly wobbly aside) but the end game was completely absent for the most part.

WotLK can be viewed as the worst expansion ever if you see it as the start of Activision Blizzard’s choke hold on the game.

It can also be viewed as dying if you look at a graph of the sub numbers over time (of course natural factors come into play such as age, but it’s still something).

WotLK can be viewed as bad due to the precedent it set in terms of game design which has arguably lead to the downfall of the game.

As bias as I am to the above points (somewhat believing them myself), one can easily take those viewpoints and apply them to the quotes you made.

Story was alright though, I’ll give it that.

Doesn’t matter how much content there is, when it’s all dog trash

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Don’t particularly blame people for wanting out tbh.

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It’s not necessarily a content issue. It’s the quality of said content.

Story is garbo.

All the classes I play got gutted.

Dungeons are overflowing with trash padding.

I have no interest in the raids.

The PvP is still a mess.

Islands and warfronts are dull.

Leveling is probably the worst it’s ever been.

Etc. Literally first time I let my sub lapse since Cata.

I honestly thought nothing could be worse than WoD.

I expected nothing and I am still disappointed.

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We’ve been saying that since Cata.

“It can’t get any worse than Green Jesus”

“If can’t get any worse than Orc Hitler”

“It can’t get any worse than time travelling orcs”

“It can’t get any worse than Illidan actually being a good guy all along”

“Jesus Christ”

At this point I’m morbidly curious to see what’s next. Vulpera take over the world? Sylvanas is actually knaifu from the future?


I’d laugh, but it’s so true

Void elves are a cool race.

They give us alot of material within roleplay and are probably one of the best elements added to the WoW lore since years.

Not only do they give us roleplayers a great way of having a defined “more insane / questionable” race but they also add possible future story elements. Such as knowledge on the void (nobody does within our faction leaders?) and how to defeat the bicc bad void lords.

(( Don’t kill me. imgur. com/a/wOqV9cA ))


Hell yes in ten characters