Unpopular Opinions

Allow me to pick this apart for you:

They’ll never acknowledge this.

:dagger: :dagger: :dagger:

I also think that. The problem is that

The narrative does not seem to acknowledge the fact that void elves possess many of the traits that make them unique. While I was a keen supporter of the void elves as a race and concept*, they are now treated like another generic race in the big Alliance Family™.

*I still like the concept and think that there’s awesome potential, but in order to fulfil that potential you have to start coming up with your own headcanon that contradicts lore—i.e., the riots against VElves, or small-scale crusades by the Lightforged. Contradicts, because Lightforged and Void Elves dastardly shake hands in friendly union against the Horde at the moment.

Void Elves are a primary reason why I’m torn between full lore movement vs. anti-lore headcanon. Headcanon is good and enriches the world as long as you know it’s headcanon and won’t try to argue as if it’s a divine word from Blizzard, but becomes bad when the divine word is broken beyond mere difference of interpretation. It’s undeniable that, while the overall narrative in BfA is pretty ok (and this might be unpopular indeed), the small-scale details are certainly not.


A Lightforged is the one you report to in the mission to void-necromance the hecc out of some poor innocent dinos and their eggs.

Like WTF. If it wasn’t for the arbitrary faction mechanics of an MMO, the Lightforged would be going full 40k Exterminatus on the velves.

Of course, Lady Liadrin wouldn’t scream that DARKNESS CANNOT ABIDE WITHIN THE LIGHT while serving the forsaken, either.


A Wild God’s children*

remember when someone tried to claim that night elves and void elves share a lot in common and should be natural allies :joy:


Exactly to what I was referring to. I was mid-argument with Telaryn when I learned, and my next reply was basically ‘ok no you’re right this sucks’. I mean, I had hopes that the story would create intricate, political plots within the Alliance—Genn barking for Gilneas, Tyrande for Darkshore, Anduin for Zandalar, and the chaos causes the Lightforged to strike against the Void Elves, ending up in an Alliance civil war. Moira could even jump on that train (again), now that Varian isn’t around to wag his finger at her.

But nah, can’t be the lawful good & morally correct faction without the brand

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Void Elves are cool.

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Well they’re both void elves now, so they’re not TOTALLY off the mark anymore.

Did we even get a word on what’s the current state of Gnomeregan? Is it completely cleansed and reclaimed, given how Mekkatorque was happy to dedicate his people to a war effort on two islands and get himself grievously wounded in the process.

currently it’s a pet battle dungeon… so gnomes are now funding their armies by turning their irradiated ruins into a theme park… guess that goblin greed rubbed off on 'em.

Some regular dinos that the zandalari and Horde raise as mounts and kill as a matter of convenience.*

Gonk just asserts fatherhood by right of Raptor Loa.


“Child of Gonk”

What did they mean by this?

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Regular dino with symbolic title, displaying no traits implying wild god significance or connection. It’s not like they can talk like Rhonin’s raptor army.

No, they’re animals with symbolic significance which is why they’re targeted in the first place. Unless you imply zandalari have demigod raptor cavalry…

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I can easily picture Chris Pratt playing Rhonin. Why?


It’s important to remember that most races are also “children of the Titans”. Wild Gods are pretty much that to “us”—Gods—and from them spawns lesser life. A raptor that comes from Gonk’s brood is no special other than being able to say its daddy is the daddy, and to make a greater claim about it would be quite the leap without any evidence.

Pa’ku also seems a touch uncaring for the fact that you probably went on a Pterodactyl murder spree and happened to orphan an egg. She’s ready to dismiss it just like that. Is there a reason for this?

Wild Gods, while effectively immortal due to their ties to the Emerald Dream, are no more omniscient or omnipotent than a mortal. We have seen them lie, be lied to, we have seen them corrupted and corrupt, we have seen them enact their own superiority, battle for territory, have rivalries and enemies, and possess agendas which aren’t some sort of deific divine will.

Plot holes in the VElf & Alliance story will remain just that: plot holes. But let’s not keep trying to make the killing of a bunch of raptors seem like the worst thing ever second only to the Legion. Don’t RP DELTA on the forums Telaryn.


Wild God child who is definitely above a normal tiger. He’s a talking magical intelligent flying tiger who may also be immortal and can turn into a humanoid.

Who also could talk a whole lot less if he wants me to ever use him.

Regardless of their direct affiliation to Gonk or not, they’re still intelligent creatures capable of sapient thought. If the void elves wandered into a village of humanoids, butchered the adults and then reanimated their corpses, and corrupted the babies still in the womb with Void Magic, people might have a BIT of a problem with it.

But just like with dragons people are just “oh they’re not humanoid so it’s not that big of a deal”.


Everyone has been waiting eagerly for the new pet dungeon to be released.

While it’s not necromancy per sey (in the specific magic), it’s necromancy in the classical sense. Whether it’s humanoid or not, it’s still morally wrong™ if you go by the Alliance’s own stance on it. Then there’s the fact that it’s a group of people, who had first hand experienced the Scourge are arguably committing to Scourge tactics; the ghosts at Goldenmist village were ‘raised’ to intimidate/spook/be a general nuisance during the Scourge invasion/occupation.


Unpopular opinion: I think making a post just to claim the 3000th reply is perfectly fine.

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Not sure if unpopular or popular, so will go with it:

As someone who loves pet battles and all things along with it, Gnomeregan pet dungeon is honestly poorly designed.

Looking aside the fact that they basically put Gnomeregan/gnome progression in a permament corner with this, the actual instance is very poorly made.


The first fight is deliberatly made to be frustrating, banking on the annoy-a-tron meme from heartstone, with it being a mechanical pet called “prototype annoy-a-tron”. It has high damage that affects the entire team, and a shield on very short cooldown(about 3 rounds) that always goes first.

The second fight is three fairly generic elementals that has nothing to do with the actual dungeon, basically just thrown in. They all have 2 random pets as well, so making it 9 to beat in total.

Third fight is weird, it’s against three mechanical pats(classified as it while hovering over), they got mechanical robot models, but counted as elementals and has very high dmg and speed. Artifically made misleading and difficult.

Fourth part is just, run all the way to the final boss room through bombs, you can use a little veichle. But it is so pointless.

Fifth part is again, generic fight against a cocroach and a rat(Both with 2 random pets each as well), and then as a legendary rat that will instantly kill your active pet regardless of undead or mech passive.

After that, its against 3(9) mech pets again(This is where the dungeon felt -really- long drawn and gruelling), with 9 pets in total to beat over 3 fights.

Finally, you meet the boss, after a minute of rp interaction with some mysterious mad scientist(using the nelf model) who then activates the final boss, which was honestly just again, artifically made difficult, and more annoying than anything else.
It is a epic mech with lots of hp, who uses one ability that forces you to swap pets, an aoe frost nova that slows the team, and a powerful attack that hits like 6 times in a row for one use. Atop of that it, has a passive, so when it dies, it comes back to full hp. This triggers after the mech passive.
So essentially, you need to beat it thrice. First normal, then mech passive, then its own passive from full hp.
However, once its special passive is triggered, it gets higher damage output, and also deals constant aoe dmg every time you hit it with an ability, or when it hits you(this is atop of its bonus dmg too)

And honestly, aside from the achivement reward and one pet, the rewards you can grind for(you need to do this like 3 times per pet, and it only resets weekly) are very lackluster.

So, with my rant inside that spoiler tag, the Gnomeregan pet dungeon is awful. I’d prefer them to forget Gnomeregan all together honestly.