Unpopular Opinions

have you tried claiming general ad thread with a round number tho?

WotLK can be viewed as the worst expansion ever if you see it as the start of Activision Blizzard’s choke hold on the game.

WOTLK started with the worst raidtier in the history of WoW. The whole content was cleared the day it came out and even 3D Sartharion fell quickly considering 99% of the playerbase were ignoring “hardmode” at that time.

Sarth 3D lasted longer than mythic Xavius, Helya, Mar’gok, Will of the Emperor, Shek’zeer and Sha of Fear.


we do not speak of this

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This thread should be locked so I don’t have to scroll down through all of it

And yes I’m on mobile, my computer is broke.

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pet battles? Come at me bruh!
I’ll spidertank your rabbits down the deadmines, up the wailing caverns straight in to gnomergan.

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Legendary creature of mythical quality. Good for finding that one example when every other “child of a [Wild God]” is absolutely a fairly normal animal.

Cool, now THERE are facts that are entirely true. It’s not exactly the pinnacle of Mr. Morality, aka the Alliance. It also is, besides the Lightforged draenei, a fairy gaping plot hole – not the pinnacle of Mr. WaitAndSee, either.

Necromancy (important pedantic note as ‘it isn’t’, sure) isn’t cool and definitely should be treated as something bad – morally gray war meme and all considered. No matter what way we pull it, though, they are just raptors (intelligent or not). Now, you can personally feel like the death of an intelligent non-humanoid creature (like, say, a dolphin) is and should be treated the same way as an actual sapient humanoid (morally and/or legally) but I don’t think our cultures themselves are clear/have concluded with a philosophy on the matter (looking at modern day animal rights activists and the many, many movements still ongoing). The topic is certainly controversial and I don’t think a forum video game argument is going to suddenly revolutionise the way we work as people. Hell, I don’t even know where I stand on the topic.

So I guess idk? Necromancy™ deserves a slap on the hand and the Alliance needs to put a hard pause on ruthless conquest to reevaluate their ethical stance towards animal rights? I conclude that there isn’t a right answer for the situation and dismiss all other logic with ‘its just bad writing bro’.


20 silver coins have been deducted from your bank account.

I dunno about that, the celestials all have kids and every one of them is glowing like a christmas tree. Probably no coincidence.

The offsprings of Har’koa are pretty shiny too (not counting for cursed red eyes)

Even if they were just ordinary raptors, you’d think the cenarion circle, Pandaren, elves, the lightforged, all be opposing heavily the notion of twisting nature, defiling corpses, and using a style of magic that most of Azeroth was introduced to by the Legion(Necromancy via the old horde), devestated most of the eastern kingdoms, and is currently being used by the very same enemy that even those on her own side seem to hate.

Not to mention of course that it isnt regular ol’ necromancy, but also used by void energies/magic which is nothing but bad.

Mercenary guilds should stop being made because of how excessive they are.

It would be nice to have some new ideas like a civilian RP or the Explorers League but people have to be “Human / Night elf good guy who always kill evil”

It gets repetitive, please stop.


Even if the raptors are just “normal raptors”, they are still part of a race that builds stone houses (raptor grounds in the barrens) and picks beads and feathers to accessorise themselves (I remember getting some for my venomhide)

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What kinda sticks out though, is that alot of the merc guilds tend to be…rather excessive. It’s more common than not for alot of them to act pretty much as murdering bandits rather than well, mercenaries.


Yeah, from what guilds I have been in the past, they don’t get hired by actual people to kill stuff, they just kill things that they want.

They’re just your average murder hobos in DnD.

Edit: Altough I believe they pretend to be good, or actually believe they are while they kill everything they see.


It’s been that way for expansions, rule of cool buddy. Rule of cool.

Spot on. And in quite alot of cases, the things they kill are well…needless?

The amount of merc guilds I’ve seen in the past, or a few ive been part on that has at some point during a event or campaign come across like a little village of Furbolgs or some small Tauren civilian encampment, only to go in full zealot and murder everything there, with not just kills, but decapitations, lengthy emotes of gore and viceral, hunting/shooting down fleeing creatures/people etc, the amount of times I’ve both seen and heard this is a bit concerning, and honestly very dull as a rp element.

And this tends to happen regardless of what objective the groups have. It could simply be that they passed this route on their way to the thing they were actually meant to fight. And this is something often boasted about both IC and on various forum pages for the guilds.

And funnily enough, this seem alot more common among Alliance guilds than Horde warbands and the like.


A lot of people won’t like this opinion but I don’t like campaigns involving resources where there are multiple pve/hold the point objectives or when people can do special things to sap resources. It always favours the side with more numbers as they can just capture all of the side objectives and steal supplies and stuff whilst the side with less numbers can barely hold the front. They’re very punishing mechanics towards the side with less players as it punishes them for people not logging on, and leads to extreme competitiveness, most notably when I had an Alliance GM screaming at the Horde for picking up something completely unrelated to the resource system once and demanding that they void it.


Oh there are way too much on the Alliance. You go into the Cathedral district and it’s covered with banners of Mercenary of Paramilitary guilds. Not a hundred percent sure on why it would be Alliance but maybe it’s because they think the Alliance are the good guys or whatever and so are they.


I feel like it could be from the same kind of reason/possiblity to why we’ve had alot of “Deus vult”, W40k influences and overtly xenophobic humans a lá Dragon Age, lately. Particularly revolving Alliance & human rp.

The Alliance as a whole, with both its structure and races, does from just a quick look at it, fit into a very common/typical trope. You have the humans, you have the generic fantasy elves, you have the medieval/fantasy kingdoms with lords, knights, religion etc.

So some people(not just “new players” honestly) see little to no issue to bring over not just inspiration, but sometimes straight up rip-offs(Hello witcher monster hunters with mutant potions and rune spells), or concepts that, in the actual Warcraft story, just doesn’t really fit in without making it jarringly stick out as a sore thumb. Mainly because they view it not as what differs in the warcraft setting, but as “Oh, typical fantasy humans and elves and orcs, ok.”