Unpopular Opinions

There are some tinges of very bitter and morally bankrupt human characters, Aedelas Blackmoore and Garithos are two that spring to mind. However, they always tend to be depicted as villains. It’s not impossible or characters to run in a similar vein to these.

However, it’s very obvious when there’s some OOC influence running through the character.


Exactly, it’s like when a person bring their IC opinions onto the the forums.

It’s always human light finactics as well, like the scarlet crusade hating void elves.

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Turalyon literally says “The Light Wills It” in the warfront btw so it’s not like this is entirely being discourged by Blizz


Of course, those characters exists. But as I said on the Iron Rose guild page months ago regarding Garithos, as he is brought up nearly every time when talking about people rping racist humans:

Garithos, and to some extent, Aedelas Blackmoore, are depicted both by the story as fully -evil- characters with no other role than a villian and no redeeming features or quality. The xenophobia part is simply there as an additional feature, as both men are also shown to be just as cruel and vicious without it. And in history, they aren’t shown to be remembered as heroes, but either completly forgotten, or as noteworthy failures and an exception.

Xenophobia and hatred towards orcs and the horde races, has been shown to be quite a common thing among Alliance populace, particularly humans, throughout basically every warcraft game and expansion. But the issue I’ve always had with these type of roleplayers is that I have yet to see a case where it is just against the Horde.

So far in every case I’ve seen, they have also shown, not just disdain, but pure, utter hatred towards -all- of their allies. Gnomes, night elves, dwarves, draenei etc. Sometimes, to the point where they seemingly hate them more than the Horde.

And so far, with nearly every case, these characters hasn’t been portrayed as “simple Joe the farmer”, but as high-ranking Alliance Commanders, members of the church, Veteran soldiers etc. And seemingly claim both IC and OOC that this is fully justified and either is, or should be a common human trait.

That’s my main issue really.

Along with what you said regarding the OOC influence. I’ve actually been linked videos to white supremacist rallies, as justification for rping these type of characters. And of course my favourite was some guy who told me that “we humans on earth are racist by default, so it should apply here as well.”


True, but there is a huge diffrence between that, and screaming “DEUS VULT” before trying to riot against a passing gnome or elf.


Don’t get me started on Turalyon, sure I like Deus Vult and all but he is the most one dimensional boring character ever.

I doubt Blizzard care but just seeing the same people doing the same light fanatic thing gets repetitive for me. Personally I would love to see more uncommon things being role played in the Alliance such as Dwarves, Gnomes, Kul’Tirans, Pandaerans, arc.

Edit: Arc? Autocorrect is at it again. I meant Etc


In Borean Tundra, the Draenei Vindicator in the keep offers to provide troops for the alliance effort in the region. It’s politely declined as they are too “exotic” for the common pleb.


People pushing their OOC opinion like this should largely be ignored.

I honestly get where you’re coming from, I largely avoided a lot of the Kalimdor-centric roleplay back during Cataclysm because I was pretty much outright fatigued by the vein of roleplay there. Which was a varying shade of PROVE YOURSELF TO THE HORDE ELF SHE-WOMAN (not to mention every week you had an orc stomp around Silvermoon to assert his IC masculinity/insult everyone around him for being a woman and having long hair or something).

Xenophobia and racism aren’t a “wrong” thing to do as far as roleplay is concerned, it’s just that the people who make it the main trait of their character tend to do it with zero “tact”. And their character comes across as a 2D joke.


This was especially sad when looking back at the Nelf refugee ordeal and how it played out IC (mostly racist refugee jokes/RP heavily influenced through OOC climate), when in Elegy (I think that was it), the humans of Stormwind took in Kaldorei refugees into their homes no problem and were really welcoming. Best way to deal with it is taking these IC encounters as an exception and acknowledge whats in novels/quests as the common rule, imo.

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In Borean Tundra, the Draenei Vindicator in the keep offers to provide troops for the alliance effort in the region. It’s politely declined as they are too “exotic” for the common pleb.

I’m not sure if this is really a good example. The councillor who declined the draenei’s assistance was a san’layn in disguise and was mind controlling the general next to him. Seems more like the Scourge trying to hamper the Alliance’s efforts in Borean Tundra than a genuine example of human racism.


They also demonstrate consistent ability to speak through out Stranglethorn questing too.

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Even more reason to consider them a sentient species and this whole void-necromancy nonsense from the void elves to be considered horrifying.

Umbric himself goes on to acknowledge how the raptors are considered as good as equal to people in the Zandalari society, and he thinks that the sanctity of the dead is a primitive concept. He then cites Dar’khan Drathir over how he thinks it’s poetic for them to be killed by their own loved ones.

Yeah, well, we know Umbric’s a hypocrite.

I’ve not been following the backs and forths in this conversation exactly, but i see its circled back to whether the children of gonk are his actual children or not. in the end it doesn’t matter if they are or are not, since raptors are sentient creatures (that we’ve all provided sources for) and Umbric is subjecting another sentient race to the very thing Arthas did to his own people not too long ago.

But then again, Umbric was like, “hey, yeah, you know Dar’khan Drathir? Lets go use his magic.”

EDIT: And then there’s the Alliance being, “yeah, we’re okay with this”

The Alliance are the bad guys and always have been. You can send me links and give me very well reasoned essays that’re well sourced but you will never change my mind.

loktar chris


NCR vs Caesar’s Legion: The Warcraft version.

(With less morals and depth)

Yeah except Blizzard have their own timetable and aren’t forced to rush a product so that one of the factions aren’t two-dimensional and missing content.


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Yet despite this, their own nuance and story is even more one-dimensional and bland :stuck_out_tongue:

Umbric is merely the most woke of all Elves.


All dar’khan’s writings contributed to Umbric once already in exile was to point to the magic box the ethereal used to Void him and his followers. The meme that Void elves were exiled for being devout followers of arch-betrayer drathir has to go.

I also maintain that the zandalari have no problem with killing these supposed divine children of gonk and that their issue lies with the shock value of shoving void critters into animal carcasses which isn’t even Necromancy. Not cool of the void elves but far from the affront of regular horde tactics these days.

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That… doesn’t contradict what i said?

i did not say they got exiled for using Drathir’s writings. I just find it absurd they even touch any of it since you know, he let Arthas in and he then that decimated most of their former race.