Of course, those characters exists. But as I said on the Iron Rose guild page months ago regarding Garithos, as he is brought up nearly every time when talking about people rping racist humans:
Garithos, and to some extent, Aedelas Blackmoore, are depicted both by the story as fully -evil- characters with no other role than a villian and no redeeming features or quality. The xenophobia part is simply there as an additional feature, as both men are also shown to be just as cruel and vicious without it. And in history, they aren’t shown to be remembered as heroes, but either completly forgotten, or as noteworthy failures and an exception.
Xenophobia and hatred towards orcs and the horde races, has been shown to be quite a common thing among Alliance populace, particularly humans, throughout basically every warcraft game and expansion. But the issue I’ve always had with these type of roleplayers is that I have yet to see a case where it is just against the Horde.
So far in every case I’ve seen, they have also shown, not just disdain, but pure, utter hatred towards -all- of their allies. Gnomes, night elves, dwarves, draenei etc. Sometimes, to the point where they seemingly hate them more than the Horde.
And so far, with nearly every case, these characters hasn’t been portrayed as “simple Joe the farmer”, but as high-ranking Alliance Commanders, members of the church, Veteran soldiers etc. And seemingly claim both IC and OOC that this is fully justified and either is, or should be a common human trait.
That’s my main issue really.
Along with what you said regarding the OOC influence. I’ve actually been linked videos to white supremacist rallies, as justification for rping these type of characters. And of course my favourite was some guy who told me that “we humans on earth are racist by default, so it should apply here as well.”