Unpopular Opinions

Das hot. I hope it wasn’t a san’layn!

(Halfly) Unpopular opinion of today:

pineapple pizza is best pizza.

Justifying no particular response without context unless I am implied to be so thin skinned a ruler as to be wholly unqualified?

Certainly a problem.

As do a lot of other people, restrained by permissive use. Surely there is a sensible solution?

We are not strangers to excess and know well the price of such. Confront him again, reminding him of the danger he would subject us to. If he persists, demote him and replace him with a responsible researcher.

Yet we have voidpriests. Clearly mastery can be attained without ruin. Our forsaken allies seem quite adept at the art and could be called upon for expertise, offering insights that we would find immensely helpful, regardless of hesitation to admit such.

I do not render potentially dangerous elements stateless and drifting where they may fester and return with good cause to do the harm we fear of them. Better that they serve us in what capacity they are able. If their power is so dangerous, better that they study it under safe, controlled conditions that we dictate than some reckless experiment involving Light knows what in some other dimension!

We make spectacular examples of traitors and fiends including our last prince. Death is not out of the question. A dramatic beheading still hasn’t fallen out of style, has it?

When did we last exile such a person? The Quel’dorei? Surely their offense was nowhere near that harsh as is implied with this rogue researcher! And since when were we all sharing bunks? Why does no one inform me of bunk sharing?! I hear those kaldorei raise their children in groups as if they didn’t have families, though. Bah! Savages.

There will be no exile. Did you not see the latest census?

We’ve a long record of rearranging the thoughts of dissidents into compliant model citizens. As distasteful as the practice is these days, destroying all memory of potentially cataclysmic research seems the most, if you’ll pardon the term, humane solution. The element of danger thus removed, Umbric and his lot can make splendid basket weavers, I’m sure!

The books and notes of troubling research must, I’m afraid, be burned even as the thought of destroying a book of perfectly good dark arts sickens me. Oh, the things I do for my homeland!

Agreed, but conjecture leads us nowhere. I’d treat it as canon given the recent blood elf turn toward the Light with golden eyes and all but I’m not Regent of RP.

A lady doesn’t kiss and tell.

Yet, ultimately, warlocks wont trigger a new apocalypse by simply being in proximity to the Sunwell; which is what the void elves were exiled over. Let’s just agree to disagree at this point; we’re clearly in disagreement.


Getting in-game goodies from Blizzcon is a bad thing, just like Store Mounts.
They promote the paying with real money for in-game items, which should not be a thing.




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I would’ve ranted that it’s an Activision choice over Blizzard’s, but then I paused to realise the TCG was pretty much the same thing; promoting the use of real money to get in-game rewards and that was way before the merge.

Sadly in the day of micro-transactions and ‘convention exclusives’, we can wave goodbye to working hard to get an ingame reward. You want this title? Cough up. Want a mount that can feasably be obtained through a difficult quest chain? Pay £19 and it’s instantly yours!

It’s because of things like these, it makes me greatful for the Warlock greenfire quest chain being released when it was. If we had got it now, it’d probably be a shop exclusive cosmetic or something. Hell, I wouldn’t put it passed the execs to say “spell colour changes are now purchasable!”. Want dark themed Holy Pally spells? Nightmare Druid effects? Black ice/fire spells for mages? Buy yours today for a limited time in the Blizzard Store!

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Don’t give them ideas.

Also these blizzcon rewards were a thing before Atvi bought blizz

Really, it’s just a matter of time at this point.

I guess we can’t -fully- blame Activision if practices like this were already in effect. They certainly didn’t help the situation though.

I am not going to lie, I would buy that.

Void effect for priest? Hell yea.
Nightmare druid effects? Hell yea.
Dark theme holy paladind spells? Hell yea.

I would go so far and even say if cross-faction chat was a thing to buy I would instantly buy it. Aswell as other races.

IF, and this is a big if, it were to ever be implimented then I’d say remove the subscription model. Have one or the other, don’t introduce both. That’s just beyond scummy.


This company has no qualms at all about going beyon scummy. Just look at Blacks Ops 4, which now has a microtransaction system that would make free games go: “Wooaah there. Maybe tone it down a bit?”


I really want to post how both Telaryn AND Levey are wrong (and right) with a mass of new Chronicle™ sources, but I’m away from the PC so [just trust me bro] will do.

Blood elves are still a people with different ideals and moralities. What might they subject themselves as a nation is different to what they accept as a people. Blood Knights being the best example: while the people shunned and spat, literally, on the dark methods employed by former priests, the nation sanctioned them and officialised them enough as to present them to the Horde as a ‘this is what we bring’ card.

In that regard, blood elves do have a history of pursuing dark roads—as long as they lead to results. Yet they stop as soon as their sense of being morally correct/justified fades. It is important to remember that culture and social mannerism don’t/cannot be excplicitly stated in the form of an encyclopedia. For that reason, we deduct from dialogue and interactions.

Overall, it is not out of character for Rommath to do his best in pushing away and eventually exiling Umbric’s cult—but certain members of the people (like, say, my elf) might have different takes on it. Not all Sunfury were evil, and the remnants were accepted back just fine despite waging war on Silvermoon with demons and fel. (-edit: this made it sound like I RP a Sunfury; its an example, not a case)

tl;dr: blood elf society is oppresive and there is no freedom of speech & mind, so you go along with what your leaders decide even though you might disagree

PS: blood elves are 100% not ok with fel and, in fact, it is not at all common/existent in Quel’Thalas. Take a look at the Spellbreaker Guide/Spellstealing and Mana Draining for references to that claim


Want to hide your hat in SW:ToR? Pay up.

A nightmarish low water mark I pray to Mammon to spare us from in WoW.

Well, yeah, probably. It’s still my unpopular opinion that blood elves happily pursue power, do risky magics and have a history of using the Void prior to Rommath deciding to be a complete fool. Washing his hands of what Umbric does in exile and getting morally indignant is hypocrisy.

I wrote something above, but then rewrote it before posting it seems. Yes, you are entirely correct; it’s what I would (did?) call it. To put it plainly, it is entirely Thalassian to feel justified about doing something against your supposed morality because the world owes you, even though it is hypocritical. It’s why VElves using necromancy or similar methods is very suitable. Those methods, however, are left to the higher-ups, aka Rommath.

But that’s where the schism comes in, the ‘opinion’. For the matter, I share it. Factually, it cannot be proven for the simple fact that lore does not exist on it. The ‘Nation’ and ‘People’ as I put it are very different things in the extremely limited portrayal they’ve had. Quel’Thalas has a history of morally dubious practises historically, regardless of the fact that its people now condemn them (ie Kael’thas and his fel vision—the nation dabbled in fel, but the people would shun it)


But that Stormwind Skychaser is pretty wizard.

Quite the Garroshian attitude you’ve got there.

On the subject, hypocrisy is very blood elven. So it all works out in the end.

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Sylvanas is still cool, the war is interesting, the raid (BfD) is super fun, BfA is a good expansion.

I love it. I actually love it, and am enjoying myself greatly. Yes, some things need to be redone or perhaps even just slightly adjusted, but it remains a great experience overall.