Unpopular Opinions

It’s time to unplug this man… He’s been on life support of lies for too long. His mental state degraded far beyond what humankind can withstand.

Unplugs with teary eyes.


The word you were looking for was ‘Elven’. Hypocrisy and ‘do as I say, not as I do’ seem to be a universal Elven trait.

Kaldorei: “Arcane is naughty, I don’t care that Dath’remar just saved our High Priestess EXILE THEM!”
Later on “Well, maybe Arcane -isn’t- so naughty, but only if, like, it is our Arcanists doing it, we’ll let the Highborne back in”
Later still “How do we know you won’t turn into Elisande! You do magic!” “Err, how do we know you won’t turn into Aszhara, Tyrande, I mean that’s quite the cult of personality you have going on there…”

Quel’dorei: "Take Sustenance from Living Creatures? What debased monsters you are, that is EVIL, EVIL I say! Go on Exile me. I’ll sit in Stormwind eating Steak…taking sustenance from living crea…oh, wait…

Sin’dorei: "Hey dudes, using Void Magic is totally not OK. You should like, use more friendly magics like Fel Magic, in fact you know what Get out, You’re Exiled. This is in no way what happened to our ancestors in a Microcosm, the Kaldorei are hypocrites, we’re umm…not…yes, definitely not.

Ren’dorei “Those fools, they do not understand we do what we must to protect Quel’thalas, but despite being in the Horde we have err, always had Alliance values, that we will stay very silent about, in fact completely silent, until we get kicked out. Oh, and Dar’khan Drathir had some good ideas, which we thought were worth following through on, because he was such a moral beacon of rectitude and din’ du nuffin’”

Hypocrisy, like cruelty tends to just be a -very- Elven trait.

Which is brilliant.


Kinda different though, no?

Fel didn’t affect the Sunwell, while Void clearly did.

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That’s a tricky one, as technically they were not concurrent. The Fel Crystals were sent back to do the thing the Sunwell -did- till it was desecrated, which was ‘Keep the floaty buildings floating’, and by the time of WotLK when the Sunwell was reignited, the Belf’s binned all the Fel Crystals (Rommath was especially furious about it, as Kael’thas had tricked him into bringing them back to Azeroth)

Thing is, the Sunwell is a Magical portal. Its not that the Void Effected it. I mean our -characters- probably think it was, the -Lore- characters probably think it was, because Alleria+Sunwell equals horrible Void Nasties, but it wasn’t actually Alleria’s fault. It was nothing to do with the Void Magics within her, but more to do with the creature of the Void waiting to basically assassinate her on the other side of the Sunwell.

I do wonder some times how many ‘revolving doors’ BLizzard will write into Horde story. “Hmm, We need a nasty thing to manifest” “Hey, why not the Sunwell!” “Genius, we’ve not done that a few times too many!” “We need some angst to hammer home that the Horde is bad” “Hey, why not kill off the Warchief!” “Genius, we’ve not done that a few times too many!”

I mean Void is bad, but I think the irony of the Void Elves is whilst they studied it to protect Quel’thalas, what they did was just draw attention to it. So kinda…like the entire history of the Elves and Magic…


Good point.

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Yes, they did right?! I’ve had this discussion with several people. Imo, the in-game representation of Silvermoon is faulty as the fel crystals hanging all over the place should be gone, should they not?

My unpopular opinion: Men/Women who are playing opposites are weirdos who probably shouldn’t be allowed to keep playing.

Basically you have dudes playing ladies, often for very poorly explained reasons, often the reason being “I find it gay to look at a male bum” in a crude way of expressing it.

However that is not a good explanation, because firstly: How does it make sense? Also last I checked, you look at the back, or not even look close at your character so you aren’t really “Looking at a male bum”. Secondly, if you find “That” gay, then you most certainly must be super hayetero to play as a girly woman.

And for ladies playing dudes, I can kind of understand why because they probably wish to avoid the hassle of dudes gawking over them.

Speaking of which: I think it is fair to say, that unless you are some gray neutral blob who reacts to everything in a similar fashion, a sort of preconception can form when you see a player character, which leads to a shock when you find out that Dude Mc’Dudeson is actually a lady, or vice versa.

And let’s not begin with people who play a female/male character, and then pretend that they are male/female… Worst excuse I got out of someone for this, was saying that they think Night Elves should be more agile, feral and feline-like, so the perfect way to present this, was a female character model playing as a male librarian in Stormwind… So much for feral, amirite?

Added annoyance: "Heter’o"sexuality is apparently a no-no. Great, Blizzard wants to get rid of straightness.

Wtf in ten


i think you’re confusing some PvE/PvP players with RPers buddy


Is this bait?


Gnomes can be officers in the Alliance military. Getting mighty tired of people going “haha, you’re not a Sergeant. You’re a Gnome!”


We can split this in half for good measure



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I don’t think it’d be far fetched to encounter Roleplayers who think this way just as well.

Even then, talking in general terms here.

Tired and false. Unpopular opinion: the void elves = dar’khan cult meme has to die. All it amounts to was Umbric using his notes to locate Telogrus. They weren’t exiled for it either, finding the notes after Rommath had already pounded the gavel.

I keep blaming Rommath as if Lor’themar isn’t regent lord. Huh.


You think i should not be allowed to play this game?

There was a Field Marshal gnome NPC in the lordaeron scenario that the Horde have to kill.

looks at my character list with a fairly even split of M and F characters.

oh no I guess I gotta quit now because Tubri says I’m a weirdo for not having an issue with playing opposite gender characters.

Do you stay away from games where you have to play a female protagonist too? No Tomb Raider, no Metroid, not Hat in Time, no Portal or NieR Automata…

I mean you wouldn’t want to be a ~weirdo~


Fun fact, in the pre-patch, she opened the portal the player used to head to Astranaar. I think players alliance-side also have a chance to save her, iirc.

Okay, maaaaybe I chose my words a bit poorly. You can still play, but I will find you a bit weird if you populate your character list with female characters.

Thise games don’t interest me, so I don’t get what is the point you are trying to make.

His point is that your point is rather… Dumb?

I mean this is a video game… A world where we can incarnate that which we are not.

By your logic playing any solo game in which the sex of the protagonist is wrong.

Guess we should prohibit all women from playing Uncharted or GTA.


I’ll probably never understand how this can be a legit problem to people. I don’t think I’ve ever spend much time thinking about the potential gender of some random person I meet in an online game and if it matches their character.
I just don’t get it.