Unpopular Opinions

Why? Sounds like you’re the dude with the weird hangups here.

What about any like…fighting games with female characters? D’you just ignore half the roster? “Oh no I can’t play as Chun-Li, she’s a girl!

Does it stretch into other media too? Don’t want to read books with a female protagonist? Does the book being written in 1st vs. 3rd person matter for you at that point? Or movies with them?

I get having preferences. But judging people as weirdos for not having qualms about playing opposite gender things is bizarre to me.


it has probably already been said

LFR is not bad

it is just an easy mode for raiding, allowing casual players or alts to gear up, while sort of experiencing the content blizzard have provided, which is good because without it, a whole chunk of end game would be off limits to a large part of the player-base, which is never a good thing in my opinion.
I think a game should allow all its players to have the chances to at least compete for the high end tiers but reaching the tier should (and does) require the player to sink in the hours needed. The balance between mythic and LFR is good in that regard, if you try LFR and like the content/challenge it provides, you will naturally want to move on to harder difficulty, meanwhile if you just want to enjoy the story or don’t have the interest you stay in LFR tier while still getting a chance to experience the latest content.

Most of the arguments I hear are shallow and based in some form of elitism.
something or other about how LFR raiders shouldn’t be rewarded since they don’t put in any effort.

But I believe LFR raiders are putting in the effort needed compared to the level of the reward they receive.

There is also gatekeeping hypocrisy of the raid community that angers me.
for every person who claim LFR is bad there is another who demands that you need mythic tier gear and a curve achievement for a simple normal pug run.
although, coming clean I will admit I don’t know if that is still a problem, I haven’t checked recently, but I recall it was a major annoyance in legion.

LFR was a pretty okay addition to the game.

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Are you a goblin IRL? if not, please only play human. Also you’re probably not as buff as the human model, so find something that more suits how you look IRL, and if that’s not available, just leave the game.

Yours are the words of someone who is not at all secure in his masculinity, tu bri frank.

Don’t pick a comic relief race if you don’t wanna be treated as the comic relief race, gnome.


To be fair, I’ve talked to someone with similar views and after some poking and prodding it was revealed to be rooted in resentment at a RP lover not being what they played. Burned once, they shunned all who’d play female characters while actually being male.


It is

I’m probably a purist, but this reeks of entitlement. High end content (raiding) does not have to and should not be experienced by everyone just because they’re playing the game (or in LFR, AFKing).


Most folks who don’t care for the mythic ‘exclusive’ stuff will stay at heroic due to mythic gear not being worth the time and effort invested in comparison. As aforementioned not everyone should be allowed to see the content.

It’s true, they don’t (inb4 shallow input).

For me that’s a no, because they literally just have to get a basic ilvl and press queue.

I wouldn’t know as I don’t play BfA but it’s been an issue since Wrath, and personally I can see both sides (infinite loop of non progression vs wanting competent players at the best possible rate).

As long as the stories are integrally tied into the raids, yes they should.

If raids were separate side activities which weren’t story-critical then I might agree, but they are. And no, going to third party sites to see their conclusion isn’t good game design.

Personally I’d remove LFR and just provide a solonario with NPC buddies that dropped zero loot so people could see the bosses and experience the story themselves at their own pace.

But as long as we don’t have that, LFR has a place.


I think this is the case, here, honestly. I personally wouldn’t have the time to find a gang of nerds who aren’t :poop: at the game, finetune our schedules, set up a whole hierarchy, go through practice runs three times a week, only so we can do the run once without failing.

LFR is a blessing, because I don’t have the patience to deal with idiots for longer than half an hour at a time.


In fact, potentially unpopular opinion: Raids shouldn’t be core-story involved.

Just have them be big dungeons with mid-tier threats like “oh no a defias crew has a ship that’s gonna blow up your mum” or “these quillboar exist and therefore go raid them because EFF QUILLBOARS”.

Deal with the big story threats - your Lich Kings, your Deathwings, etc. - entirely through story quests/solonarios.


Completely agree with this, was a problem in Guild Wars 2 too back when I still played that. Vital lore tidbits hidden behind content that had no good reward and I simply did not have time for because they lack an LFR system.


Yeah have to agree with you there. Especially since this would allow threats to be dealt by someone specific as opposed to a nameless bunch of 25 adventurers


Remember when the raids were cleared by specific factions or mercenaries? I member.

Tubri… you keep going on about Yakuza no?

Pretty sure you’re not a Japanese man, so isn’t it weird you’re playing as one?


Powerful post


You lost me there.

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I kinda like FF14’s approach where you are the warrior of light, and you are the guy saving the world and so on.

Rather than you’re just some pleb, then you’re a faction leader, then you’re a high rank pleb within the military, while all the important things are done by DM PC’s.

Och, do you mean tha Bjora, lassie?

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You are so naive, children.

I will show you what bait looks like.

I wonder what Tubri’s views on people doing this IRL are. Should they also quit the game?


My unpopular opinion: Men/Women who are playing opposites are weirdos who probably shouldn’t be allowed to keep playing.

Eh why though? Roleplaying is literally acting. There’s no reason a male can not enjoy roleplaying a female charater or vice versa.

Basically you have dudes playing ladies, often for very poorly explained reasons, often the reason being “I find it gay to look at a male bum” in a crude way of expressing it.

I have -never- heard someone say this. Sure you got the Blood Elf Slutmog players, but these are rarely roleplayers, mostly “normal” cough players who do not care about the lore, immersion, story…

However that is not a good explanation, because firstly: How does it make sense? Also last I checked, you look at the back, or not even look close at your character so you aren’t really “Looking at a male bum”. Secondly, if you find “That” gay, then you most certainly must be super hayetero to play as a girly woman.

It doesn’t matter. At all. You shouldn’t care about other people’s approach to their characters. In most cases the sex of a character can determine the storyarcs and paths it will be involved in, so choosing male or female can be influenced by that, never forget that.

Speaking of which: I think it is fair to say, that unless you are some gray neutral blob who reacts to everything in a similar fashion, a sort of preconception can form when you see a player character, which leads to a shock when you find out that Dude Mc’Dudeson is actually a lady, or vice versa.

It is really fair to say that? Mhh, that’s rough. I have never felt that way when I found out that the player of a character is a different gender IRL than I assumed.

Added annoyance: "Heter’o"sexuality is apparently a no-no. Great, Blizzard wants to get rid of straightness.

Ok? Maybe leave Goldshire?

Not alt right btw t. Tubri


Didn’t he go on a rather extensive rant recently to say they should?