Unpopular Opinions

I could get deep right now regarding Tubri but sadly I think it’ll fall on deaf ears. =(


Tubri finna beat Tehya up rl.


Ill just wait till he /w’s me again in anger.

Well, I for one appreciate the wholesome sentimentality. I think everyone here should do with some more self love. Yeah, you. Reading this right now. I hope you’ve had a good day and tomorrow is a good one too!


Thanks, I wish you a great day as well!

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Warm wishes and good loot drops to all… atleast for the new raid week.

Tank-you Coldshade, i’ve been drinking Lemsip’s like no tomorrow. I woke up this morning with a streaming nose, pressure behind my eyes and a sore throat. The flu has claimed me. It’s quite a discomfort!

I traded the Goldenmane that dropped earlier for art today, except the artist’s someone I’ve been following for a while and really wanted to commission but they were currently closed until they came forth with this proposition

the true art of the deal here


god i’m happy tehya’s back


I am very excited and happy to be surrounded by so many friendly people.


Thanks, I hope you’ll have a good day too!

No im just gonna remind it every time you spaz over the forums

Calm down, cowboy, how can i ever stand against you ;S


this is so sincerely funny. its moments like these i browse the forums for


It would be funny if it wasn’t true.

Throwing buzzphrases out doesn’t de-legitimise the flagging of an actual issue present within the Blood Elf community.

The issue is there is an overly permissive culture for mockery and outright abuse for players who fall foul of a small cabal of blood elf players. Need I remind all about the recent nymphomaniac scandal that rocked the Belf community last year? It’s about time we have a #MeToo for the blood elf community as we’ve had (rightfully so) against other communities.

Then go for it dude. You accuse others of vagueposting but you keep shy of revealing anything meaningful about these horrible terror-cliques you’re on about.

Want a #MeToo? Bring it. I’ve gotten what I can think of off my chest. Maybe you should let go of whatever grudges you hold for BElves because of whatever experience you’ve had. You’ll be the happier for it, even if you have to live in altlife for a while.

PS: it would be funny if it WAS true. there aint no more elite left in the belf circles, just :poop: rp


- Payne, I can’t feel my belf elitist RP!..
- Lukas, it ain’t there.


I’m already happy. These “terror-cliques” as you call them (for some reason) are probably some of the most unhappy people on Argent Dawn. I should know - I was in one for quite some time.

But times change and I found enlightenment. Not everyone has though. I can be going about my roleplay with friends on my Blood Elf in Silvermoon and all of a sudden a cluster of players will freeze and wander off because I am rping with “undesirable” people.

It’s actually quite hilarious to watch players posture themselves into their bubbles and not interact with something which inconveniences them.

I had my wake up call one day 5 years ago when I was dragged into some battle.net chat to answer for supposed indiscretions done to one guild of blood elves, actually done by another (unrelated) group of players because they couldn’t find the actual culprits.

Only for me to be droned on ad nauseam about how “THIS ISNT VERY NICE”. Then the guy in his paranoia sent two rogues to spy on me and my friends “just to be sure” we’re not breaking his interpretation of the lore.

It’s already happening, but as Levey has rightly pointed out the laws of the land require us to be polite about it. Can’t be going about encouraging people to break the law now, can we?


Ah dammit. I missed a good Schadenfreude moment on the Tubri nonsense…


In summary “if you use your imagination in this way, it’s wierd”.

I cannot for the life of me figure out why people are bothered if the human behind the char turns out to be a different gender to their char. Unless you’re looking to get your groove on why on earth should it be an issue?

You’re telling me people who RP platonic RP with others are bothered by this? Why? The way your friendship RP is is undermined by learning such info? Why is it not ruined by other information? Like learning they have a certain job, or age?

Basically, anyone who is bothered by it betrays that perhaps they look into relations between characters of opposite (or same if that’s your preference) perhaps a little too literally to make them meaningful for their RP.

I’ve played male characters, female, old, young, liberally minded, authoritarian, good, evil, straight, gay, and of the things listed I only subscribe to at most three of those personally. Isn’t the entire point of a medium that allows us to create who we are, to get away from ourselves (or be able to if we choose?)

Most of the time I don’t really give a toss about learning OOC info about my RP buddies unless I’ve known them a very long time. Its irrelevant to their characters.


Tehya I’ve missed you. :blush:

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