Unpopular Opinions

Whilst it’s nice for the belf to have their yellow eyes and redemption, it was always going to be messy because you now have both factions with a set of genuine light worshippers who seem to have no problem with killing each other, whilst demonising the other, whilst being allied with an archetypal enemy of the light (void or undead).

I mean at least old school blood knights and paladins had a good reason to fight. Now? So I’m playing as a class that literally dedicates itself to religion (paladin) and yet I’m gonna totally ignore that to attack and kill fellows of my faith who don’t appear to be obviously distorting it because of mortal politics? Yeah sounds like I take my faith really seriously. Oh, I forgot to add, I’m doing this because someone who represents something my faith reviles and abhors traditionally told me to. But yes, I am extremely dedicated 100% committed correct paladin now, for the light and all that 100%

It’s almost like a very loud majority screamed “Let’s go back to just being dudes!!!”. You know, literally asking to be downscaled to “Hurr durr lets play with some parrot guano” levels.

If you want to blame anyone, blame the rancid masses who asked for it.

Implying the blood elves haven’t been the Wyman Manderly to the Forsaken’s Roose Bolton since the start of Wrath.

The mummer’s farce is almost over Chieun…

There is a massive diffrence between “lets be adventurers and fighting off typical adventure threats instead of literal gods” and “Oh no, pirate poop and guano!”

Edit: I myself quite like freehold. The dungeon and story is one of the better parts of the Alliance questing experience. But I could do without the guano.


I will have you know that hearing “Don’t mind sharkbait etc etc” gets funnier after the 50th time.


So, like, saying ‘this war happens 15 years after Sargeras’ sword slapped Azeroth’ would’ve been too difficult for Blizzard. Or, like, in some way claiming that the real killers of the Titans/Deathwing/etc are way too old to continue at this stage, so the modern-day heroes are like, idk, their children or grandchildren.

Nah, thanks for the suggestion Ilyadris. I think I’m good :poop:ing on Blizzard.

(haha see what I did there, a :poop: joke haha)

I’m already adapting it into my sense of humour.


I too like Jaina which is why I’m very disappointed when she already had a good arc in War Crimes, the end of which had her realize that she’s becoming too much like her father and that the Horde of Thrall’s she once believed in lives on through Vol’jin.

Then WoD came out and they hard reset her progression, until in BFA she goes through her redemption arc again and people rave on about how they loved her in it – except that it’s a [Netflix adaptation meme] copy of Ciri in Isle of Mist, and for the most part she isn’t even involved in the story. Everyone fixes her problems for her.

The nightmare cutscene in Thros was cool, but it would have been more impactful if she hadn’t already gone through a redemption arc and if we hadn’t played through that same story in Witcher. Both of which were more emotionally impactful and fulfilling than this adaptation.

Unpopular opinion: Kul Tiras/Jaina in BFA is just budget Witcher 3 with Drustvar and its weekend Witchers, Jaina’s Isle of Mist episode and her Caranthir boss fight (down to the intro of her fight music being sampled from Caranthir’s) in Dazar’alor.

The only way it could be more on the nose is if BFA ends with Jaina going on a mission to save us from the white death the Void and her survival depends on the choices we’ve made along the way to support her strong-willed freedom to make her own choices.


I have not played witcher, mind you, but I thought it was alright.

“Enough!” Jaina said as she teleported away from the fight, defeated.

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powerful post

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feel like pure :poop: just want bfa over with x


What did Gorak Tul mean when he said “The Forsworn will reclaim what is rightfully ours!” and “First you… then all of the Reach!”



[moody’s eyes flash a powerful shade of red]


What did they mean by this?


[galactic brain]

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not even unpopular, drustvar = witcher comparisons have existed since beta :ok_hand:

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the reach belongs to the forsworn?

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Portals are a perfectly fine method of transport in RP.


The “Dalaran executes anyone who misuses portals” lore tid-bit from that one book is really silly and it doesn’t make sense to apply it outside of Dalaran itself.


The entirety of the achievement-related bits of lore from Wotlk-era Dalaran are outdated tripe anyway.

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