BfA has been one of the expansions that uses portals the most. Pretty much everyone uses them so it doesnt seem to be a big issue.
but you’ll still tilt me if you use it to escape THE ARM OF LAW in rp
You’ll pry my convenient overuse of portals from my cold dead green hands.
Perhaps the LEGS OF LAW should have been faster to prevent the culprit from escaping.
The ring of law for the finger of law…
Perhaps it was made as a ring for Ragnaros’ finger, which is a spike of Sulfuras, as Sulfuras is hand of Ragnaros
Since we are talking about Drustvar, here´s my unpopular opinion:
It is the worst BfA zone in terms of story.
There is nothing wrong with copying Witcher, but all they did was copy the “due hunts monsters, weeeee” part and not the strong characters or moral dilemma. No, instead, witches bad, we good, let´s go kill them!
Then, it actually has absolutely horrible story flow. You can get to Waycrest Manor and fight Gorak Tul without knowing who Gorak Tul is, only to get to that female inquisitor afterwards and do questline where we learn who Gorak Tul was and that he is alive. Why is there even an option to choose between those two storylines when one obviously happens before the other?
Stormwind RPers that believe they’re above trash.
My unpopular opinion is that the only reason why Sylvanas is disliked so much right now is because of how her voice lines are delivered. If she sounded less “evil” people would have way less problem with her actions.
just adding to this
while I like drustvar for its darker and more mature themes
I find it strange we have to fight a whole new type of magic.
like, is it shadow magic? druid magic? arcane magic?
they went through the trouble of mapping the different kinds of magic and where they lie opposed to each other and other forces in the world, and then they go and create all new types of magic that doesn’t seem to fit anywhere.
plus the all new rules that kind feels out of place once you leave drustvar behind.
the magic in drustvar feels more grounded than the mage who opens portals and calls down big flaming balls of death from the sky at will.
[I point you at the death magic part of the chronicles magic chart]
that is a possible culprit but from what little I could read it doesn’t fit the bill in terms of what the witches are able to do.
they can do more than deathy things with their weird magic.
Seems like a mixture of Death and Nature magic at times so its basically the polar opposites according to established lore (???)
In my headcanon its basically Shadow and Death just with a kul Tiran/Vrykul Rune magic spin added.
Which is why I don’t fully understand how Kul Tirans don’t have warlocks as a playable class when an entire zone is dedicated to what I’d consider a haven / breeding ground for import warlock covens to settle and gather apprentices.
The witches use a combination of death and nature magic, the two opposite ends of the magical pole.
Regarding what they can and can’t do. At this point we have to largely accept that when looking at the six major domains of magic (nature, death, arcane, fel, light and void) they seem to be largely able to do anything, except that certain domains have clear proficiencies - light and nature are superior at healing for example whilst void and death lend themselves towards corruption and defilement.
The magics also have different means for doing what they do. That seems to be what separates them mostly at this point, rather than what they can actually do.
It is a local brand of Death magic as Ulfar demonstrates, the Drust magic of Gorak Tul being the antithesis of the Thornspeaker Life/Druid magic and ruining the balance between the two forces. It’s all about twisting and binding souls, laying deadly curses and using tainted bone.
Not going to lie, I think this is a part of it for me. But it’s just as much the way she is presented as a character at the moment, almost like a cartoon villain in the lines she is given and the way she speaks and acts.
For me the biggest cringe was that cutscene at the Battle of Lordaeron where she is sitting on the throne, gives a very anime villain monologue and then teleports out.
I know a dozen other characters are guilty of similar crimes, but I ensure you that I deplore their portrayal just as much.
Sylvanas as a character can be great, I just find the way she is portrayed in game so hard to take seriously.
Even Dick Dastardly is better portrayed in his evil dickery compared to Sylvanas.
Sylvanas was always a villain with a habitual pattern of sacrificing others for her own ambitions. Controlling others as banshee possessed puppets is just one of the early steps, “free will” my rancid foot! This nasty, villainous behaviour carried over to her subjects, like slavery, torture, lobotomy and lethal experimentation on PoW’s but since Horde won’t police their own unless the harm turns inward and orcs kept drowning out the cries of the tormented with shouts of HONOUR, stuff was actively ignored until Sylvanas became warchief, stepping “outta da shadows” to lead with her patented brand of atrocity now impossible to ignore or dismiss.
Don’t get me wrong, I quite like forsaken as a villainous, troubling element of the Honourable Horde but the various leaders acting surprised and shocked at their warchief’s behaviour is just awful, awful writing. Nothing is new, everything is entirely predictable and the horde’s internal reactions to this obvious state of affairs would be a defining moment. I wish that they didn’t write Saurfang and Baine as bold, principled rebels daring to act when it functions as a zero sum game which actively makes other leaders look like cowards with no explicit incentive (as blizzard doesn’t do subtlety) to hesitate in their own outrage.
Attitudes of “who could have known she’d do this!” and “maybe we’ve gone too far” wouldn’t be a factor this soon after Garrosh. Rather, maybe the reds would be hypersensitive to power abuse and moral thresholds? Surely, that’s just my regular observational lunacy acting up…
Making Sylvanas Warchief and killing Vol’jin off was legit worse than pulling out the void elves from their arses. And now ion even said that the war is gonna continue lol. What drugs are these writers on?
I’m guessing the metanarrative is that we keep fighting our respective faction’ just 'cause until we realise we distracted ourselves just long enough for the old gods to corrupt the world soul and the eleventh hour turn against them will be all about a feel of “oh god we screwed up”, ending the perpetual faction war as promised. At least until next expansion.
Not really. It’s generally because of the way she’s been written in BFA to come across as a comic book villain. If she really was “mOrAlLy gReY” like they insisted she was going to be she wouldn’t be so massively disliked the way she is.