Unpopular Opinions

Azuremyst Isle is an underappreciated zone, looks great for its age.


She’s always been antagonistic to be honest, it’s just with BFA its been turned up to 10 while Blizzard have just discovered “subverted” on TVTropes and not really understood anything.

Morally gray my friend, I mean war of destruction, but still morally gray.

They want to make us feel like we expected something to happen but it didn’t, because they thought we didn’t want classic, but we did.

I still think that Classic is a genuine case of “you think you do, but you don’t” and that the rage will reach nuclear proportions when it doesn’t conform to subjective expectation and rose goggled memories.


Pretty much this. I’m happy for the classic crowd to be able to relive their old experiences, but I honestly feel most of the classic supporters are imagining it to be this greatest game ever when really it’ll show it’s age immensely. Once it launches I imagine a large amount of players will be turned off by realizing Classic was a massive slog and all the lack of quality-of-life features that were added in future expansions won’t be there. and I honestly expect most of the player-base (with the exception of those really hardcore players) to leave a while after Naxxramas, as they’re unlikely to add anything else to it less they anger the people who want to keep it as classic.


Not to mention the fact that not alot of people will get into Naxx. As a friend who played classic described it for me(I never played it): Most people didnt play Naxx. The first boss required gear only dropped in Naxxramas to be done viably, and the four horsemen needed 8 -main- tanks in proper gear and warriors prefferably to again be viable, something few guilds had, which lead to those guilds who even got that far to try and steal other tanks, since pugs wasnt a thing either due to the ridicolous needs.

If anything vanilla/classic has only sounded as a incredibly hostile/toxic enviorment, atleast up in the end content areas.

I posted much the same about the bursting bubble of classic in another thread (Inc Wall of text, unsure how to quote from another thread) :slight_smile:

If you’ve got the time to get said epics (it rewarded time, not skill), then great. Happy you’ll be able to show them off parked in front of the auction house on your epic mount just like In the vanilla days.

I imagine lots of people will jump into classic as a way to escape from “wows current rot” before they either jump back out, or whine endlessly because it wasn’t the promised land after all. As a vanilla player from release day, I can say I don’t miss it aside from the nostalgia of the newness. The mechanics however were dismal compared to now.
What people need to remember:

* Hour long HS
* Far fewer mobilities and travel options. Mounting was indeed a luxery.
* If you played a hybrid chances are only one of your specs is viable for raiding (I say viable with gritted teeth because most hybrids were inferior to other classes even then).
* poorly itemised gear for hybrids (Feral druids got no next to no gear from raids. It was assumed you were resto if raiding. Same for some pally sets and holy).
* Specs for some classes did not play differently very much at all. The difference between rogue specs was essentially weapon you use and combo builder you use. Otherwise exactly the same playstyle. See the same for disc and Holy priests.
* no LFG finder.
* no instant teleport to dungeons. Ah yes, the days of lazy gits relying on everyone else but them to travel to the stone. Just like mythic now.
* some specs were just not viable at all in a competitive environment. Ret was just a buffbot. Ret had no chance of being competitive with any damage class unless you massively out geared them. You were there to buff the rogues.
* Other specs had to betray their core class theme to be viable. You wanna raid as a holy paladin? Go farm a set of cloth, because plate does not have the stats you need on it until you’re already in the upper tiers of raiding. And seeing as the only cloth you can wear is max dungeon level/crafts, (beyond that it becomes largely class specific in raids, and as said, not all tier sets had the right stats for hybrids) look forward to having thoroughly gimped stats compared to your priest and druid peers who would essentially have bigger healers with bigger mana pools. Say hello to being an aura and divine intervention bot. Same for shaman and bloodlust.
* Add this to rotations. Some specs had mind numbing rotations. Paladin Ret is judgement, reseal, auto attack. That’s it. You do something every 10 seconds. Mages very similar “spam one spell” playstyle. Some classes were okay (lock, rogue).
* endless keybind due to ability bloating and spell ranking. Healers would often have several ranks of the same spell on bind for efficient casting.
* Melee were far better itemised late game than casters. Melee scaled with weps, casters don’t start to until much later in raids where gear actually awards spell power. (in original vanilla spell power was a very rare stat found in very few pieces, certainly sets like Devout and Magisters didn’t have it on. So whilst that rogue enjoys his lovely agility dmg on his eviscerate, you get to enjoy… More mana!)

Don’t get me wrong. I loved classic when it was current. But I’m under no illusion it was a more wholesome game overall. People whine about class balance now. Back then it was horrendous.

Hardcore players will probably love vanilla and I am happy for them. Those who aren’t hardcore but reckon wow now is aucky, will probably get a rude awakening.

Having alts in classic wow. Haha. Like, what?I was lucky in that my first class I settled on was a priest so I ended up by good fortune rolling a class that was the most viable healer for endgame content. My brother rolled a paladi nand he was not quite as lucky in that regard. Our experience of classic endgame were very different.


It’s also been described to me that warlocks(Since I play that class alot) during vanilla, was pretty much only there to cast soulstone and give out healthstones, and a possible imp buff. Then you were expected to do nothing cus that is what you could do. Atleast in raid enviorement.

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Locks were useful for summon, and soulstone. Couldn’t even trade healthstones, at least not in the very beginning.

Locks were alright but their damage was not as good as rogue or mage. Affliction was best but way less smooth (no pandemic so say hello to dot clipping). Affliction was good in pvp though. And more interesting than destro due to nightfall procs.

Demonology was a lol spec in classic and basically for trying to solo dungeons.

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Didnt exist until tbc

Basically when looking at classic here was the raid viability when looking at first raids (like MC)

Healers: Holy Priest and Resto Druid. 1 disc for spirit buff.
Resto shaman and holy paladin only viable when wearing cloth sets. Even then, weaker heals. Just better off with above (unless raid is missing totems or blessings)

Tanks: warrior and feral druid are pretty balanced here. Largely because at this point in game tanking was largely raw mitigation and HP.
Prot pala is second tier tank as their raiding tier gear was not itemised for tanking at all (no tank set from MC).

Ranged DPS: Frost mage. Fire mage useless in MC. Arcane is just lol compared to frost.
Marks hunter is alright. Affli lock is okay. Ele shammy is pretty good though flame shock damage is eh in MC. Balance druid is a poor man’s mage with their high tier gear not optimised for the spec. Same for shaman (both tier 1 were itemised for healing).

Melee dps: Rogue. No seriously. Other melee specs could not compete. Enh and ret were pvp specs (and damn good at it when geared right) arms was also. Fury could perform but was not on same tier as rogue. Feral druids suffered from poor itemisation (bears didn’t mind agi for dodge, but it gave pants AP, cats wanted strength leather which was next to non existent, Enh suffered from this issue too)

Damn showing my foggy memory BL not even vanilla. I thought it was classic as just atk speed buff. My bad. I thought tbc was when it was buffed and equalised (with hero)

Oh i remember this one, you had to seek out vague 50-60 mail items that were BiS and ofcourse the wep stat gauntlets for fury warriors that was BiS, shamans were always nice to have with their fire resistance totem :stuck_out_tongue:

Same issue for druids, hubting obscure str leather for bis.

And given no 2hand specs with str were really utilised for pve dps, sulfuron went to lucky shm, war and pala for pvp.

Enh shaman in their pvp set with sulfuron was mental. As was the cobalt crusher (like a level 27 hammer or something) which procced a frost nuke because windfury could proc on hit effects so the RNG could one-shot people.

And of course FROST Shock in pvp the bane of alliance everywhere.

I do find that scene so hilarious. Wild Hunt is about to pick up Ciri…


There are too many “funny” characters around. Not enough serious ones.

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I won’t even touch classic unless it has HD models. The demo already had modern graphical settings and I doubt everyone will play it at a fixed 12fps, halved draw distance on a 4:3 monitor and so on.

I think classic gameplay with a new coat of paint would have genuine appeal. But y’know, suggest one thing and the classic fans go absolutely ballistic, ignoring that by adding in visual settings from modern WoW and Bnet it already isn’t “pure vanilluh” and the leaps of logic made (“You want new models? What next, LFR?!”) are bafflling.

Too many funny characters that are one dimensional and have no depth*



I won’t touch classic WoW with a ten foot pole… However I’m looking forward to all those Wrath babies ready complain about how hard it is and asking for an easy mode :stuck_out_tongue:

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<WoW: Classic
Wrathbabies Die Twice> ?

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I think it’s time to drop the put-downs for players that started “late” by some arbitrary measure. But I’m a catababy, trial since BC… I didn’t know the golden age, apparently.

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To be honest the entire pro-classic/anti-classic drivel is pretty tired at this point, ultimately Classic will have a very strong and niche community. There are/were/have been private servers that have thrived.