Unpopular Opinions

It won’t, though. People play those servers because they are cheapskates, not because they actually prefer that style of game. They won’t pay the sub fee for it.

That is a factor for sure. A lot of people pirate for the sake of pirating and have no intention of ever paying for XYZ.

There is also the argument that people stayed off those servers out of fear of the server being closed, but frankly some of 'em have been up for years now and I can’t see them being tackled any time soon.


Many of the currently running private servers have stated that once Classic WoW officially launches they will initiate an immediate shut-down. And why shouldn’t they? Classic WoW will (if all goes well) be the best iteration of that kind of game because of the support it’ll have in an official capacity.

Of course there are pirates who refuse to pay a single penny, but to say the majority wouldn’t dish out the normal sub money to have access to both Retail and Classic is a weird fallacy that I feel like is just a means of grasping at straws to rip on Classic itself. They are different games; the only difference is that Classic is more like a traditional MMO and that’s why it’ll have a dedicated community once the tourists leave. Who knows? Back when OSRS launched the RS 3 players insisted that once people had their fill of nostalgia that version of the game would be abandoned, yet RS 3 now has a fraction of the players OSRS has. Classic just appeals to those disillusioned with many changes to the game that induced a departure from the MMORPG WoW used to be in original format, just like the reason why people clamored for the 2007 version of Runescape.

Everyone is allowed to have their opinion, but in the summer there will be two versions of WoW and everybody will have a choice on which one they find superior. Some will abandon Retail and perhaps never look back, others won’t ever hit the play button to access Classic.


Everyone wants a Classic server, but here I am wishing for a TBC server :pensive:

Ilyadris’ posts (and their post history) are actually quite enjoyable to read.
post on your mains only in this thread please x

Disable Voice Chat in game, problem solved. Unless you hear such stuff on discord. In which case, thats your own fault for agreeing to participate in that stuff in the first place.

Same reason why people created private servers back in Vanilla (and those were unbelievably broken, BTW): Money.

Many people don´t have 13 euros to pay each month for a video game (especially the further east you go)…but they might be willing to throw in few bucks every once in a while for stuff like mounts or pets, which makes these servers profitable for the people creating them.

Also, while this may not be as prevalent in the West, there has been a mentality in my country only few years ago that paying for video games is stupid. Things are changing and private servers aren´t so widespread as they used to be (mostly because they started struggling with keeping up…in 2010, they switched to Wrath, Cata was 2014 and they are yet to launch MoP). Private servers, especially those based in Russia and other post-communist countries, will endure and remain healthy (and there will also be people claiming how “Classic isn´t the true Vanilla” and will keep on playing on 10k population server based on MANGOS).

Why are you looking forward to this. Why not be happy that someone’s getting something they’ve been longing for, without hoping they’ll be disappointed.

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Classic WoW, at least of as right now, has a wide and interested audience that consists of either people playing Retail right now or used to in the past and long back for those days. WoW didn’t have 12 million concurrent players back when it peaked if people truly can’t afford to dish out a measly 13 Euros (come on, by today’s standards at least) for a month of game-time.

Everybody has already predicted what’ll happen to Classic, the most likely scenario being that once the tourists leave in droves that it’ll have a dedicated and loyal community or, and I’m saying there is a chance, that Classic could eventually beat Retail in terms of activity. I think this is unlikely but they said the same thing about OSRS being dominant over RS 3.

I don´t get what you are trying to say. WoW had paying customers, yes, but there were hundreds of thousands of players who didn´t pay and played private servers.
People have varying incomes, just because one person can afford it doesn´t mean the other can.

I’m saying back in WOTLK’S heyday that 12 million players were dishing out 13 Euros at the same time (wasn’t the sub lower back then, like 11 or 12 even?) just to gain access to the servers. The WoW tokens didn’t exist yet. Private servers already existed back then too. My point is the demand for these servers in official capacity will make it popular enough to merit the development of Classic in the first place, at least looking at the community disposition right now.

I never said it wouldn´t. Just that private servers will still be popular and many of the big ones will stay up no matter how good Classic is.

I know I didn’t until Cata and my opinion, unpopular or not, is that the excessive expense was and is too high. I’m not even complaining along the lines of the game not being “worth” my euros, it’s too much as a baseline just to buy server access for a few more weeks.

Alongside the absurdly expensive services compared to other MMO’s, WoW’s monthly fee at this level is unjustifiable.

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Just buy six months sub and don’t worry about it for six months :blush: You should do that right now!

This. A million times this.

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Even now, I rarely have enough disposable income in a month to measure up to the 6 month cost. It’s ridiculous, and I do spend money on race and faction changes in addition as a painful sacrifice and luxury, actively choosing not to pursue other expenses.

In my opinion, both sub fee and service costs should be cut in half. What we regularly pay for is not reflected ingame anyway with lazy development shortcuts, bugs unattended for years on end and more besides. The small indie company meme is there for a reason and smaller games manage more with less. Where in the hail is our sub money going?

Straight into Bobby Kotick’s pocket

That sort of thing would be exposed as one of the biggest money laundring scams in history pretty quickly. I suspect there’s a lot of spillage as WoW money is money that Blizzard actively spends on developing and maintaining other games. I’ll happily wager that WoD was bare bones with half of its content cut primarily because funds and manpower went into Overwatch and HotS.

Nope, they abandoned it to work on Legion. That´s why it was much more massive than expansions before it.

MoP felt way more massive than Legion…