Yeah, WoD was half of what they intended it to be. There was so much cut content and changes (hello farahlon) because they ditched it all to work on Legion.
World quests, Artifacts, Mythic+ were new systems added to Legion. MoP had Scenarios.
In terms of content, Legion had 12 unique questlines, its own version of Legendary cloak questline (Balance of Power) and questline for every crafting profession. I don´t know how long questlines in max level Pandaria zones were, so I can´t compare them to Suramar.
Suramar’s plot was great as a self contained event and very ambitious for the format. I can imagine it taking extra effort and attention but I’m unconvinced that WoD was wholly ditched for Legion, rather, the money intended for it spilled out as mismanaged time and effort crippled the product. It may well have been abandoned at that stage, but then they’d have a responsibility to their customers.
Except they totally don’t, products being bought and rented as is. Damn.
Uhhh you got it all wrong dude.
For those happy with Classic, more power to them, I’m not the kind of person who goes around “You are having fun in a way I don’t like, so stop it!”
It’s more like me sitting in a chair with popcorn and soda waiting for the moment where those who have rose tinted glasses are about to begin the biggest salt mine of all. I don’t need to create it myself… It’s like watching a car crash… Horrible but can’t take your eyes off it.
And Argus should’ve had something similiar. What did we get instead? Some short quest-chain about Alleria’s nonsense and Illidan’s edge, it didn’t give us much of a basis for attacking Antorous, and that patch -again- felt like Burning Legion’s threat was reduced. No cool siege before the raid, no nice build up. Just go there and kill them… WHAT? It’s argus. And with this underwhelming finisher, a faction that was considered to be the MAJOR enemy of Azeroth, one that helped to estabilish half of the current world was destroyed. Like this, there is literally nothing to it, no goosebumps, no epic feeling… I’d rather just replay NE campaing from wc3 and defeat Archimonde again, it felt meaningful.
While in Suramar, in Suramar demons felt like they shouldn’t be underestimated. I love Suramar.
My main issue with Argus is that it was just more black desert with glossy green buildings rather than the planet wide fortress as close to hell itself as you’d get in the setting.
Sure, you get the towering ships that serve as both buildings and attack craft but those are the tools of a migrating army of universal extermination, not the heart of an intergalactic army of immortal demons traversing space and time.
Argus would be the unbreakable military base, capital city and spiritual heart of this endless host. Walls and towers, immense temples to the Dark Titan and industrial sprawls perpetually churning out war machines, soul engines fed captives from across the universe around the clock to fuel the war machine. It would be the fortified heart of the Legion in all things, functionally impossible to assault head on.
Could have been a megacity planet, akin to a demonic Coruscant. Nothing but urban environments until you get to mac’aree up in orbit.
I was thinking more like Stroggos from Quake 2 and 4 if run by the cast of Doom.
Nothing would remain of mac’aree either, its repurposed patch of floating land likely serving as an extravagant, pompous seat of political power for Archimonde and Kil’jaeden with fancy statues and revisionist history of the exile on massive murals.
Unpopular opinion: Blademaster RP usually sucks. I have yet to encounter one that isn’t excessively weeby, an excuse to powergame, or otherwise justifiably to be avoided.
Mac’Aree was for me the weakest thing out of all of Argus and felt out of place. A planet that was torn apart and became the home-world/base of operation for the entire burning legion, this endless demonic army, and they have it as their base for tens of thousands of years.
Yet somehow a random section of it(Which was according previous lore also the capitol) is somehow spared 90% of the destruction, to the point it still has flourshing flora and native animals running around with no trouble, and apparantly -only- just now when we arrive is discovered by the legion?
Feels very out of place and one of the biggest blunders in WoW’s storywriting history.
Well, Mac’aree is a floating island and separate from mainland
And well, perhaps nothing much was there for legion… not sure though
Maybe also the Void corruption lured them away, dunno
Though also, Argus didn’t have any explosion/cataclysm/sundering for Mac’aree to be ruined cause if it, did it?
As i know it was over time, and Mac’aree was separate from the source of it
Again, not sure
I wouldn´t see it as out of character for Kil´jaeden to purposefuly keep Mac´Aree just floating there, untouched by the Legion after it was conveniently blown up into the orbit.
Kind of the last remnant of his world.
Could be possible yes, but Blizzards reasoning for that it was untouched was that it wasnt discovered until we arrived on Argus. Apparantly the Legion never explored it.
I’m not overly fond of politics in marvel movies.
teleports behind chieun, orcish katana in hand
lok’tar ogar…it’s nothin personnel…kid…
It’s worse in comics because there’s a genuine loss when it panders to a certain category of people that doesn’t buy the product to begin with.
In movies… People will watch it even if it’s bad most of the time. DC’s League of Justice proved that xD.
The cynicism of the playerbase of this game is really annoying.
3800th post, yay…
Unpopular opinion:
Magni was cooler as Ironforge king
That’s not an unpopular opinion, that’s sense.
Fair then, i am glad xD