Unpopular Opinions

Blizzard’s got a thing about not wanting to trigger ‘orc fatigue’ or ‘demon fatigue’ and so on. Expansions and patches can have themes, but they’re scared of over-saturating their content with those themes. So they solve this by shoving weird, irrelevant nonsense in their content that’s only tangentially related to the primary theme and feels really out of place.

It was definitely at its worst during Legion, more than any other expansion. It wasn’t just Mac’Aree. Outside of the Broken Shore, there was no significant demonic presence on the Broken Isles except for Faronaar in Azsuna and Felsoul Hold in Suramar. I didn’t feel like I was in the middle of the Burning Legion’s Third Invasion at all, I felt like I was exploring a comfy, forgotten continent that had suffered some minor demonic infiltration.

BFA’s a little better on that front, but I suggest that everyone steels themselves. At least a significant portion of Nazjatar might end up being completely devoid of naga and naga-related content, to avoid giving us ‘naga fatigue.’


Orc and demon fatigue were two specific examples, because they were main antagonists for a year before the expansion where they were main antagonists was released.
Both patch 5.3 and 5.4 had orcs as the main bad guys and 6.2 had Legion. And it´s not like Blizzard just made that rule about fatigue, players were complaining all the time how “Draenor is just orcs” (which resulted in scrapping of Gorgrond questline focused on Orgrim and Blackrock) or how “Argus looks like Broken Shore, all black and green”.

Meanwhile, naga were only minor thing in BfA, so Nazjatar being focused entirely on them isn´t a big stretch, especially with Mechagon coming with the same patch.

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While Orc or Demon fatigue is true… It’s not so much about the theme of a certain zone that gets tiresome but how it executed.

Timeless Isle was a fair reuse of assets already made for Pandaria, however the PvE there was diverse, different and good enough for people not have an issue with it (except the 14 months of wait there.)

The Iron Horde was just outdoor Kor’krons with an Iron theme and while Draenor wasn’t just Orcs, they made antagonists Orcs which indeed felt tiresome to some. Draenei had a thing going until thzt decided to do a downplayed version of Argus betrayal and bring back the same guy over and over (Socrethar should be a meme at this point).

I will forever be salty that WoD Shattrath never became a main hub city it deserves to be… I mean go there and look around it, the art team is really the team still carrying this game.


Vash’ir is one of the best and most unique zones in the game.


Swords are not particularly effective against heavy plate armour.

Sure, you can use magical swords, and those are no doubt effective against mundane plate. But guess what, plate can be made just as magical as your swords, and that takes you back to step one.

You can halfsword in various ways. But if you are a weeaboo mary sue blademaster with a little katana (you know exactly who you are) then you should not expect much success when striking armour plates.

And no, wearing plate armour is not a mary sue thing, either.


I enjoy leveling in Outland.

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Same-ish, depends on the zone.

that is a real unpopular opinion, or at least it should be.
Outland questing is dated and some of the enemies are designed with the TBC balance in mind.
its not like you can’t do something because you lack a spell but for instance there is a demon who gets a defence buff against the type of damage you deal so you deal 75% less damage against them, this is bad for casters who no longer have a wide selection of spells with different damage types.
there are also a dungeon enemy who is outright immune to fire damage so good luck to all fire mages.

Which one?

if I recall it is the Abyssal enemy at the end of Arcatraz.
last time I did a run on my fire mage I found them immune to all my spells so I couldn’t help the rest of the party.

or maybe it was one of the mini-bosses before the final one.
it was towards the end and it was in Arcatraz, that much I remember

It’s the Negaton Screamers. They cast a spell that makes them immune to a school of magic that hit them recently I think (that or its very heavy DR).

Abyssals may well be immune to fire as well.

Zangarmarsh and Netherstorm atleast are excellent leveling locations. The spectral tower part is worth a lot of xp. Dunno why everyone loves Northrend so much.


I used to, but I think I’ve done it so much now that I hate it, and now I enjoy Outland more.

Same with vanilla zones since the scaling, I kept doing all the ones I loved and then stopped enjoying it and went to other zones I normally didnt do. Guess what? I absolutely love them now since I never do them anymore!

I just level by dungeons from 15 to 80.

These are some weak butt unpopular opinions.

“Wearing plate means you’re not able to run, jump, roll or do anything even half-way acrobatic or athletic!”

It’s at a point where I just have the following macro’d as a URL.

Like, sure, you won’t be as nimble as someone without plate. But you don’t suddenly become a snail on legs. Not even accounting for the fact that many WoW races have bordering super human strength (Worgen, orcs, tauren, etc).

Usually the same people turn around and insist that wearing no armour or leather armour makes them literally untouchable (And if you dare land a hit then you’re the Mary Sue). I would not be surprised to see a subscription to Crunchyroll somewhere on their monthly bank statements.

Dari explicitly half-swords or murderstrokes people in plate if he can’t empower his sword with arcane (Either out of mana or other reasons). 99% of people either know it’s a thing or are pleasantly surprised to have learned a new fact that day. But this guy. This one guy. He would not shut up about how apparently Dari should have sliced his hand open, despite repeatedly stating that the section of his sword closest to the hilt has even been left dull specifically to make it easier to grip and spear it into a guy. He ended up being kicked from the event for something unrelated but damn.

Though tbh I think we’re sharing peeves rather than unpopular opinions here!

If you secure your hand right while half-swording, the sword isn’t going to budge and cut your hand even if it’s sharpened.

I thought it was interesting how, in For Honor, all the characters are able to evade attacks by rolling - even the enormous Shugoki and the heavily armoured Lawbringer. It doesn’t even look that unrealistic either.

Meanwhile in WoW it is treated as something super special only monks can do, which I feel ends up misleading RPers even if it makes sense for game play.

You don’t even need to use a dull sword. Check Skallagrim on youtube, he does it with sharp swords and no gloves without hurting himself.

Absolutely true, you can do it with a sharp blade no problem with the right grip. Altough many larger swords have been used with a section being kept dull, both to decrease the necessity of sharpening an entire claymore and to offer an easier section to grip. You’re unlikely going to be cleaving anything with the part of the blade right next to the hilt and maintaining an entire greatsword would be a tedious task. Such larger blades often depended more on weight and momentum than having a razor edge anyway.

Funnily enough Dark Souls is also a reasonable representation of how full body plate armour does and does not impede the wearer. You can still roll and dodge, just not as nimbly. And with further training the downsides can be mitigated. (I’m still mad that poise literally doesn’t work in DS2 and DS3)

Dodges in MMORPGs are tricky. I still shudder when I recall GW2 PvP, people spamming rolls everywhere, with far too many invulnerability frames.

What does that have to do with voice chat or discord?
She means actual IC roleplay of stormwind guards etcetera having “buzz boxes” or some other stupid tool be it magic or technology, just so they can use their guild chat IC and instantly converge on whatever unfortunate victim they currently have.