I think with platemail what needs to be taken into account is plate of various builds can exist. You can have plate that is built for mobility as well as protection, so lighter overall (in line with plate IRL) and you can have seriously heavy plate that is more skin to a walking suit which is not suitable for mobility or comfort or prolonged use (just look at the blackhand tier set) but appears ridiculously thick so much so that it renders the user pretty much impervious to melee assault outside of sweetspots.
I have two warriors, a pandaren whom utilises the light plate and fights with two weapons in a more mobile style, and a Blackrock orc whom prefers ridiculously heavy plate with a huge maul. The pandarens typical attire is more vulnerable to halfswording and murderstrokes but he is capable of rolling and dodging somewhat successfully in it, albeit not like a ninja.
My orc on the other hand can’t really dodge in the armour im speaking of. Then again it’s so thick he doesn’t really need to unless he’s being struck by a ridiculously powerful plunt force that can stagger him and expose the wesker joins in his armour like the back of his neck, underarms etc.
It does Peeve me a bit when people don’t take stock of your armour and insist “but x technique is designed for plate so it worked”. Like if your half sword connects with my pandaren then yeah it will probably work. Unless you’re doing it on very specific spots in my orc, then you’d have to be impossibly strong for it to work as a frontal thrust if not enchanted, as his armour is almost impractibly thick. Very much designed as an iron horde throwback to be utilised against very big opponents like ogres and ogronn but not nimble ones. So it’s very good at weathering direct attack due to the thickness and weight, but it makes for quite poor vision when helmed, a poor ability to turn around and chase down etc.
My guy is strong enough to swing stuff in it, and brace himself for blows he’s expecting, but causing him to stagger long enough to expose the chinks is how I play the weakness. This wasn’t an issue when fighting opponents like ogres who rely on blunt force to cave your body in, but lack the speed/brains to follow up on weak spots. Against other races though it remains to be seen. What I don’t concede though is that just because someone is some mystical blade master of whatever, their bladework can work through it head on. Not happening. It’d be like trying to punch the Hulkbuster. Unless you’re the Hulk, you need to try something else. I make the armours features quite clear in my TRP.
That is why Chieun brings the poleaxe - the most versatile™ weapon ever invented, and a premier armour-buster with both axe end and hammer end, as well as stabby spikes!
Blunt force is generally the answer to heavy armour. Hammers can do terrible damage through plate.
It is an excellent weapon for heavily armoured warriors expecting to fight other frontliners.
Druids are usually a bane of good RP
who else has the ability to turn into any animal imaginable
thus allowing weirdos to roll animal rp and then invade hubs
Yeah I imagine my guy might have his backside handed to him by a pandaren someday as given their fighting style is quite precise (and their history had them fighting against lumbering hulks in the Mogu) they’re well supplied against his approach to combat. Also they utilise long weapons quite often which are good for shifting your momentum in a controlled manner.
Although his armour is thick enough to probably not be too damaged by blunt force, its what it entails. All that clanging around, being knocked about, isn’t very pleasant and you can only fight as long as you can bear such. So a square blow to the head might not dent the helmet, but it would be far from painless and ineffective, maybe because of how unyielding the metal is.
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Guards doesn’t say anything like the OP is implying you are thinking. They are refering to players, you clearly don’t know what the OP is talking about. Don’t be stupid please.
Unpopular opinion: warriors (and not only them, but just overall buffed IC dudes and dudettes) can easily use heroic leap or charge IC on an equal level as a mage uses fireball or warlock summons a demon.
The coolest warriors are the ones putting up a fight using skill, gear and preparation, not the ones jumping all over the place like superman throwing a tantrum.
Change my mind.
I think given we’ve had an armour discussion I’ll add on this too: I base this very much on the warriors outfitting.
As mentioned my two earlier warriors: my pandaren warrior can leap and charge, at a cost to his endurance. My Blackrock when outfitted in above plate can’t do either. He can’t whirlwind either because he can’t shift his body weight like that due to how heavy the boots are. They represent my two warrior poles. One is technique, the other is very much equipment.
I don’t know… What if I’m just that skilled to jump and charge all around the place?
Ha, victorious again.
Chieun just puts the spear end in the way where you are about to land, because you can’t turn in mid-air.
Looks like skewered human’s back on the menu, boys!
I’m referring to player guards/SI/I think also some of the criminals who have some sort of “buzzboxes” that let them metagame. Vilesun’s right.
I don’t know, I’m not jumping and charging like this all over the battlefield IC, but I’m seeing a potential for a Gryphon Fodder here.
I tell you, Golden loves beaten chinese!
Why would a poor criminal have an access to high tech?
I read that reason why those buzzboxes even became a thing was that criminal RPers always magically summoned their 5 friends who were apparently until now hiding in the shadow after guard approached them.
Even outside of that, there are far more guards in the lore/game than there are guard RPers online at any time. So to have a way for those guard RPers to get others to the crime scene in reasonable time is IMO necessary evil.
It doesn’t change the fact that in general, this thing even if it is said to be in some quests or other stuff doesn’t even make sense for majority of people to have. Especially lowly criminals or even the guard.
That’s the problem, people are playing only to win and thus generate such a nonsense that shouldn’t exist.
I take back what i’ve said all along in the first place then.
Sorry. Your right, i am wrong.
The coolest warriors are the ones that survive and it shouldnt matter how
Because it’s Stormwind. Even some bar staff has access to it, I think.
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Strongly disagree. Power is not what I put the most value in for a character.
One day I want to see someone RPing as a rich, generally useless son of an aristocrat or merchant who toddles around, able to best those far more skilled than they because their daddy bought them a full set of enchanted armour that makes them strong enough to hurl a tauren.
So rarely do I see people play on enchantments for their armour/weapons that presents itself practically. They’re always just as competent without it.
In my case at least, Chieun is specialised into the use of her horribly expensive heavy plate armour, and while she acts as a living bastion with it, she is severely disadvantaged without it.
Having muscle memory to parry things with your wrists and grabbing sword blades in combat can go badly if you are not equipped for it, as evidenced by her current sparring attempts!