Enchanted shield, here. On a huge disadvantage against capable casters without it. Though there is still some experience and I’m talking only about taking the shield away, not entire equipment - I don’t imagine Thyron fighting against most of the, let’s say, Sun Hawks’ mages without it, it’d be considerably harder. Gear matters a lot.
Yes, he’s had it crafted when he was 16 and for his daddy’s money. Got scolded, though.
There’s still more flavourful ways of engaging in long distance communication. Immediately resorting to high-tech gadgets seems a little cheap, especially in the mostly low-tech Stormwind City.
Why not a bugle? A single piercing toot and suddenly town bells start chiming in the distance, and guardsmen start pouring onto the street in search of the commotion.
In my experience, not getting involved will cut you off from half of the community, coordination and most of the chatting since people just aren’t using the ingame communities feature to the extent that they use discord and the guild chats have been edged out by external chat services for years. The ingame convenience is just ignored as discord renders it obsolete and unable to compete for interaction.
Northrend and most of the questing in WoTLK is so lifeless and boring its unimaginable how anyone could have looked on the expansion and thought “yes this is the pinnacle, we cannot go higher.”
Most of the continent is a combination of Scourge + Scourge (+ something else) and wait… more Scourge.
Blizzard have some real cheek to complain WoD was Orc centric when WoTLK was spent being up to your eyes in undead.