Unpopular Opinions

Perhaps you forgot Nerubians and scarlet onslaught stuff, maybe counted them under scourge
Also we got Iron dwarves, which you may counted under titan stuff, which have an appearance in fjord…

And Grizzly Hills.

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Regarding “orc centric Wod” at least it kept the Iron horde in your sights are the perennial enemy. Legion was great, but honestly their representation for the first chunk of the expo was just not there. I mean they fly in the end of the zones mostly as a kinda “muahaha it was us all along!” after you’ve spent 90% of the zone fighting some other baddies.

Yeah, I really didn’t get the whole “it’s the third invasion! End of days!” feel. Wod has issues. But at least the enemy was visible throughout which gave the expo some feels in terms of what we’re actually doing. Legion felt like a holiday combined with being a product tester for a shiny new legendary weapon.


You chase down Val’kyr and Scourge frost vrykul and stuff in the western end of Storm Peaks, does that not count as Scourge?

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I’ll take the expansion theme being strong (especially when the theme has lots of variation, as the Scourge had a variety of different aspects) over the expansion theme being anemic and barely present at all.


Who did?

Should’ve had more of a representation in the old world… Rather than just a few class quests and occasional Karazhan.

And Argus was a letdown.

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Pet Peeve: Narutards


Using heroic leap IC

This is perfectly fine.

Using heroic leap to jump past the frontline in RPPvP and start brawling the backline but not die instantly depsite being 1v40 and flanked on all sides by abusing the fact that you’re in prot spec, have unlimited heals and enemy damage has to be throttled otehrwise it’s cheating. Bonus points for shouting witty remarks while 1v40ing because you’re oh so cool.



Read it in a very fast speaking voice. Worth it.

Elves / Draenei / Tauren / Undead shouldn’t have gotten the monk class.


Why not Draenei though?
We both have Jedhin brawls which was on Argus, also we have Auchenai monks… hmm…

Although i get your point overall about non Pandaren races’ monks


None of non-pandaren races should have gotten a monk class.

It was Wrath of the Lich King, after all. Theme is important, they should’ve a dozen more scourge-related zones, seriously. It’s you who is boring, not the fact that they upheld the theme - And glory to Blizzard for this.


Wrestlers =/= monks, and the Auchenai monks are the Western-inspired monk, I.e priests, not the Pandaren wushu Eastern version.


Fair :ok_hand:t2:

The majority of RPers who poo on human/GoT/house/Stormwind RP are just as bad as those they crap on (if not worse).


I mean, roleplaying a house doesn’t have to go wrong, it may become very interesting. On the other hand, trying to build your own GoT fantasy in WoW… Yea, it is. Now imagine, that I just saw a character that was a complete ripoff from there, which ofc. if people would know, they’d ignore it. It’s like playing Jaina ffs.

This is kind of a general theme in many areas of RP.
I especially love guides how to RP right according to the lore that are filled with lore inconsistencies and information from RPG presented as canon.

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In ten characters.

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Ultimately GoT is the new trend of the fantasy genre, which explains the RPers’ interest in the topic.

There’s nothing wrong in desiring a realistic setting (or vice-versa, an heroic setting), in both cases you have to put up with the fact you will find different role-players as you travel the world.

Players should just stop punishing others for not having their same tastes.

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Nothing stops people from focusing that one person, who is being overly heroic-idiotic (choose one). Actually, people should focus that one person, who is trying to undermine their frontline form behind, if to look at this from an IC and, like, logical perspective.

Do they tho? “urghHhH another loller, ill keep on autoattacking and alt tabbing to watch some kardashians on youtube” which, in combination with even a single healer, makes that person, yes, unkillable.

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