With the restricted pvp ruleset, one tank under the protection of healers could likely be unkillable even by fourty people or so.
Err, i mean, nice
And i agree, probably is so
Whilst restricted pvp puts a big implication on some formation vs formation battles - i’ve very rarely seen healers running extra 20 yards to heal up the suicidal tank
If that actually happens far too often - then i guess there must be done some changes to common restricted pvp ruleset, innit, if it annoys too many people
And I’ve changed them again today, but armory didn’t catch the change since I’ve not logged off yet.
But the one right now is so good… Why ya changed it…
I guess that’s an unpopular opinion
Mog changed for IC reasons!
Oh, very well…
BUT KEEP THIS LATER… Maybe grant her this robe IC
Pandaren shouldn’t’ve gotten non-monk classes
Ah yes, the priests are well known for stuff like a cyclone kick (check their abilities)
In my experience people do respond and respond quickly, but as said by others tank spec+unlimited heals+throttled damage=unkillable tank. Hell sometimes they don’t even need healing, tanks with good gear can absorb a crap ton of damage even from 40 people who are stuck with mostly autoattacks.
The only time it stops is when we protest in raid chat to our DM, who then has to talk to the other DM, who then has to decide if it’s okay if we go HAM on that guy, then get back to our DM with the go ahead to nuke them for being an idiot both IC and OOC. The person then immediately goes splat when people are permitted to actually DPS him. They’ll do it once or twice more before finally getting the message.
That can take several minutes, minimum. So plenty of time to basically split everyone’s immersion in half (Of what immersion exists anyway) and be oh so very badass in the face of 1v40ing an entire army.
I generally dislike the commonly agreed restricted ruleset, but the one I tend to agree with is ‘respect formations’ and ‘don’t walk through people’ which heroic leap fanatics tend to ignore. Leaping to chase someone down or escape? By all means. Jumping into the entire enemy army by yourself to jerk off about how strong you are IC by borderline abusing the restricted ruleset to not die as a result? CEASE. AND. DESIST.
Since this isn’t actually an unpopular opinion in these forums at all, I might aswell post a more unpopular opinion on the topic.
Non-pandaren monks are fine, as are most class/race combinations. It’s up to the player to figure out how to make it work for each character, like a monk as a martial artist, brewmaster nightborne as a wine-brewer, or night elf mage as a highborne/outcast to night elf society. I’d rather have the option than nothing at all.
I’ll even say I hope they add tinkers (if they will) to more races than just gnomes and goblins. Hell, engineering has existed in the game since day 1.
Disagree; it’s up to Blizzard to create a setting that feels authentic and consistent, and restrictions are a part of giving races a unique character / thematic, rather than homogenizing everybody to be capable of being everything. Wine-brewers aren’t wushu chi-flinging monks, but Highborne are mages and fits the theme of that subrace. Monks are not, contrary to what a lot of AD seem to believe, a generic brawler class - they’re rooted in a specific race fantasy that shouldn’t rly. be infringed upon.
Like, I know loads of Elf gamers would similarly freak out if DH was available to everybody, so why not restrict monk, too?
Tinkers, when added, should be more than just goblins / gnomes, but they shouldn’t be elves, worgen, tauren, pandaren, etc, and stick to the less nature-y, magic-y races.
I’d love another Horde race for DH. I hate how the Blood Elf male skeleton is built. It makes hoods/shoulders/3D pieces look horrible due to their stance.
Monks are not, contrary to what a lot of AD seem to believe, a generic brawler class
They should be. I love the idea of monks but projectile vomit every time I see their animations.
i support
in ten characters
Because DHs launched as elf only, are still elf only and will likely continue to be elf only. Monks have been a ‘common’ class like rogues/warriors/hunters since their implementation. As an aside I do find it weird that all the ‘master’ NPCs are a mix of race at the monk hubs and agree that they should all be pandaren, they even have pandaren-ish names. :V
Now if we went back in time to MoP and monk was pandaren only, I wouldn’t even be talking about this at all and would probably agree that the class should have stayed that way, but that’s not how it went down and monks, for better are worse, are explained and presented as a common class like warrior.
I only grumble because of how way back in the day they excused worgen/goblins based on timelines (Which is daft since at the time draenei/BElves were still in a TBC time bubble) and location (when last I checked pandaren explorers cropped up literally everywhere barriers and seas be damned).
Then they go and give monks to multiple races who have either been even more isolated than Gilneas and for longer, have never even set foot on Azeroth before or are sworn enemies of the pandaren. It’s both baffling and frustrating how stubborn Blizzard is about this, adding worgen/goblin monks would be very easy to excuse for the same reasons other core races got the class. But time travelling orcs get it? Wut? But LFDraenei can’t… They could at least be consistent rather than throw a coin toss with a monk symbol on one side every time they add a race. They worked really hard to block the class from the Cata races but then start adding it to the most nonsensical races possible.
I fully agree that some class/race combos should be offlimits though. Draenei warlock? Unlikely, they’ve been hunted by demons for thousands(?) of years and every single one we see casts their lot with the Legion. BElf druid? Unlikely, too busy doing arcane like the cool kids they are. Etc. Suggesting a few combos that aren’t playable because raisins is a far cry from wanting everything unlocked.
I don’t normally advocate the removal of a race/class combo, but would you say it was a fair exchange at the very least to remove the class from the “Are you out of your mind?” races and in exchange give it to the two remaining core races that at least match the existing criterea?
Not the class mechanically, no. But generally it’s worth remembering some classes lean heavily into one or two racial archetypes. Paladin/priest is very human. Warrior is very orc/dwarf. Monk is very pandaren. Etc.
I’d say it’s plausible that each race has their own martial art (Much like how many countries/tribes IRL do), and pandaren training just enhanced them. Tauren might use a martial art that uses their horns and hooves. Draenei have wrestling. Worgen/gilneans might box. NElf sentinals for all we know have a variant of Judo Etc.
Going back to ‘common’ classes, it’s reasonable to suggest that a human warrior and an orc warrior would have different techniques and styles, likewise two monks/artial artists of different races may fight very differently.
But in both cases, they’re represented by a class in gameplay that might not match those racial differences. They tried doing that in vanilla ('member fear ward?) and it didn’t work out.
So now you have NElf priests who are mechanically human priests, tauren paladins who are mechanically human paladins, pandaren warriors who are mechanically orc/dwarf warriors, and XYZ monks who are mechanically pandaren monks, but in-universe they’re not Jackie Chan/anime style monks the way pandaren are even if they may also use Spirit as their source of power. But I don’t feel we should rip those classes off those races just because they don’t match the names and racial themes of the abilities of said classes. Should we take priest away from NElves because all the abilities are themed after Humans/The Light/Cathedrals?
…at this point I don’t know what I’d rather have, Gilneans being ‘pub boxers’ and punching everyone’s lights out in worgen form, or ‘wolf style’ martial artists using fangs and claws. Both are cool.
idk what goblins would have, Mall Dojo style?
I get that, and it’s a valid opinion to have. It’s just not unpopular. I feel like every time monks are brought up someone needs to bring up class restrictions.
But something tells me this thread isn’t much about unpopular opinions anyway.
It’s basically an alternative pet peeves thread tbh. Sometimes I have to double check which one I’m in.
That said nothing wrong with voicing an opinion, popular or not, so long as we can have a healthy discussion about it.
Fair enough, nothing wrong with that then.
I’d accept monks being a panda-only class if pandas were made a monk-only race. If the two of them are so tightly woven together that the identity of monks is inseparable from the pandas and the identity of pandas is inseparable from monk stuff, then why not make pandas really unique by limiting them to the one class that no other race has access to, as a sign of their unique culture?