I’d like them to either remove pandaren shaman or add pandaren paladins.
Not that it really matters these days since alliance has FAR more shaman than horde has paladins.
I’d like them to either remove pandaren shaman or add pandaren paladins.
Not that it really matters these days since alliance has FAR more shaman than horde has paladins.
Better idea, let gnomes/goblins be druids and have their shapeshifts be mechs that they use, we’ve got too many classes rn
Unpopular opinion: the Kul Tiran unlock quest is better than Zandalari unlock quest. The Zandalari quest, while cool and good, is pretty much just same old while the Kul Tiran quest is wholesome and offers some new insights to various parts of their culture.
Unpopular-or-just-not-spoken-out-much opinion: The Lich King should have been involved in the fight against Kil’jaeden during Legion, fighting personally in the battle as the second-most deserving person to fight the Deceiver, second only to Velen. Would also have made one character from the class campaigns relevant to the story as a whole.
Another unpopular opinion: The August Celestials are very selfish Wild Gods who do not share their powers. They share their teachings, but barely any of their powers. They teach the pandaren to reach for the powers within themselves, without actually granting them any power like the other Wild Gods do. It’s why their followers cannot take on Crane form or Tiger form or anything followers of other Wild Gods and Loa can do.
…Then again I suppose teaching someone moral codes and ways of life, and to use the power within themselves and their own spirit instead of blessing them with new powers isn’t all that selfish.
Edit: Yet another supposedly unpopular opinion: Draenei and Orcs should have been able to be demon hunters, specficially allowed to be Broken Draenei and Chaos/Fel Orcs loyal to the Illidari who has been taught those ways. But that’d be too much extra work to reasonably be a thing.
Class/race restrictions are boring. More WoW roleplayers should enjoy the ridiculousness of creating unusual combinations in pen and paper RPGs.
I’m super confused why DnD 5e has the Bladesinger subclass restricted to elves, it’s the only thing in the game that is race limited at all, so nearly everyone just dismisses the ruling.
No. That is an RPG element and they have already been lenient enough with certain combinations like Tauren Paladins.
“Only elves and half-elves can choose the bladesinger arcane tradition. In the world of Faerfln, elves closely guard the secrets of bladesinging. Your DM can lift this restriction to better suit the cam-paign. The restriction reflects the story of bladesingers in the Forgotten Realms, but it might not apply to your DM’s setting or your DM’s version of the Realms.”
-SCAG, pg. 142
It explains why quite clearly, while also stating outright that your DM can scrap it at their discretion, even when playing a FR game.
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with tying certain archetypes to certain races as standard when they’re particularly flavourful.
Also you’re wrong on Bladesinger being a unique race restriction - there’s a bunch of racial feats in XGTE.
Obviously, the galaxy brain approach is to Heroic Leap into a 40 man line and auto attack afk, watching youtubes while your Mercy main slave tops you off in perpetuity.
On classes, Zandalari trolls, Kul Tiran and Dark Iron Dwarves should be able to be death knights. If draenei can be death knights with how new and few they were to the world, all the former ones who have been around far more, should certainly be able to. Especially Zandalari, given how well-travelled they are. One could make a case for Highmountain Tauren, but Trag Highmountain is likely only the exception (like the Pandaren Death Knight from your garrison).
Lightforged Draenei should be able to be monks, as I can’t imagine anyone would be more in tune with themselves and have all that chi and inner peace deal under control given their lightforged state.
Pandaren should have druids, as their culture is literally focused around four wild gods that they are taught by.
And obviously night elf shaman. It goes without saying, or maybe it goes -with- saying. Druids of the Flame. And their culture is already heavily influenced with the fifth element, spirit/life; so it is no stretch to start looking into the four other elements.
Illidari-aligned orcs and draenei could get demon hunters as unpopularly stated earlier.
Mag’har orcs could somewhat reasonably have gotten paladin if any of them had adapted some of that lightbound stuff going on in that crazy upsidedown world of theirs where genocide and conquering is very forgivable.
Only adding things because taking away classes really isn’t possible without upsetting people by enforcing race changes.
Fair. I completely forget at times that DnD actually has it’s own lore and setting. Literally every campaign I’ve participated in has had a more or less custom setting with only DnD races and classes making an appearance.
Also true, I literally forgot those existed. I was just thinking in terms of class/archetype restrictions.
As far as I recall Bladesinger is the only class/archetype that is race limited, which is a bit weird when nearly any other archetype could be given a similar limitation or fluff and gate those off too if they so desired, so Bladesinger being isolated seemed weird to me, but at least they achknowledge a DM can wave away the limitation as they see fit.
what if I told you
that battlerager barbarians (also SCAG) were dwarf-only
That said they both come from SCAG which admittedly seems to be a more fluff/lore orientated book for player options compared to other books filled with similar stuff, so they likely wanted specifically to add some racial themes in. More than likely for games explicitly set in the Sword Coast area. Still not sure why they made it an actual rule (Albeit one the DM can dismiss but that goes for everything in the rule books) when 5e broadly did away with such things, but I’m not fussed beyond that, more curious/puzzled than anything else.
But wait! There’s more!
Unearthed Arcana: Eberron has the Dragonmarked feat, which are also race restricted (only certain races can have certain Dragonmarks).
Also the Oathbreaker Paladin (DMG) has an alignment restriction - Evil only.
I think racial feats or archetypes are cool, as are “background” archetypes - eg. only people from x nation could take y archetype. It helps flesh out the nations as unique entities, and there’s plenty of unrestricted options on top of it.
Also while looking stuff up for this I found that Mike Mearls considers racial stat bonuses a mistake (eg. Con+Str +2 for mountain dwarf) and that if they did it over they’d instead tie them to classes.
Not sure I agree with him on that one personally.
Yeah that’s… weird. At that point you may as well just delete races (though frankly as long as v.human gets a free feat you might as well do that already).
Sure some races got it way too good (Mountain dwarf, what the hell guys?) and some got screwed (Why do kobolds have a -2 to STR but not halflings, gnomes or goblins?) but that’s something easily fixed.
An alternative to the singular racial trait, could be a choice of one of multiple racials for more mobility, say upon the creation of your character, something that’ll stick.
I was reminded recently by somebody else’s post of how miserable some particularities of the Cata quest design philosophy was vs Vanilla ones, especially for revamped zones such as Westfall.
I think it’s an unpopular opinion, at least, but the “CSI meme, 9gag puns, and zaniness” (how the original poster puts it) really grinds my gears of how awful it is vs the original long-running Onyxia-involving questline.
Orc cries of honour will always be useless until such a time that it is codified and not the subjective opinion of individuals. Further, Horde Honour™ will always be a farce as long as orcs insist that their fictional ideal always applies to all members of their multicultural coalition, assigning collective responsibility while the Horde as a whole seems to ignore or license what its member states (Forsaken) are up to until it becomes inconvenient.
You can’t hold others to a standard that you refuse to define and expect all to comply when standard procedure is to grant as much wiggle room as possible via loose rulership. Honour so loosely defined yet eagerly enforced on others is nothing but cultural imperialism. This is extra arrogant with orcs not leading the Horde.
Unpopular opinion: I think the new forum system quote mechanic is actually worse than before and I don’t like it at all, even if we can now quote cross-forum.
For example
And no one would be the wiser because first of all how many people do actually bother to check that what’s quoted is real to begin with, and second of all: even if you did press the down arrow to see the ‘full context’ of the post, it’s all still white letters and not red/green color coding for substractions/additions.
I don’t know of any instance that this has been used malevolently yet. But it could be.
It’s an in-built Quote Photoshop.
Stealth chat should be able to be seen by all. How boring it is now.