I don’t care about your danged Game of Thrones and can’t wait for the series to be over so it can stop being talked about. Either that or wait for it to be milked to death and opinion turn sour.
I don’t care about your danged Game of Thrones and can’t wait for the series to be over so it can stop being talked about. Either that or wait for it to be milked to death and opinion turn sour.
WoD was the best expansion of all,and dserved to not be cut in favor of legion.
Mythic+ is a worse challenge mode and affixes escpially as theyre now are garbage and just make it worse.
Blood elves should have all classes.
All Elves should come together and rule over the 'lesser 'races.
Legion was full of flaws, and dint fulfil real feeling of biggest invasion ever. prepatch invasions felt more like a threat or actual invasion then all rest of legion.
Argus was cool but way to small with 3zones just.
Ashran is fun place and i cant wait for it to return as a epic battleground.
Anduin is worst and most boring character ever in wow.
Calia being a holy undead goes against evrything about undead is about, and is worst loremistake of all time in wow and should be retconned as soon as possible.
Void elfs arent a mistake,theyre a cool race and got lot more potential for cool and interesting stuff but blizz should expand them more.
Tyrande should take over the Alliance.
Id like Galywix as warchief oneday and he is a better warchief then saurfang or baine.
We need hide Pants aswlel, if evrything else will be hidable so should pants.
We need more slutmog options escpially hd ones that arent just dh’s. That are same for male and female.
Challenge mode rewards and mage tower skins and old pvp sets shouldnt never have been removed and still be aviable today in some way, even if just bmah. Legendaries and the old quests like mop and wod should aslo never have been removed.
I think nothing should be removed from game of content or transmogable rewards.
Wq’s arent a bad idea but to many are just kill X mob or kill 10 X smaller mobs,they should be expanded same with invasion tech and visual updates over time for old world is more relevant,
they shouldnt tune/balance anything around guys like ones from method.(like tomb mythic was for example).
Saurfang is not honorable in the slightest and bfa totally ruined evrything about his character and Garrosh was best warchief horde has ever had.
Thrall sucked as warchief and is a bloody idiot for settling in a dessert and wouldve rather had people starve then take as last resort when night elves dint wanna let them trade and all.
And he cheated in magorah vs garrosh in draenor.
I can sort of agree with this. I had much more fun with CMs than M+. I understand why M+ is there, but I do not like it.
The rest of your post, though? No. So much no. So much no, in fact, that I want to give it a spiritual downvote despite those technically being unpopular opinions.
I think the hide pants part is pretty reasonable to be fair.
I feel like that is trying to turn a 12+ game into something it is not.
Blizzard has moved away from swimwear mogs over the years, and I think that is a good thing.
They are almost all vanilla or TBC, with like one set added in MoP? That is basically it, other than DHs of course.
I feel like there are better games out there if you want to play the waifu of your dreams.
They have a hide pants option in FF14 and that doesn’t make it an “adult” game.
i would quite honestly like to be able to wear the robes of insight styled robes without having to worry about whether whichever mageweave pants I need to match it.
Then go play FF14.
That is a cop out answer.
ive hated M+ since legion. With titanforge and in legion legiondaries and its gear being better then raid one escpially trinkets, it encourages to much ininite grind, never done with your progress/gear.
Affixes for most part are just horrible. High dmg boss, lets see ontop of scalign lets give it 40% more health and like 30% more dmg or so.
I just hate they just lead to a mess and bascily made you have to do dungeons for raid gear all expansion long.
Id actully like system simelair to how pvp gear worked in wod(imo best way to do from what we have had) gear for M+ is tailored for it with bonuses or extra ilvl only in M+ and raid gear is weakened and doesnt have the bonuses.
SO theyre both seperate progression paths instead of having to do both if you wanna do 1 you have intrest in and not in other.
WoW absolutely should not hand the sweaty neckbeards any more fuel. I can do without seeing more bikini belves and humans running around in BGs, thank you very much.
Fortunately the current trend seems very much set.
I could do without seeing you moan about it every chance you get.
yet here we are!
I like you already, Friscie.
That hard to handle someone disagreeing with you? Disappointing, really.
thanx Void elves are my favorite allied race really. i still need to lvl mine to max(monk is at 114) but i got kinda sick of the specs so she is just there for the moment.
Also not sure its unpopulair opinion(i dont g on forums to much) the limited amount of likes is super stupid.
Says the person, whose brush off was, “go play ff then”
Absolutely. And I still think it is your best option. WoW isn’t what you want if that is what you are looking for, and I hope it never will be.
No moaning here. On the contrary, I am quite content with the status quo.
I somehow doubt that, after a look at the void elf heritage armor. Ever seen the chestpiece?
That and the cloth of the first LFR tier of MoP is what, two sets in six expansions?
thunderlord from wod,
orgrimar set doesnt cover much
aswell.dragonrider set from islands i think?
nightborne heritage armor chest doesnt cover much either
Druid set from hfc/wod season 2 and 3(atleast the chest).
Multiple leather pieces from bfa are basicly just bra’s. Not a set players cna ge but the night elves in darkshore(like classic wow cinematic)