i think the void and such is interesting and quite cool. and void elfs are deeply connected with it, blizzard should jut explore it more imo.
Oh lord, I see so many blood elves in that set.
It’s orc armour!
Sin’dorcs are a sin
but does it still count as orc armor if you steal it of them?
I can’t imagine any elf deigning to suffer the loss of dignity in wearing rough orcish leathers.
Also, might be an unpopular opinion, but I don’t think Tales of the Past 3 is that bad in retrospective. Sure, it’s flawed. But for the story and assets that Martin Falch had to work with, I enjoyed it. It’s not a great story, it’s not a great film, but it’s a good cheesy dumb turn-off-your-brain-and-enjoy film.
We had this convo with Telaryn a while back.
I can appreciate a really superior, duelist fighting style that focuses on superior blade & footwork and precison.
I can appreciate really raw, violent and almost “brutish” fighting styles, where you compliment the lack of skill/nimbleness with raw physical strength, endurance and violence
I can also appreciate these berserking blade flurriers who go headlong into combat swinging weapons wildly at your opponent with no care for injuries or death.
All of them are cool concept (on paper). How you execute them obviously means a great deal. All of them can be RP’d bad or good.
Toots obnoxiously loudly
Barum, barum, come my friends. The Horde is going to war. It is likely we go to our doom. The last march of the orcs.
Very unpopular opinion ahead.
I am really tired of orcs.
It is telling that Mag’har is the only race I have not even bothered to recruit. It feels like no other race has such a concentration of self-centered powergamers.
That is not to say there aren’t good ones. You know who you are. But I am just so tired of the race.
I like Pepsi over Cola.
Mechagon looks cooler / more interesting than Nazjatar in both the lore and gameplay aspects. Old Gods in nu-WoW aren’t really interesting; it’s just budget-brand Lovecraft with loads of purple tentacles and being told you’re going insane (Blizzard corruption meme). Gnomes finally getting some love is a good sense of levity that this expansion really needs.
People obsessing over the supposedly deep story of N’zoth also need to get a grip; the entire Xal’atath quest-chain is immensely stupid, the player character reduced to a gibbering idiot who does nonsensical things with the suppoed puppetmaster Old God being as subtle as slamming your head against the cobbles. I won’t mention anything from 8.2, since it’s spoilers, but it’s absolutely ZzZzZZZzzzz.
The allied race grind is nowhere near the slog that people seem to think that it is as you get most of what you need by just playing the story and basic content.
Furthermore, BfA isn’t actually bad but gets a bad record from youtubers making money on outrage videos. Social media and reddits mean you get likes for being extra cantankerous and it nurtures a toxic response in a wider community that’s more detrimental to WoW than any bad writing and design. A ton of people who announce proudly and indignantly that they’re quitting act as if they only just now realised that they were GRINDING since 2004, shock and horror! I suspect a fair few people just grew up and realised what they were doing and that they weren’t enjoying it. Then the immediate thought didn’t go any further than that and they blamed BfA for grinds being boring and RNG being unfair loot distribution when it’s been the same in various shapes for over a decade. People will scream and quit if it’s too hard to get gear and they’ll scream and quit if it’s too easy. Nope. In a lot of cases, it’s not BfA, its’s you and your outrage over minutiae you tolerated and even celebrated years prior.
Also, for all the talk of BfA being MoP 2: the Legend of Jani’s gold, BfA is telling the story of a despotic warchief threatening the world much better and more in depth than Garrosh suddenly trying to harness an old god for conquest in the late phase of an expansion thus far without much story direction.
Literally the case as old god equivalents and a wider mythos of cosmic horrors and existential angst are too old to be copyrighted. Tentacled star gods with mouths for eyes, chewing on the membrane of reality to doom our insignificant souls is a cheap, copyright free and safely reliable trope to play.
Budget-brand as in they’re not nearly as interesting as Lovecraft’s works; unless he has a copyright on vaguely spooky narratives, I don’t think using old tropes (it’s not like Blizz need to use the literal mythos) excuses the devs from shoddy writing. They shouldn’t bother utilizing them if they can’t give them a cool, unique spin.
So do I to be fair.
Old gods are void lord boogers.
Good guys/heroes are the most boring thing ever, not only in roleplay but in movies.
Marvel/DC comics and movies are mostly trash.
Good guy bad, bad guy good, morally grey™ guy is reasonable moderate centrist hated by both.
Apparently unpopular:
I want to buy and own my games and movies rather than rent them from a fickle service with a subscription. I’m screwed once they stop building bluray players but probably prior to that as new tv’s lose their cables and outlets, becoming wholly digital cloud machines with smooth surfaces.
I’d like to see pandaren DKs.
This applies to most of “grinds” in modern WoW (outside of high tier content, where you really do need to grind).
One thing I liked doing back in Legion was taking a look at achievments of people who were complaining about AP grind, Legendaries and so on. Turns out, the highest level of content they did was LFR.
But no, they were complaining how they have to grind AP to remain competitive and how Legendaries are horrible because they don´t have their BiS. So they did tons of WQs every day, grinded Heroic dungeons, did LFR every week…just to be able to do slightly higher DPS in LFR.
Quite special case are players who never bother with the “grind” and then keep on complaining how difficult it is, as if they were authorities on how tedious content they never did is.
The only grind that I think should be in the game should be leveling up.
I have never been sold on the artifact power idea. It feels really unrewarding and bad to me that after all those levels, your character still isn’t as powerful as they can be, but you instead need to unlock arbitrary powers through another form of leveling after you are max level.
Gear progression is OK- Character progression should 100% end when you hit the max level. I should have all my character’s abilities ready to use when I am max level.
You are too kind, Chíeun.
Salutes in Orcish