It’s not even that good. There are far better fantasy novels around.
It doesn’t have to be. What is popular doesn’t have to be good. And vice-versa, what is good doesn’t have to be liked by everyone.
Names, I need names!
The Kingkiller Chronicles + the Gentleman Bastards Sequence
Depends when you do it, when I started going for Void Elves, you had a handful of world quests and if you were very, very lucky you had an emmissary up.
Eventually they changed it to all of Argus giving Void Elf rep, by which point I was capped on Lightforged like twice over.
Tbh most of WoW these days requires you to do stuff you would like to avoid to get a reward you don’t care much about, but that you need somehow to progress.
I didn’t play during most of 7.3 and I found myself penalized for that, as I had to grind for the rep later on (hint: I didn’t).
I know the Argus storyline, I did all the quests, but I still had to get there and do all the world quests. Over and over. It takes quite a while of time where I am forced to do repetitive and boring content which I clearly don’t like to unlock velves/lf, which are just a reskin.
And then what? Level up, pay for a boost, pay for a race change… Do more repetitive and boring content to attain artifact power? Grind and waste more time for more rewards? Then more grinds all over for the pvp/raid gear? How many hours is that? The reward isn’t satisfying if I can’t enjoy it. No, I believe there is too much gated content. I liked one thing of WoD: the easily obtainable pvp gear, which allowed players to gear up quickly and enjoy the content.
What did BFA introduce that I can access when I buy the expansion? No new race, no new class. Just leveling zones. It isn’t inspiring. Everything requires me to spend time.
Mistborn books are very, very good.
I’m not sure if better since a read is very much a question of taste, but others that are pretty nice too:
Farsee Trilogy + Tawny Man + Liveship Traders + Rain Wild Chronicles + The Fitz and the Fool trilogy, Robin Hobb
If you can read french, I highly recommend Janua Vera and Gagner la Guerre, by Jean-Philippe Jaworski. As far as I know, not translated in english alas.
The Broken Earth, N.K Jemisin.
Empire of Sand, Tasha Suri.
The Chronicles of the Black Company, Glen Cook.
The Stormlight Archives, Brandon Sanderson.
The Goblin Emperor, Katherine Addison.
The Daevabad trilogy, S.A Chakraborty.
I heard good of Joe Abercrombie but I read only Best Served Cold a few years back, so can’t fully attest of it.
If you’re up for serial novels (published online, with a few chapters a week), I do recommend A Practical Guide to Evil, from Erricerata.
Island expeditions are cool and good because transmog, pets and mounts - also known as Fashion Souls - is the true end game.
My unpopular opinion is that I actually prefer the new forum system.
It’s rly nice.
I wish it had some sort of better index system. Finding post 2234 can be tricky, unless there’s some find post system I’ve missed?
alright, i kept this opinion in the back of my mind but here goes
druids need to just go, like go so far away they aren’t in the game anymore
because FORK druids.
Confined those druid boys
with their instant flying mount and ground mount cast (which is also free).
their build in ability to gather nods and open chests while mounted.
instant heal and spell casting making it annoyingly hard to prevent them from healing in pvp.
They drive me to drink!
They don’t even have a core class kit, everything is just stolen from the other classes who are doing a better job than the druids anyway.
Patch them out I say!
Stempel hated that
Yes i agree with this altered variant of your opinion.
Finding a post when you got the number of it is surprisingly easy to do. But trying to find a post that you remember being like 2 days old in a long thread with 300+ new posts in the meantime without the post number makes me scream.
Doesn’t help that they replaced ctrl+f with their search thingy that’s been super unreliable for me. (Understandable tho since normal ctrl+f wouldn’t really work with finding stuff either because of how this mess of a forum works.)
Anyway, if you do have the number of a post: Simply replace the last number in the thread url with that.
I don’t like troll paladins.
Ah, so warlocks have better mobility than a balance druid? We handle movement better, eh?
That’s where you’re wrong, kiddo!
People couldn’t RP animals if we had no druids however, and I’m sure everyone on AD loves animal RP.