first of all, we once did in fact have great mobility, but blizzard took that away
secondly druids are not copy cating from warlocks but from, warriors, mages and rogues.
Alas such a delightful roleplay niche would indeed be lost but it is a loss I am willing to bare and I am sure others will learn to cope with it in time.
Druids shouldn’t have racial forms. There should be one cat form, one bear form, one travel form and so on, no matter your race.
As it stands, with Blizzard having to create multiple new models and multiple skins for each model every time a new race gets druid as a class, druids take up 90% of the graphics budget allocated to classes. In a perfect world, I’d ask for racial representation for every class, but this isn’t a perfect world and that budget is limited.
So give druid forms one model and one skin (unless you glyph) and spread that love around a little.
RP event/campaign: exists
Can we stop putting RPPvP in literally everything pretty please with a cherry on top? Especially on stuff where there was no upfront mention of RPPvP being a part of said event/campaign? I know I’ve griped about RPPvP as a whole before and how it now dominates seemingly every server event or campaign but it’s getting a silly now. It’s like the server starts getting twitchy if they haven’t RPPvP’d for ten seconds.
It seems this is an unpopular opinion now, but: You can have an RP event that doesn’t involve RPPvP, y’know? But then the sub time I was gifted expires in ten days so feel free to ignore this. If I come back to the game for 8.2 or such and people are still addicted to watered down RP and PvP blended together then I might just host my own stuff. I know I’m not alone in my hatred of RPPvP and it’s extreme presence is a contributing factor as to why many of my friends have quit since the new year.
They were honestly good villians. Most of the officers among them felt threatening and actually capable at their jobs, and made for compelling enemies throughout quest chains in cataclysm.
Pet peeve, Sunwalkers, Paladins, Blood Knights, Vindicators, Prelates all have racial class mounts, yet death knights are forced to use the Acherus Deathcharger.
Where’s my Acherus Raptor for my Troll DK? Or my Acherus Mechanostrider for my Gnome DK?
Why do druids and paladins get fancy stuff like that, but death knights don’t? Are kodos, rams, raptors, sabers and other beastly creatures immune to bieng risen into undeath? Will Blizzard remove all undead beasts that aren’t horses now?
Because lorewise, all DKs are part of one organization that equipped them with specific type of mount, while paladins come from different backgrounds (except humans and dwarves).
Yet the Dwarves get their different mount from the charger.
Is it that difficult to stick a spectral or undead looking skin to a racial mount? Many of them already have a undead/spectral skin option already anyway.