We should remove all mounts to make the world feel bigger.
Remove running as well. Only walk option. And remove flightpaths from all except the major cities.
Ships should travel at a speed that makes sense IC, so maybe a week to cross the sea?
Sorry for bieng unclear, I meant Midnight from the Legion Karazhan Mythic!
Hopefully more, else Azeroth would be tiny.
The Alliance steamships would be faster, the Horde zeppelins would be faster then those and then the Alliance airships would be even faster.
Nooo… Damn… Well, congratulations
Oh, i see, that is a cool horse
Wish we got the blue versions which 4 horsemen ride…
Wish we got one for every death knight specc atleast.
Atleast update the old class mounts, the felsteed, dreadsteed, acherus deathcharger and human/blood elf horses will really need it.
The fact warlocks got their legion class mount as updated class mount, Death Knights have that as flying mount and what’s wrong with the old models? Just polish them a bit and be done with it
What? I don’t understand what you’re saying?
Your updated dreadsteed came with legion.
Death knights have colour changing mount as frost wyrm.
Nobody’s stopping you from making an rp-pve campaign!
RP-PVP is better and more organic, because players are meant to interract with other players rather than DM’s gming. It does reduce the amount of player-player interractions and the chat is getting spammed so much that there’s sometimes no reason to even answer in bigger groups. Keep RP-PVE to guilds/cross-guild events and stuff that doesn’t house 50000000 people in one place. Realm wide RP-PVE? Naaah, too much bothering and not enough gain.
I could also add, that most of these campains’ stories aren’t interesting anyway. Better to throw an orc against human and see what happens.
RP-PVP good.
RP-PVE not bad, but usually too big to enjoy event.
Now to be topical.
Vulpera and Sethrak are two equally dull allied race opportunities that direly need more fleshing out. People like to meme about recolours, but the Highmountain unironically have a more defined set of tribal identities than either Vol’dun race has altogether, not to mention how the Zandalari and Kul Tirans have wholly different cultures to their pre-BFA counterparts.
Azshara, while more unique in her motivations (given her megalomania is really what motivates her, instead of the standard “i will do genocide but for good reason”) isn’t particularly interesting beyond that. She’s iconic, and ridiculously powerful, but I’d be disappointed with an ending to the Eternal Palace where she escapes or something.
Water in cereal instead of milk is the best way to enjoy it.
Mkay, you see, this? This is going too far.
Nazgrim should be serving the horde under death knight garrosh
He shouldn’t have been killed and become the Warchief instead…
People who RP as Succubus DH’s, or just generally Demon Hunters who have lost control in capital cities need to s t o p
I’m a Succubus Goblin.
How much do you hate me?
That is just a D-bag move c’mon dude. A week later I wouldn’t have said anything but this is just despicable.