It’s kinda weird that they updated essentially all of the warlock’s models and animations(The new demons, soulwell and portal is <3 ), yet they left the old low poly on the dreadsteed for some reason.
DKs raised a new flight of skeletal storm drakes yeah, but the class mount is an immensely powerful red dragon that we got from northrend. The storm drakes were extra.
Not sure if it’s a wildly unpopular opinion or not, but that whole thing where some Forsaken aren’t totally zombified looking? Nathanos, Dark Rangers etc? Yeah, make that a player option if that’s how the major Forsaken characters all end up looking anyway.
Nathanos is a special case, as he was a regular forsaken, but got his soul slapped into his cousins body by the a Valkyr, which takes alot of its power (not sure if it dies or not).
And for the Dark Rangers, I assume they did exactly what Sylvanas did, wen’t into their old bodies, since they were probably made into banshees as well.
Battle for Azeroth -really- isn’t a good expansion for the Alliance. Its just another “follow the Horde as they have their internal squabbles” story. I see people saying its better for Alliance, but it really isn’t. I had more fun in MoP, and thats not saying much.
I get that, but since Putress, I can’t for the life of me remember any prominent Forsaken character that looked like the PC Forsaken. All I want is an ingame cinematic with a jaw-less, slobbering paragon of undeath!
Everyone had more fun in MoP, as Blizzard actually had a soul and passion for making expansions and stories back then, and is considered by many the best WoW expansion (Me included, especially with its gameplay).
Blizzard clearly doesn’t have a strong passion for WoW anymore, and you can really feel that with the current expansion.
True. But at the time, I absolutely loathed the MoP Alliance story for just being sidekicks to the Horde story. But BFA is somehow doing that, but even worse.
are not “neutral characters that just happened to be Alliance races”, and if you were forced to run around assisting Sylvanas, Nathanos and Rommath for an expansion I doubt you’d be so insistent on their neutrality.
…have no precedent of being benevolent neutral arbiters whereas Velen basically saved the blood elves as a whole. Helping on Argus is the least they could do.