Oh yeah, because Tyrande is such a neutral arbiter.
And how many of those actually developed the alliance?

Oh yeah, because Tyrande is such a neutral arbiter.
Setting aside grudges to let the new horde under Vol’jin have the land of Azshara and cooperating to save the world from Xavius’ malice is more than any of your Horde examples have considered.

Setting aside grudges to let the new horde under Vol’jin have the land of Azshara and cooperating to save the world from Xavius’ malice is more than any of your Horde examples have considered.
Nope, this explicitly does not work.
a) Tyrande wasn’t the lead on the whole peace thing, and it’s noted in War Crimes that the Alliance baited the Horde into vetoing Varian as prosecutor so that the Alliance could then put forward their intended one - Tyrande - who would be much more brutal. She fully intended to ruin the Horde as a whole, both post-SoO and now.
b) Xavius’ stuff is from her questing zone. Presumably if Sylvanas had a zone where you ran around against the Greater Threat then they would be tied one for one. The problem came from before val’sharah, you can’t claim “look at how neutral she is” after you’re forced to suck it up.
Once again you twist and spin everything, making me wonder why I even try. The point, again, is that these are characters shown to work with and help their Horde enemy where your examples have nothing in their character nor narrative that’d have them play the “neutral” role. Velen on Argus and Tyrande in Val’sharah were used to advance a common goal as neutral actors and Velen especially has a tendency toward it.
Tell me where and who, except for Baine and Thrall, might have worked with the Alliance in recent times to advance a common goal. Legion was not the Alliance narrative you claim but Alliance characters were used to advance stories of common interest.

Alliance characters were used to advance stories of common interest.
There was no common interest in saving Maiev. That was entirely helping out an Alliance dude sort his sister out. Frankly, I didn’t have much of a reason to fix up the Gilnean town either but that’s a whole other problem.

Velen on Argus and Tyrande in Val’sharah were used to advance a common goal as neutral actors and Velen especially has a tendency toward it.
Right, yes, and Sylvanas or Rommath could be used for a similar thing. You can’t discount that possibility when Tyrande, prior to Val’sharah, was portayed so consistently anti-Horde.

Tell me where and who, except for Baine and Thrall, might have worked with the Alliance in recent times to advance a common goal.
Do you want a comprehensive list? Because I’m still gonna go ahead and include Sylvanas - she might call you a fool while doing it but she’d totally make use of the Alliance weaponry (for indeed, that’s all the player is…) if it advanced her goals.
But since you’re insistent that “not her”, just hitting the very top highnotes: Saurfang, Lor’themar, Halduron, Aethas, Gallywix, Ji, Thalyssra, Mayla, Liadrin, Eitrigg. Drek’thar, Aponi Brightmane, Hamuul Runetotem, Aethas, and probably a bunch more I’m not thinking of.

Legion was not the Alliance narrative you claim but Alliance characters were used to advance stories of common interest.
That is probably the most biased thing I’ve read in a while

There was no common interest in saving Maiev. That was entirely helping out an Alliance dude sort his sister out. Frankly, I didn’t have much of a reason to fix up the Gilnean town either but that’s a whole other problem.
Ignoring such would be a gift to the demonic foe.

Right, yes, and Sylvanas or Rommath could be used for a similar thing.
I’ll grant that the Alliance having to team up with the Wicked Warchief of the Expansion would be wholly consistent with the Alliance’s role as a Horde narrative tool.

Tyrande, prior to Val’sharah, was portayed so consistently anti-Horde.
And why wouldn’t she be, after the Horde kept invading and demanding an elf ear quota in Ashenvale in a genocidal defilement of the land out of spite, cutting trees just to leave them to rot? Working with the Horde in Val’sharah is to her credit as a character.

It’s coming, blatantly obviously so.

Shown to be a pragmatist with no particular loyalties beyond his homeland so sure.

Was a mage campaign companion in an expansion all about working together against Space Satan. Contrast to his behavious in relation to the Sunreaver theft of the divine bell, so I guess it’s a wash.
My point stands; working with a couple of Alliance characters against one of the worst enemies ever doesn’t make Legion an Alliance expansion and the characters involved had good reasons.

That is probably the most biased thing I’ve read in a while
Then elaborate on why it is. Horde helping the elves? The army of the Light? These are neutral agents fighting a common foe, like the Alliance helping the Highmountain tauren and the Dusk Lily insurrection. Legion is all about overcoming the faction interests to fight the demons through our class orders but for Genn and Sylvanas fighting over insignificant towers.

Then elaborate on why it is. Horde helping the elves? The army of the Light? These are neutral agents fighting a common foe, like the Alliance helping the Highmountain tauren and the Dusk Lily insurrection. Legion is all about overcoming the faction interests to fight the demons through our class orders but for Genn and Sylvanas fighting over insignificant towers.
And yet, 7.2 included questline for Anduin and entirety of 7.3 was dominated by draenei (as it should have been, but still pretty much an Alliance story). Plus, as others said, many of the questlines were basically about helping Alliance races, even though they were technically neutral at that time.
If it wasn´t for BfA and introduction of Highmountain and Nightborne into the Horde, Legion would be expansion where Horde had token presence in form of blood elves helping Nightborne and Sylvanas going to Stormheim, while Alliance dominated both Broken Isles and order halls (priests, paladins, mages, rogues and to an extent druids being centered around Alliance races/themes).
The Idea that if you are not a DK or a DH. You can’t be too skilled in combat, You have to be a Minor warrior, or a Mage that can only just about cast a few fireballs before he’s sitting in a corner wheezing.

Everyone had more fun in MoP, as Blizzard actually had a soul and passion for making expansions and stories back then, and is considered by many the best WoW expansion (Me included, especially with its gameplay).
You say that, but people back then said the same about wow as they do now.
“ZOMG, MoP worstexpansions ever!111!!!1!1!one!!”
“This expansion will kill wow!”
and threads like that by the dozens, by the day.
And that has happened consequently from the announcement of TBC up to now.

To be fair, he was neutral up until BfA, no matter what you say. He even led his own, neutral faction, was unattackable in Darnassus, did not fight the Horde PCs if they invaded Darnassus etc.

a) Tyrande wasn’t the lead on the whole peace thing, and it’s noted in War Crimes that the Alliance baited the Horde into vetoing Varian as prosecutor so that the Alliance could then put forward their intended one - Tyrande - who would be much more brutal. She fully intended to ruin the Horde as a whole, both post-SoO and now.
Wasn’t the entire thing about Garrosh bieng punished, not the Horde? So how could she “ruin the Horde” if she only intended to make sure Garrosh got what he deserved? Or are you saying that if she convinced the pandaren and Celestials they would enforce the punishment upon the Horde (and basicly) side with the Alliance?

Saurfang, Lor’themar, Halduron, Aethas, Gallywix, Ji, Thalyssra, Mayla, Liadrin, Eitrigg. Drek’thar, Aponi Brightmane, Hamuul Runetotem, Aethas, and probably a bunch more I’m not thinking of.
I feel you should remove the minor, non-faction leader NPC’s from that list, else we’d be able to bring an ever bigger Alliance list to the table

many of the questlines were basically about helping Alliance races, even though they were technically neutral at that time.
Just like helping the cenarion circle fight Ragnaros in Hyjal; their identity as playable Alliance races is irrelevant to the narrative and their identity as subfactions opposing a common enemy. “Why am I helping night elves as horde?” is to ignore context.

If it wasn´t for BfA and introduction of Highmountain and Nightborne into the Horde, Legion would be expansion where Horde had token presence in form of blood elves helping Nightborne and Sylvanas going to Stormheim
A similar situation where the Alliance is helping a traditionally Horde race in a scenario equal to val’sharah in terms of narrative. The Nightborne are a shared experience and I still think that they should have been made pandaren-neutral.
The Horde has more of a cohesive thing going in Stormheim regarding the Helya plot and the class halls do not count as faction representative as they are explicitly neutral entities as faces from both factions work to topple Legion plots and kill off their leadership. The druid hall being almost entirely night elf is a product of druid class and cenarion circle identity being overwhelmingly elven.
No, Legion is not Alliance themed and one brief Anduin themed questline doesn’t make it so. Legion was designed to suspend factions as a thing while fighting demons for the greater good with some outliers. What weight is given to factions hovers around Sylvanas’ story and buildup to BfA.
I will grant that confronting Kil’jaeden was a big plot point for the draenei, but ought to bear similar gravitas to the undead, orcs, death knights of both factions, humans and blood elves, all having suffered greatly for his machinations.
It doesn´t matter that some faction is technically speaking neutral when most of their members are from the Alliance.
Silver Hand might have been neutral in Legion, but it doesn´t change the fact that it heavily leaned towards Alliance races in terms of representation. Same goes for priests. Yes, they were neutral, but their most prominent members were Velen (Alliance leader), Moira (Alliance leader), Alonsus Faol (former archbishop of Church of Holy Light and founder of Silver Hand) and Calia Menethil.
If I quest in elven town in one zone, in human town in another zone, return to my neutral multiracial base where I interract with humans, night elves, dwarves and draenei, the story clearly heavily leans towards Alliance races even though all of the people I mentioned were technically neutral.
In the end, the lore present in night elf areas is still night elf lore, even if Horde could quest there and interract with them, just like lore present in tauren areas is still tauren lore. But that one tauren zone was pretty much the only place where those neutral guys were Horde race (even that is questionable, tauren are like elves, dwarves or trolls, they have many subspecies and lore of one isn´t lore of the other, just like Nightborne lore isn´t night elf or blood elf lore).

Frankly, I didn’t have much of a reason to fix up the Gilnean town either
You got paid.

You say that, but people back then said the same about wow as they do now.
Yes, but a lot of hate was also mainly because of pandarens.
“Lol kung fu panda, WoW is a kids game now. Unsub!!111!, its supposed to be dark and for adults and not pandas lol.”
Which is hilarious, since Pandarens existed 5-6 years before Kung Fu Panda…
It’s the same kind of people who unironically went “REEEEEEEE” upon seeing the vulpera models without doing any quests or content involving them.

It’s the same kind of people who unironically went “REEEEEEEE” upon seeing the vulpera models without doing any quests or content involving them.
First quest with them has a bloodthirsty vulpera wear the skulls of her enemies.
That’s pretty metal.

Which is hilarious, since Pandarens existed 5-6 years before Kung Fu Panda…
Pandaren were hinted as being playable in vanilla, and Metzen even confessed that originally theyw ere going to be the Alliance race in TBC, but changed to draenei after struggling to find out how to connect them to the new stories in Outland.
I once had someone point blank say I was lying until I linked them the screenshots of pandaren turtle skeletons in Darkshore pre-Cata, or Chen’s Keg as a quest item, or Metzen’s interview. It was so weird.
Apparently Unpopular Opinion:
I don’t very much care for the Averagers movies and spinoff cinematic universe at all and regard big franchise moviemaking to be a degradation of the artform into a preplanned factory farmed predictable mess of a thing.