They are terrifying little fudgers, and while she is quite agressive, that doesnt seem to be an unusual characteristic. Most of them are pretty vicious survivors and scavengers who are quite brutal.
Unpopular opinion…?
I… Well, dunno if it is unpopular or not, but i would like old Silver Hand individuals get involved again in bfa… Alliance ones …
Also Earthen ring ones…
Well, only Turalyon is left, and he seems to be the leader of the Silver Hand now, as seen in the Stromgarde Warfront.
Fear not, I am quite agreeable with this opinion. The whole concept of a cinematic universe, where ever they may be - is nothing more than cheap corporate advertisement policy.
Previously well constructed movies are broken down into McMovie chunks and spread out over a “franchise” in largely staccato order, with no actual meaningful artistic value out of them.
Cheap thrills, cheap shock value and cheap sanitised fun all bundled into a neat 90-110 minute package that doesn’t require the audience to critically engage or even absorb the content of the movie. Just sit down and be fed the narrative from the big mega-corp directors. Heck you can even sit around for some unsubtle political indoctrination while you’re at it.
Oh but don’t tell the fans, the ultra-rabid loyal customers of the corporate brand. They get really antsy when you break down the delusion I’ve found. Already had to wave the legendary spoilers bazooka about to keep them from tearing my face off a few times.
Thank N’Zoth for Argent Dawn, it would be a kicker in the teeth if we had anything like that around here wouldn’t it?
Be it horror, action or adventure, profit drives the engine, not artistry. There are several examples at play even now with new mediocre mutants born every year, the lack of quality ignored as advertisement growth hormones bloat the freakish thing to success and easy consumption regardless.
Horror in particular fell apart as a concept, reduced to no budget jumpscare fests relying on instinctual primate twitch responses over narrative, then sucked into the corporate maelstrom in no small prt due to a couple of charlatan ghost hunters selling their stories.
For all the hysterical responses to ham handed, shallowly inelegant feminism and inclusivity, I’m far more concerned about the way the pentagon will rent you a couple of tanks as long as your movie is appropriately patriotic and doesn’t criticize the Empire, feeding the world at large a false narrative by perpetuating a Heroic Military flagwaving meme with very unfortunate undertones.
Averagers and more are popcorn flicks, not high art and I simply do not understand people’s fanatical devotion to them as a thing. Much of the plotlines are recycled from the comics so the fans can probably already guess what’s coming in general terms. In addition, we have the tendency to recycle franchises and “classics” of various brands for a new generation rather than innovating. If it isn’t a big franchise movie in theatres, it’s a remake or a sequel to a classic as it’s a reliable cash cow appealing to an aging, nostalgic demographic.
No no i mean like the orderhall ones… Grayson Shadowbreaker, Julia Celeste and others…
Liadrin is there only, i guess…
Ah, well you did say old ones, so I figured you meant the originals.
My (possible) unpopular opinion of the day:
it doesn’t matter how powerful, wise and old your character is. The power scales will not work in your favor. In Warcraft some gnome thinking of deadly tools is as powerful as your 10.000 year old Highborne arcanist if the gnome thinks of the right tools.
As ridicilous as it sounds but someone in a meksuite can do the same devastating damage as any other. Warcraft is an absolute mess when it comes to power scaling.
In roleplay this takes another turn if you are trying to be fair in a combat situation. Some situations however are just in itself not “fair”.
A powerful warlock going against a normal guard without any magical abilities would be a great example of it. The chances of the warlock winning is very high.
A tauren vs. a human in 1 v 1 no magic, only fist fights situations? The tauren will win easily unless the human has some tricks up his sleeve. If we think of just hitting eachother the tauren will win.
Demon hunters vs. any other is pretty unfair already. Even though depending on the enemy it could end bad for a demon hunter.
My point is there is already a huge difference in power scaling but for certain types of characters it does not matter at all since they are on-par with others. For others like demon hunters they are above the scale and should be treated that way. Going “UwU I am going to kill this demon hunter with my 5 buddies that have absolutely no magical abilities and then I will cry if we lose” is ridicilous and you should maybe think over your actions and which setting you are in.
Given what happened yesterday, and the response to it, I reckon this is a bit of an unpopular opinion.
I do not mind what other players do with their models to make them more appealing(Mind, I DO abhor the use of such to gain unfair advantages over other players). This includes stuff that would be concidered raunchy, simply because those things are clientside, and do not affect me in the slightest.
I have seen the arguement made that certain players feel uneasy that their character is portrayed differently to someone else using this stuff, but I will raise point here that characters will always look different to other people. Your vision of your character, no matter how descriptive it is in TRP, will always be different to how people see it.
While I do not do such myself, I can completely understand why some people might find the options they have underwhelming. Being a Worgen Main since cataclysm, I have had the temptation to look online for anything that improve their awfully old looks every single time a patch decides to show me an updated fish, or a squirrel.
A simple reminder that this stuff is against ToS is all it requires for me to stop that temptation immediately.
That said, I do believe Blizzard is also fair in unbanning these people(mind, these bans were HALF A YEAR, for what could be described as breast enhancing textures), but then also giving them a stern warning that this IS against the ToS, and that next time, they will not be so lenient. These practices are against the ToS after all, and should be dealt with accordingly, with a warning first, and punishment second.
imagine explaining to your guildies you got banned for modding your boobs though lol
Yes, that’s amazing though!
I really want to see these conversations cus the thought amuses me.
Which is why I have taken to lay out the grim near future to every slum joe who thinks he is being smart when he bad mouth the obviously fully equipped, highly experienced, fel using, worgen warlock.
no it is not power game, if you a normal joe, think you stand a chance against anyone who roleplays as having just a fraction of power of the PC, then you will lose hard and quick.
I guess you can call this a unpopular opinion.
we shouldn’t encourage fairness in emote fights, we should instead encourage unfairness, because if you are the everyday Karen or Joe you have no business talking back to someone who is clearly a arch-mage leveled wizard. Because logically speaking he can turn you into a sheep among other more deadly things and that should really scare you.
Not as unpopular as you might think!
I can understand the perspective blizzard is looking at this at - the exploiters can use model hokus pokus magic to give themselves an edge in competitive content. This is of course a massive no no. But the fact bans were reversed also suggests those exploiting things like these must have been negligible.
Those using alterations purely to enhance or alter a model, that as you rightly said is entirely client side - no one else will see the change, it is for the players own immersion.
Likewise, as one who also plays a Worgen I can fully sympathise with players who are frustrated by the lack of work put into the player models.
What was a real problem I believe was so many players were not even being told -why- they had been sanctioned initially. Usually there comes a reasoning behind it. Now the popular theory is algorithms were acting out of line - which is probably an attempt to recover some PR with players. After all as you said.
Which is a lot of lost revenue, revenue that their Activision overlords are not going to enjoy losing. It also raises questions about -how- many were sanctioned, if they ultimately decided to change course to a more reasonable warning.
Then imaging them explaining how they got unbanned because blizzard needed their money and weren’t too keen on losing 6 months worth of sub over someone fixing the blank texture bug that appears on heaps of worgen male shoulders on more than a handful of armour pieces.
What a doozy that would be.
Unfortunately, for some RPers, power is the ultimate deciding factor in RP. It doesn´t matter how lore accurate, well written or interesting someone´s character is, as long as it is OP, it´s bad.
Some time ago, there was a discussion here about healer RP and how it is dominated by casters, where people were complaining how their field surgeon might end up useless because when paladin heals someone, they really really really think they can fix the wound and suddenly, the Light starts fixing the wound.
For some, balance in RP is above lore or logic. It doesn´t matter how absurd a scenario may be, farmer Joe should be able to defeat demon hunter in one on one fight because he rolled 65 while DH rolled 58.
And if this DH argues that farmer with a pitchfork doesn´t stand a chance against elf who went through harsh training and uses demonic magic, it´s badRP.
wow literally funded by tiddymodders
what a time to be alive
I’m not sure this is balance.
Alas, this is true but you can often tell if someone is just power grabbing or if they actually try to roleplay a powerful character, the golden rule of show don’t tell in all its glory.
in my perfect roleplay world, players know to separate the pretender from the real deal
the guy loudly talking about how cool he is, most likely a pretender
the guy who stands up silently and looks you dead in the eye with a killer stare.
probably the real deal and you should probably consider the power gap that is between you and don’t anger them.
even so I wish more people would consider who they are talking to.
spellcasters regardless of how common and everyday you think magic is, is still scary and you are not gonna stand a chance against someone who can turn you into a sheep or place an eternal curse on you, actually the thought that you could end up living your life as a sheep or cursed should scare you to the bone.
Even if the one you are talking to isn’t a spellcaster or magically empowerd (dk and dh) they can still probably break you like a twig.
This is not me saying that if you like to play a normal civ, that you should be scared of everyone, but you have chosen to play the mundane and with that comes powerlessness, because you the local fisher man will not stand up and beat the bully warrior in full plate with two massive axes riding his proto-drake into town, to him you are a low level pve mob he will one shot.
choosing to play a farmer and picking fights with death knights and demanding a fair chance when it comes to beat them is like “having ones cake and eating it to”.
If you are the type that can’t stick to your role as a dirty peasant, then don’t roll one, because if you do you are actively worsening the quality of the server roleplay and immersion of the world.
You can still tell the nasty death knight to leave your bar if you roleplay a normal guy, but you are not the one with the big D* in the negotiations and acting like you are is not acting the role you chosen (well unless you are a stupidly brave fool).
We should stop encouraging this.
of course if they both come to an understanding, thats fine they can do whatever but I much rather the standard baseline mentality was: demon hunter vs farmer always ends with DH winning.
I absolutely refuse Roll fights. It’s not up to RNG to decide of my power in RP.
They have their place. In Chieun’s spars with Chyou’ka, for example, they were very evenly matched combatants - so we used rolls to add an element of unpredictability.
I would not recommend rolls otherwise.