Unpopular Opinions

RP culture on private Czech/Slovak servers used to be that you weren´t allowed to RP anything above apprentice level at the start and you had to RP progress through the ranks and development of your skills.
Which meant that apprentice mage got from knowing barely anything and being admitted as a student of magical academy to being Archmage in 3 years. In case of elves, it might have been 150 years old elf who knew nothing about magic and became high-ranking Magister in span of few years…while being unable to cast many spells at once, because obviously, mages don´t have infinite power, so they had to cast some Evocation spell after every 3 or so spells.

Some people have weird ideas of what is logical or balanced, often claiming their absurd ideas are “good and correct RP”.

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More often than not, people don’t want to acknowledge said balance, perfect strangers who just found each other in a battle don’t usually tend to think “Hmmm, we’re evenly matched, let’s make this a roll fight!” but “Hah, this guy is definitely weaker than me, should be an easy fight.”…

I’m not saying emote fights are perfect, far from that, I cannot count the many times I’ve seen people turning a fight with a SW average mugger Vs DK into a DBZ fight where power levels increase the more lengthy their emotes are…

I’m not against roll fights when I know said person, their character and we mutually agree that our character are evenly matched, I rarely will do that with a total stranger.

In mine and your case, I’m sure we go with the flow and understand when either system is more appropriated… As in our pride doesn’t get in the way of a good story being told through a victory/defeat. Winning is fine and all, but usually defeat generally gives more character growth.

The country known as France.

Romantic accordion music stops.

To harp on about my previous post. I do think the exact opposite is also a point. Not every character needs to be a skilled war god… Or know about events simple because “I was there”.

If I’m meren’t to be some common god damn citizen. I probably won’t know much about How much of some godly whatevertheninehellsyouwanttobe.
You can be a big star, I just don’t have to know about you. But I also believe everyone needs to be some simple citizen who’s living town life. Balance. Balance is everything.

Imagine the look on my orc’s face last night when she was told that Ner’zhul is the one who killed Draenor after living her life having a semi-decent idea of him because Ner’zhul risked everything to warn the Frostwolves of Gul’dan and Mannoroth’s blood

All this time she just thought that fel magic killed and shattered the world over time and Ner’zhul was a forgotten martyr betrayed by Gul’dan

Imagine if it was also public knowledge Ner’zhul became the Lich King too

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I don’t know, isn’t stuff like that now in the universe’s history books? Sure your orc may not have access to such ,but the story of who the Lich King actually was before Arthas sounds like it would be common place by now.

Specially concidering the prominence of the Cult of the Damned back then, and mentioning the Lich King by his actual name. “My life for Ner’zhul!” and all that.

People who make a statement and then say ‘Change my mind’ should just be honest and make a statement followed by “I’m not going to change my mind, no matter how many facts or arguements you make, so don’t bother.”


I don’t think that’s an unpopular opinion, but on a similar note, I hate it when I’m talking about something and then someone asks me to “sell them on” whatever I’m talking about.

No, I’m not going to sell you on anything. It isn’t my job to make you interested in the same things that I’m interested in. Have a look at it during your own time if it catches your eye, but don’t expect me to be a spokesperson or salesperson for whatever holds my interest. I don’t care about making other people like what I like.

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Depends on who’s writing the history books. What biases the author may have or even access to source materials. Not everyone is a legendary adventurer after all and a lot of things that happen are in the exclusive purview of adventurers/the hero.

Which is why attempting to assert a global standard over rp interactions is going to be impossible.

Unpopular Opinion but there is nothing wrong with bubble rp, you pay your subscription to play with the people you want to play with - how you want to play with them. No one else can dictate or bully you into rping in a certain way. If you are happy with your mode of rp then go forth and flourish.

Trying to stuff everyone into the cookie cutter “big” and “epic” roleplay that has about the same consistency and quality as a fast food hamburger is only going to cause trouble for both sides.

If you can find common ground with someone, or even better other communities, go for it. Don’t attempt to force co-operation where a clash of personality and ideology don’t work together. We RP for fun after all.


Possibly unpopular opinion: High elves after the fall of Quel’thalas shouldn’t have been a thing at all. I think it would have been better if they had just written that they all “became” blood elves.


Class/race restrictions are still really boring.


Life hack:
Upload still 10 minute still images to youtube and post them on the forums to get around the lvl 3 requirement of posting images on the forums.


Monetize the video with ads since it is past 10 minutes.


Ah yes. The druid pandaren that turns into… A bear!

Ya know… I truely wonder how much the population of high elves is existing anymore.

High elves > Arthas killed like 90% of their population.

Blood elves > 10% (Or so?) of the population of the former high elves. They are already only a super small number.

Then suddenly! The ren’dorei!

Void elves are a % of these -10% of the blood elves. Means there are now less than 10% of the former blood elf population.

Not even speaking of the high elves that joined the Alliance.

Now my question is: how many of them do exist? You’re telling me that those 10% can be split endlessly and even used in the war itself? Wouldn’t you kinda want to preserve those 10%?

Same for the kaldorei. They lost like alot of their people. But can be apparently used in the war, huh? So what exactly happens if each kaldorei/blood elf happens to die on the battlefield? Then that’s it?

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That would be kinda backwards. Pandaren would tank in human form.


Pandaren druid tank form=Absolute unit/Kul Tiran models.

“Liar…!” plants spear in fool’s gut

Just dropping as a pandaren druid on all fours. Making growl noises. Similar how the worgen running racial works.

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Basically, yes but population for a viable war machine was never an issue to the writing. Orcs would be extinct if so.

Male kul tiran druids are in perpetual bear form.

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