Unpopular Opinions

Orcs are almost as big an adult human when they’re six and they’re fully capable warriors at 12. Orcs are the last race to be bothered by dwindling numbers.

Most orcs fit on three ships to Kalimdor and have been at war perpetually since. Their warrior’s death culture doesn’t lend itself well to the scope of what they engage in and it’s beyond logic how they still exist as more than a handful of novelties.

The last race would probably be either humans or goblins. Or forsaken if they have a good season… or gnomes even.

Three ships? I’m sure you can find a source on that one.

whips out his 3 eldar craftworlds who needs sources if you can get bigger ships mate?

Most likely Warcraft 3 where they steal 3 human ships to sail to Kalimidor.

People should stop this, that’s probably game mechanics or are you saying three ships is also a “large” part of the Alliance fleet?

Gods, imagine thinking three ship models at the end of the mission means that’s all they had.

Especially when you see more than three ships wrecked when they land in Kalimdor as doodads dotted around!

Or when in the next mission you arrive with three ships, yet there are other ships/survivors you have to find :thinking:

Booted up WC3 and checked how many human ships were in the Landfall mission. There are at least 12 human ships there.

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So atleast 12 ships that we -know- off, followed with orcs bieng adult at 12, and having anywhere between 1 to 8 children.

I can see why orcs are still around.

8 nautical om’riggors please.

Tank form: Ox, Niuzao.
Agility form: Tiger, Xuen.
Flying Travel form: Dragon, Yu’lon.
Ground Travel form: Crane maybe?

I am still somewhat confused at how you properly quote on the forums when there’s already a quote present in the post you’re trying to reply to.

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Yes, this makes sense. Pandaria’s cranes are mostly flightless.

I mean, it was just one port after all.

Aside from that, orcs have been defeated in great numbers during WC II, later in WC III they couldn’t hold their own against the Kul Titans alone and Thrall’s army in Hyjal was about the same of Jaina’s (seemingly less than the nelves). Then Garrosh came. Even more dead orcs.

Among this, all the minor casualties (death by quiliboars, centaurs, ship storm etc)

Numbers in WoW are inconsistent. If they weren’t, the orcs of the playable horde would be extinct.

Funnily enough the monk bosses of Jadefire masters boss in BoD shapeshift to a green cloud serpent like Yu’lon herself

In fairness, those events are representative of the story. I mean if we’re going by the ‘Orcs went to Kalimdor on three boats’ logic then we have to also go "Well, Garithos was probably hidden from human beings, and would never have been able to call himself human, as he does indeed look utterly ‘Inhuman’, Or the fact that apparently Humans in The Third War built houses just about big enough to stand up in, but with doors too small for them to get into said Houses. Or Castles that were a bit more roomy, but about the size of a semi detached house in comparison to the size of humans. Or fields that a farmer could just go “Right, that’s my half hours work done, Time to sit down and drink some cider. Outside my house obviously, because I can’t fit inside it…Why did I build it that way?”

I could go on…

Its the similar logic that has people go “All the Goblins came from Kezan on one ship!” For real? A Hypercapitalist Island Nation and they have precisely -one- ship? That was the Singular Goblin Narrative Hero’s experience, not that of every single Goblin.

We all know that neither the WC games, or even WoW is correctly representative of the dimensions, just how the story is experienced by the ‘Hero’ of that race. I mean goodness, there is not a single City in WoW that it would my character longer to walk across than it takes me to walk up the road to the corner shop in my village.

It is all representative, not factual. Especially as they keep retconning stuff.


Garithos had the size of a barrack.
All battles could not have more then 100 soldiers per side.
A hydralisk fought alongside the night elves.
Trails guard towers or ziggurats dot the lands

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This is an IC post depicting Doodle’s letter addressed to the Alliance High Commander after his one man demon eradication agency Demon Busters went bankrupt and he was forced to live on the streets, since he had spend all his savings on the company, in no way does it represent the opinion of the author, neither is it aimed at forum posters.

In other words this is pure fiction, and should not be regarded otherwise.

However I believe it still qualifies as even a quite unpopular opinion, making it fit perfectly into the topic of this thread.

To the comprehensively incompetent High Commander of the petty Alliance

Had the Alliance just commissioned Doodle Jabbuster and his one man demon eradication agency Demon Busters to deal with the Broken Shore threat King Varian Wrynn would still have been alive, Azeroth wouldn’t be dying, and the war would have been over in under a week, saving countless lives!

And perhaps more importantly Demon Busters wouldn’t have gone bankrupt and Doodle wouldn’t have been forced to spend the rest of his life as a homeless beggar aimlessly wandering the streets of Stormwind.

Doodle told you, but you insisted on him being but just another crazy Gnomish fantasizer, a doddering fool without any sense of realities!

Your pride, distrust and arrogance has costed us all dearly and degraded a true visionary hero to the gutters!

Pride comes before a fall, how very true!

Shame on you!

All Doodle have left as a memorial to his unequivocal brilliant vision, the plan that could have saved us all, and for which he sacrificed absolutely everything he owned to realize, is but this edited snapograph, brought in the Stormwind News Journal the 15th of January in the year 32 AtDP to apprise the public of the unsurpassable safeguard of a true altruistic gift he offered them:


Instead you chose to doom us all!

Scrubs, scoundrels, teetering fools, and second hand mass murderers!

And you, you want to count Doodle as lower than you, shoving him off to the gutters, he who could have saved us all, but you can’t hide the truth forever and he is it’s true first hand witness!

Justice will prevail eventually!

And that hour will be much sooner than your small undeveloped minds could ever possibly imagine!

You will all receive what you truly deserve, what you were all begging for when you ruthlessly bashed away Doodle’s extended hand in your hour of need, like he was nothing but a drooling dog in your way!

He will laugh you right in your disgusting self-righteous faces as you all go down with him!

You can’t handle the truth!

May you rot in the Twisting Nether for all eternity


Doodle Jabbuster

Related to WoW: Velfs are okay and not here to kill everyone.

Unrelated to WoW: Marmite is delicious, fite me.