Unpopular Opinions

Well at least you were right about one thing – that is an unpopular opinion.


Everyone? No, no, of course not.

Just anyone with any good in their heart.

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Ha, then I’m beginning to get the idea of this whole forum thing then.

The more people involved in RP, the worse the story gets.

It’s my opinion that there is a direct relationship between the number of roleplayers, and the quality of the story being told. Any more than five roleplayers at a time will result in a boring story.

This can be mitigated by diversity of character archetypes and races, but generally, if you have more than five roleplayers in an event, the story is going to be at least forgettable, if not complete garbage.

My possible unpopular opinion of the day:

people that treat druid animal forms as nothing but normal animals in combat situations are wrong.

A normal animal would already be terrible enough. But an enhanced animal with the power of some wildgod?

Have you ever fought a stag/moose/tiger/bear? Me neither because we would be dead.

“Just wear armor lol!” - Well yes, but actually no. Though it might protect you from scratches, if the druid turns into a bird and then proceeds to turn into a bear above you, plummeting around 300-600kg onto your armored butt then that will not protect you. Even worse the armor will be a deathtrap for you.

Same for the feline/cat/whatever you wanna call it form. Have you been scratched by a small cat? Or bitten by a dog? Leaves some seriously terrible wounds. Not even speaking of the possible infection. And that’s just a normal animal. Imagine what a druid with druidic magic can do to you.

Should they be treated with fear like demon hunters or death knights? No, probably not. But some decent respect? Yes. Though I think some people tend to play them as UwU cutesy animals. Which might be a reason for it.


Also keep in mind that a large part of druid transformations, if I remember this right, is that they don’t just become animals. They become what those animals represent. A druid’s bear form is far more powerful and resilient than an actual bear, for example.


Correct. Druid forms are above normal animals. However, they still possess the animal instincts.

Also, certain big cats (mainly tigers, which is what the troll cat form is kind of based on) can crush your bones with their bite.

I think so can lions, so that’s the tauren’s and worgen’s cat forms.

The night elf cat form is well, based on the night saber who seems to be more black leopard and their jaws normally can’t. But, its a magical fantasy kitty, so its crushing power with its jaw could be the same as a tigers. We just don’t know.

Not to mention that druids are not just animals, I would fear having a druid cat latch onto my plated arm.

Like, dayum nature, you scary.

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I guess this is one: Humans (At least the normal version, Kul Tiran is debateable until we get canon sizes because in-game models are whack for scale) are actually one of the physically weakest races in the setting, in terms of commoners, so not warriors or paladins or whatever else.

They’re slower than elves, they’re weaker than worgen and nearly every other ‘big’ race, etc. Their main strengths are versatility (they don’t seem to be actively bad at anything), numbers, alliances with other races (Hence the ‘Alliance’ as far back as Warcraft 2). They also seem particularly adept at magic, on par with elves and so on despite the difference in age but that strays away from the physical weakness I mentioned.

So let’s say a human farmer and an orc farmer got in a fist fight. The orc is probably going to win, hands down. Yet as I’ve mentioned in the peeves thread ages and ages back, it seems people have this idea that humans are as strong as races literally twice their height and weight in lore and “/e shrugs off the punch from the ABSOLUTE UNIT OF A RACE” is a common sight in SW and other places. ok

Now if the human is explicitly a warrior, paladin or DK? Sure, there things even out, I even advocate that a gnome warrior would be on par with a tauren warrior due to the heroic aspects involved. But if you’re a normal human footman, you should probably be turned into a pretzel by 90% of races in the setting, or otherwise be winded while they run laps around you. And I kinda wish more would lean into the actual strengths of humans rather than trying to pretend they’re physically on par with races that very visibly and distinctly outmatch them. Relying more on tactics, numbers, equipment or leveraging allies in both fights and larger battles rather than “/e grunts as the tauren punches him, then punches back”.

Also mundane humans picking fights with races that could yeet them across an open field are dumb and should either stop or accept IC they’re going to be turned into a balloon animal. Key word being ‘mundane’, heroic characters are where things get murkier but normal dudes trying to physically one up anything besides a gnome or a fellow human is hilarious.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


Also dumber than gnomes, draenei, etc. Most of man’s rivals are bigger, smarter, more long lived and magically inclined. Humans are trash with mostly that Human Spirit letting their ambitions, can-do attitude and refusal to quit be the thing that carries them to success.

Unless they’re superpowered paladins with unnaturally augmented strength and all else to not slow them down. Wasn’t Tirion in his 80’s, kicking scourge butt?


Magic is magic.

Same in this case. Druids are magical, but others have magic as well. Normal person in normal armour would go squish. But if they wear enchanted armour it’s no longer so simple.

I thought I was being down with the kids but I guess not :frowning:

And warlocks boil all y’all from within. Win.

Though I’ll agree that not enough is made of enchanted, warded armour. Smithing and mining quests demonstrate just how ridiculously protective such armour could be. Magical wonder metal shaped in spite of being too tough to shape in the first place becomes armour which then becomes enchanted.

Granted, then some goof makes bullets from the same material. And then there’s Azerite which is better than anything 'cause reasons.

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Lightforged Warframe: * destroys entire Legion ship with ease *

Also Lightforged Warframes: *get mowed down by the dozens by some horde loser in a rickety helicopter that fires earth-dust bullets at people *

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Pretty much. Argunite armour crumbles against godsblood powder and shot.

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In fairness, Azerite-enhanced bullets shoot just about everything they hit to pieces. People, Ancients, several meter thick stone gates…

The big brain is pointing out that an Iron Star or tiki masks can roll them over.

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The player, you mean.

A machinegun that tickles an NPC will gun them down by the dozens in the player’s hands.

Azerite filled iron stars win the war. Alliance is in history’s ash heap. But that’d make sense militarily, so nope. Blue team could come up with similar things, like Azerite warframes.

Unlike npc goons, the PC can aim.

Who would win: advanced space mech or a spooky boy with tiki masks


“Stay away from da voodoo” wasn’t an idle goodbye.

It was a warning.

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