When you keep telling them to stay away from the voodoo for years but they still refuse to listen
Don’t forget the infinite power of Human Potential™ and the fact there’s only Goblins and Orcs that seem to have superior reproduction rates of any comparable level.
Humans are also quite canny with technology, and pick up its principles quite swiftly. Dwarves may be finer craftsmen but they’re stubbornly conservative in their design philosophies and attention to detail. A dwarf could create an exceptional custom made rifle, but human manufacturing could mass produce them.
The only exception to this is the Dark Irons, who seem to have grasped the idea of an assembly line of production. Kul Tiras and Gilneas seem to be the most technologically forward human nations as well, though it might be more Stormwind is behind than they are ahead, after all Stormwind according to the Chronicle was the most rustic and isolated of the human nations for most of its history.
It would be better sense to equip the human infantry with rifles and bayonets rather than sword and shield. Even the whole Phalanx type spear and shield works better against physically stronger races (especially those who don’t wear much armour) like Orcs and Tauren.
Shows why you should be worried about worgen too, considering that that too is originally a druid form, taking the representation of wolves.
Pack form was totally a wolf, regular wolf in form,for druids of the pack
But Worgen is the druid form for Druids of the Scythe
WoD was a superior expansion to BfA. Hear me out.
WoD had a stronger beginning, Despite the idea of having another Orc centric expansion, everyone was pumped.
It was the first expansion using the animated drawing cinematics before the expansion thus building up hype (which let’s also be honest, are far more interesting than the Hollywood-esque ingame cinematics we’ve gotten lately).
The starting of the expansion was actually the best we’ve ever had since WoTLK, personally I loved, love, will love every run throughout Shadowmoon Valley (I legit turn ambience and background music instead of the everyday podcast).
Best leveling experience, the expansion did nailed the feeling of YOU being the Alien/stranger that has to build up their own presence on the planet.
They artistically nailed every single zone, they feel unique. Same goes for the races you meet, the Draenei gets more depths and insight of their society before Outland broke, Gorgrond made you feel tiny among those titans fighting for their side to win and were absolutely not kind to you, Spires of Arak showing you the woes felt by the Arakkoa society. All are more or less memorable.
Classes worked, they stood on their own and needed no artifacts or Azerite armor to feel great.
Garrisons weren’t such a bad idea, it actually was enjoyable for the first three months… Sadly the philosophy of turning everything into utility instead of vanity ruined them.
It’s unfortunate that several bad points when accumulated together was its downfall :
- Canceling Blade spires and Karabor as capitals.
- Canceling Shattrath as a raid and actual new hub.
- Cancelig Farahlon.
- Handling the Iron Horde terribly, Ner’zhul dying as a dungeon boss, Kar’gath dying as first boss in Highmaul when in PTR he runs away, Garrosh kill stolen by Green jesus again, Grommash standing as a hero instead of the genocidal mongrel that he is.
- Turning Garrisons into utility where you never need to leave instead of an opportunity for housing in WoW.
I think the worse aspect of WoD was obviously the canceling of content, it’s one thing to have something badly handled (Then again, Japan game publishers will tell you that a bad release, will remain a bad release regardless of the amount of content… BfA just proved that) but it’s another to just delete it left and right.
WoD was good at the beginning, most classes were mainly how they were in MoP except a select few (which I loved, I still hate Blizzard for ruining them since).
The leveling itself was great and I loved it, just a shame what they did with Gorgrond and Orgrim, but all in all it was great leveling, with all different buffs you had from your small garrison outpost.
It also added Mythic dungeons, which is one of the greatest addition to the game, imo. The raids (especially Highmaul) was fairly nice.
Tanaan was a gigantic meh however, to me, as it was a worse version of the Timeless Isle (which I didnt like to begin with).
Don’t think anyone argues otherwise. It’s just a case of “It can’t get any worse than this”.
Narrator: “It got worse”
WoD had many flaws. Many flaws. But at least the PvE content was good and classes were still fun (Albeit you could play Arms on a SNES controller which foreshadowed things to come).
Like now?
There was no better end to Garrosh than dying to Thrall storywise, except perhaps Vol’jin.
Yeah now every class can be played on Atari controller. The one with a joystick and a single button.
Mobile gaming ain’t that bad… for knights and merchantesque games that is.
Almost correct… But yeah playing arcane mage or fury warrior is jarring because of that… Especially arcane mage as you level up, the rotation/gameplay is so annoyingly slow that going to fire at lvl 66 felt like being a god.
Not to mention that somewhere upwards from 70 as Arcane your mana pool just becomes a joke compared to the cost, so you can no longer comfortably shoot out a few fully charged Arcane Blasts without it devouring half your resources.
Yup… I had to sit down and eat every 3 mobs.
Still a far cry from Vanilla but damn…
Non WoW opinion: OCs are for fun and not to appease people so make whatever the hell you wanna make and just enjoy your creations.
It’s really jarring, especially considering that Arcane is pretty much the best single target direct damage spec for mage for the first 60 or so levels, until there’s that sudden dropoff in how much mana you get.
Pretty much… I didn’t main frost on my Horde mage because I already have one on Alliance, soIi decided to go arcane which right now I deeply regret… It’s awfully slow and there’s no fun in just pressing two buttons, heck even BM hunters don’t anymore.
I don’t remember if Arcane mage was better in Legion, I hardly played the spec even though I ended up getting the mage tower skin somehow.
Also they insist on making Arcane braindead to play.
Arcane Blast up to 4 stacks > Arcane Barrage > Repeat.
Use missiles when it procs.
Congrats you know how to play Arcane.
I know there’s optimisation and cooldowns but that’ll get you through 99% of content without a hitch and it’s a rotation, much like Survival, that doesn’t change at all at it’s core from early leveling to max level.
Blackrock Foundry alone made WoD actually not that bad.
WoD was better than Pandaria.