Agreed. They seem to attract bads at a startling rate.
OP if you are serious how is that even possible for new players? Are you saying no one is allowed to begin playing this game anymore or should wait to do dungeons until they lvl their alt? That’s fu***d up.
On topic, I liked shadow priest way way more before the changes that escalated into a mess in legion. Before like back in wotlk.
I am in agreement here, it has been done several times to friends of mine and has even been attempted on me, with a spectacular blowback effect when it was exposed as forgery.
It is very wishy washy to take any screenshots at face value, especially if one takes the usual provenance of such things into account. It’s actually very amusing that some of the most notorious individuals behind forging “dirt” on other players were themselves exposed of actual ERP or otherwise questionable/bizarre RP on the side.
Which leads into the likely unpopular opinion in that those who publicly go around trying to slander and shame other roleplayers (not just for erp but anything they disagree with) usually have something to hide themselves.
My sympathies are with you, when I was younger (although certainly more than 11) a certain forsaken player attempted to first molest my character and then promptly engaged in some highly disturbing forced emotes on my character of an explicit nature.
It’s part of the reason why I have an incredibly low opinion of Forsaken roleplayers and for years avoided it (quite literally like a plague).
Oh and this in turn leads me to another probably unpopular opinion - ERP and other weird behaviour gets a far greater pass on AD Horde than Alliance, with a prevailing culture of permissiveness and an old-boys-club type mentality of sweeping the majority of it under the carpet.
The really disturbing and prominent incident within a major belf guild that happened a few months ago really highlighting the extent of the issue. Honestly the Horde needs a #MeToo movement.
Female Pandaren is a god damn abomination.
Humans are easily one of the most interesting races in WoW (in part because of the attention they’re given by Blizzard) and those who say they dislike them usually only do so for very superficial reasons.
BfA is a perfectly cromulent expansion with interesting writing and leagues above the horrid low water mark that was the gutted WoD, a rushed and half finished mess released to keep deadlines. Hating on BfA with such passion is just an internet meme at this point for likes and subs and the culture of doing so is contributing to the game’s demise. A perfect storm of corporate unaccountability, aging big G Gamer entitlement and internet culture is what’s killing things, not BfA being bad.
Bonus round; Fight!
Vanilla WoW and other MMOs of that generation were ramshackle messes of terrible game and class design with everything being a deliberate chore to soak up countless subscription hours and most people who remember it fondly didn’t know alternatives and only like it as nostalgia. If exposed to the same business practices and game design today, they’d hate it and Classic WoW is proof that damn near everything good about the Holy Vanilla was subjective and cherrypicked by people huffing nostalgia vapours.
BfA would be a very good expansion if it wasn’t directly after Legion, which utterly destroyed any sense of power scaling. We stepped down from hanging out with the Titans and killing/imprisoning their fallen kin, defeating the Burning Legion and generally being super heroes to just fighting a big angry slug.
Goldshire is fine
gerund or present participle: doxxing
- search for and publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the Internet, typically with malicious intent.
Collecting and spreading information that isn’t necessarily readily available.
Linking to a page, name or profile that the “doxxed” individual publically uses everywhere, or screenshots of their RP.
No, if you link your personal facebook page to some art site thing or whatever you do and someone brings it up, you’re not being doxxed.
Due to years of personal experience I am convinced that anyone that, when presented with several valid options, exclusively RPs as humans has a startling lack of creativity.
On the contrary, I find that people who can’t think of any interesting ways to RP one of the most broad races in terms of story and scope to lack creativity
Heh gottem
Sorry Loras I won’t be able to respect you until you level your DK to level 58 so we can be level 58 DK alt bros.
[sweats in laziness]
Pineapple is one of the best ingredients in pizza.
Jaina is an interesting character.
Malfurion is a good character.
Moira is a terrible character and should’ve been killed by Varian back when she kept Anduin hostage
End justifies the memes.
Curious who that was, but you can’t name and shame here. Maybe a PM?
That sounds dumb. If anyone dares to try ERP it should be between consenting characters that are in a relationship, and the players should know eachother and be able to trust eachother. That would avoid all of the problems such as drama, betrayal or getting into trouble with a minor. It also should ideally be outside of WoW, but we can’t control what happens in dungeon parties.
I mean, characters who are not in a relationship sleeping with each other is fine - Azeroth isn’t puritan England under Cromwell. But the rest is spot on, yes.
People often say they can do ERP completely platonically, or without succumbing to more intense OOC emotions about it, but I think a lot of that is guff and the people who can actually do that are really damn rare.
What is wrong with just leaving it to assumption that the two adults in the relationship have become sexual. This should go double if you’re actually in an IRL relationship, and your RP character’s romantic partner is being played by a non-romantic friend.
BFA is fine, if a bit uninspired. I reckon it can be improved on and turned around, and comparing it to WoD is facetious at best. WoD’s problem wasn’t a bad start, it was a really bad middle and end. Tides of Darkness already proves we’re not getting WoDs equivalent of “the Garrison patch”, so I wouldn’t start writing your dirges to WoW just yet.
As if we’ll ever leave anyway.