This is perhaps the part I find to be the strangest. Having an OOC partner, but still wanting or actually doing ERP with someone who is not said partner.
Imagine being the OOC boyfriend/girlfriend and being cuckolded by Chad Thundercock, human paladin.
Exactly! I can understand wanting to RP a couple or something, if you really think the characters are compatible, but wanting to actually ERP with them seems like such a boundary cross. Are we just old-fashioned?!
Not at all. Chieun has a partner (who she will likely marry). We have not ERPed nor do we ever intend to. Even if your characters are getting kids, what does it really add to RP out their beginning?
Why do people always assume it’s creepy? if Blizzard gave me a way to use the belf kid body then i would prefer that to the shrunken adult one. Some people just like to rp as something other than the dime a dozen super men that everyone else does. What is so wrong with that? I’ve seen much worse concepts, from abominations to humans on horde side.
I hope all the best for Asmongold, Mcconnell ruins his streams, though.
People wish him harm because what? His internet personality is an elitist? yeesh
classic server is going to fail and bomb within 6 weeks after launch. only the truly hardcore diehard vanilla nerd fans will stay behind and fight for world first classic races. the rest of the players will get 2 weeks into it, realise that it’s going to take a lifetime of painful, slow and expensive grinding to reach cap/get gear/mounts and roll on back to live or go to a private server where everything is handed to you on a silver platter.
to tie in with the above; blizzard really should have stuck to their “you think you do but you don’t” guns and shouldnt’ve caved in to demands.
It’s a case of damned if you do, damned if you don’t. There was no easy solution Blizzard could have taken. But I think being as heavy handed as they were with Elysium they could have afforded to turn an unofficial blind eye to it so it could act as a release valve for the pressure the screeching frogs demanding PROPER FULL VANILLA WOW without needing to invest precious time and resources in an official release.
Yet another grasp from Activision around their necks though it seems.