Unpopular Opinions

If we were role-playing with total realism and immersion in mind, Mages and Death Knights would be able to take down almost every warrior/rogue/non magical class with a simple wave of the wrist.


Don’t rely on arbitrary standards of realism, instead ask if the priest being nailed by five guys with swords would die or not

I’m not sure if you realize but that isn’t ‘the other hand’. that is the exact same hand. You’re agreeing.

I feel like there’s a certain nuance between ‘everything has to be 1:1 realistic’ and ‘I personally don’t feel like using duels is very immersive’ but that’s just my crazy ol’ self.

Warriors use rage, which could be a form of chi
Rogues use shadow magic, perhaps blood magic, too?
Hunters use nature magic

I don´t think you understood what “on the other hand” part of my comment meant. Coldshade said how in one scenario, caster is weaker in RP than in the game, while I said how in another scenario, melee classes are weaker in RP than in the game.

I never said we should go for total realism and immersion where mages are OP, but rather how things our characters can do in the game (doing Heroic Leap, for example) are absurd when it comes to RP.

COULD (and it could also be just a game mechanic)

Not if your rogue isn´t shadow user (and blood magic is forbidden, so good luck using it IC on the streets of Stormwind).

Only if you RP them as users of said magic. I doubt there are many people out there RPing their hunters as people infusing their arrows with nature magic. Most of them just shoot stuff.

yeah, Cro infuses her arrows with shadow magic as an example.

One could also argue that mages are really incapable of really reaping destruction – after all the only ones we see doing any lasting impact are always the best in the world, such as Khadgar and Jaina. I doubt your character or mine are Khadgar or Jaina.

All the other mages we see out in the world are killing things at the exact same rate as every other class. Even in the novels, Jaina’s spells – back when she was just a regular mage – didn’t kill things any faster than Arthas’s hammer, etc.

Warriors are just as powerful as they need to be, and they can certainly stand up to mages and other classes. They are specifically not just random footsoldiers; they’re masters of war as per the very description of them. We have plenty of examples of powerful warriors doing great feats even without “gameplay” in the forms of the novels, comics, etc.

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That´s because we rarely (if ever) follow adventures of Hans Smith, ordinary mage of Kirin Tor. Of course you don´t hear about things Hans Smith can do when you are never told about things Hans Smith does because every time you quest with a mage, it´s one of Council of Six, Khadgar or any other powerful mage.

And this actually applies to those “masters of war” who did great feats without gameplay. Those warriors were comparable to Khadgar or Jaina, not to your ordinary warrior…who could be just an ordinary soldier in RP, no master of war.

Player RPing a mage is always a mage, player RPing character with two-hand sword isn´t always a warrior.

Source please


There’s a regular dwarf warrior in the comics who, despite being set on fire, suffers no harm for as long as his rage sustains him. After the battle is over and his rage subsides, the fires consume him and he accepts his fate in peace knowing he avenged his son.

Not all characters who wield a two-handed sword are warriors, you’re right. But all warriors are capable of great feats, even the average ones. It’s like comparing every person RPing a mage to a hopeless bumbling apprentice.

Would you also like a source stating how raising dead in the middle of Cathedral Square is punishable by death or would simple logic stating “you can´t use type of magic that everyone despises (except societies which openly practice it)” suffice?

I mean, it´s the comics. We can thank them for Med´an too, so I wouldn´t be that reliant on them as a source for lore. But alright, I accept, warriors can do some powerful stuff too.

I’d like the version where headcanon isn’t stated as fact, personally.


But unholy magic isn’t forbidden if not used on allies, though, this is like saying weapons are forbidden because you’re not allowed to stab a guard in the face

Also blood DKs use blood magic, and both alliance and horde got bloodmages in blasted lands

Until explicitly stated otherwise, comics are as canon as every other source. They decanonized Med’an, but the rest of the comics remain untouched by Blizzard.

They’re surprisingly good. You should read them sometime.

Edit: They reference the comics a lot in main writing.


No, I’d like a proper statement in the lore that blood magic is forbidden. Clearly, since you are stating it - it has been said somewhere, like i.e. how shadow and fel magic is forbidden in Dalaran. Blood magic doesn’t solely mean “raise dead”, so yeah, please.


Bear in mind those bloodmages are leftovers from Vanilla and it´s stated that blood elven bloodmages don´t actually use blood magic (couldn´t find the quote itself, apparently it was in TFT Game Manual). So far, I don´t think we have any mentions of Alliance or Horde using blood magic and with how the lore regarding this type of magic seems to be going in this expansion, having someone use blood magic (DKs could be seen as an exception…there are weird rules when it comes to hero classes) in a fight in capital cities would probably be the same as using necromantic magic in a fight.

Warlocks are using blood magic, blood elves are openly using blood magic for anima golems since MoP.

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:


And to clarify:
Blood mages are in majority blood elves adept at controlling magic and ranged assault. While they were still members of the Alliance, the blood elves began to turn to the darkest parts of magic, abandoning the water and frost spells of the Kirin Tor for the fire and heat of what some people fear to be demonic magic. (Frozen Throne manual)
Bloodmages - mages, who use blood as a power source for their spells.

There is no correct way to spell either of those 2 different types of mages because of how they are shown in-game, but it is the most common way.

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Factually wrong. The blood mages in BL were readded in Cataclysm and updated.
There are also Blood Mages amongst Belves who were like Kaelthas and actual blood mages like in Blasted Lands. They also lug around the Mogu anima constructs to this day (they are in Nazmir) that use copious amounts of blood, making it rather evident they use blood magic.

There seems to be an abundant number of exceptions then. The Horde even let San’layn in as an experiment and they weren’t limited in their role because of blood magic but because they were Scourge minions up until BFA launched.

I’m also fairly sure there are even quests about studying Nazmani blood magic but I cant find them at the moment due to limited internet.

They literally study blood trolls and their blood magic in the Nazmir Incursion. They gather around one of their blood altars and drain it in the phase – Alliance sends old god water elementals to disrupt them.

That said, we know that trolls do ban its practice. And since blood magic = death magic operating on the same principle as Dark Shamanism (spirit of decay), I could see rest of the Kalimdor Horde having an issue with its use.

Eastern Kingdoms Horde obviously has no such moral problems.

I have no idea what veen means, but please, share it once you are able to find it.

And it seems I was proven wrong, certainly when it comes to at least some or the races in the Horde.