Unpopular Opinions

even but misspelled

and here

So…these are the guys who expelled members of their society for dabbing into Void?

Why couldn´t blood mages be just ordinary mages during their period? That would be far less stupid concept.

Practicing Void magic will taint the Sunwell with their presence. They had to be exiled, or else they’d risk killing all high and blood elves on the planet like last time the Sunwell was tainted. Stopping their practice was something they clearly weren’t going to do.

Blood magic, however, doesn’t have such a passive effect on the Sunwell.


I really dislike the number of void elves running around, RPer or not.

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Leave it to a 110 Alliance alt in an OOC guild to tell you that Heroic Leap cannot be IC :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Heroic Leap doesn’t make a lot of sense IC.

Pro warriors winning through weapon skill are cooler than dizzy spinning ‘warrior’ kids jumping about and throwing a tantrum.

Change my mind.

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first thought


All you need to make your warrior cool without resorting on vague magic. The most simplest of all explanations.

P.S. Grommash Heroic Leaps on Mannoroth in the cinematic

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People: Lol if u wear cloth and somebody gets to melee, u die.

Also people: i CaSt A bArRiEr

Anyone can 1 shot anyone if the narrative decides it.

Why not?


I can appreciate both really finesse, pure flourishing and superior weapon skill warriors, but equally I can appreciate warriors who tank the damage, and then deal overpowering blows to stagger and break their opponents defenses.

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Depends on the race for me personally. With elves, I prefer the finesse. Like poets with a sword. For tauren, the overpowering blow seems to play more into their strengths.

For orcs, you have the finesse ones like Saurfang who’s confirmed to be the greatest axewielder on the planet. Or the blademasters. But then you also have plenty of room for the rampaging berserker, or the guy who’s built like a mountain.

Play to your race’s obvious strengths. That makes them :ok_hand:

This yeah.

With Boush, I enjoy theming his attacks being really quick and incorporating a lot of jabs with the free hand and incorporating a lot of leaps.

With Shen Shugoki, I enjoy a much slower approach, tanking the blows against the armor and then doing a really strong and quick sweeping blow, stepping on their toe or ramming their face onto your belly.

With Herbert, I like using halfswording, murderstroke and a lot of HEMA moves in general- And ending them rightly.

So if I pulled out one of my RP characters on AD instead of character I have been using to post on forums for almost 4 years, that would somehow make my opinion more credible?
Also, what the hell does faction have to do with that?

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I do this on my knight character. But since he got bitten by a feral worgen (though he tries his best to keep it suppressed and not turn, believing that becoming a beast is unbecoming of a knight) when the rage starts to boil, he tends to apply increasingly growing amount of strength and brute force into the attacks.

I try to look at Darth Vader and Kylo Ren for inspiration when that happens. There’s still grace behind those sword swings, but you can tell there’s some strength behind it.

kylo’s the best thing to come out of the new trilogy btw

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You’re not putting the bar high with that statement, y’know?

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Pandas are real tanks. Chieun takes that to its natural conclusion with her lawbringer style - bringing the AD MORTEM INIMICUS to the lawless curs.


It would make you more credible but your opinion of course is still wrong + bad

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Unpopular opinion: The term “Hate speech” is meaningless, because people call everything they don’t like hate speech. In fact, I might even call it something that is not real.

You don’t like cabbages? It’s hate speech against a wonderful vegetable.

See an opinion/statement you don’t like? Simply ignore it. No need to throw up a massive stink over it like you are mortally wounded from reading words that form a statement you don’t like. Throw a massive stink when it’s a coordinated harrassment attack on someone, or threats of violence or whatever.

Saying that someone looks stupid is not hate speech.

sits back and waits for this kind of outcome https://youtu.be/I6iaqtdk-sg

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Racist,sexist,transphobic , homophobic, misogynist, islamophobic, colonial and other buzzwords have been drained completely of its value… the political landscape has turned into such a joke… might as well throw empathy on that list awell… it has become a liability.

On an ironic note… there is nothing more exclusive the a sjw’s vision of inclusive.

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