Unpopular Opinions

People who claim RPing non-playable races (high elves, dragons, arakkoa, vrykul and so on) is a sign of those who aren´t creative enough (because if they were, they would be able to stick to playable races) are either full of s*** or completely oblivious to how RP community behaves because most of the time, “good RP” of certain race means RPing the character in line with the most basic, stereotypical description of its race.
You do anything out of the ordinary and chances are the same people will call you bad roleplayer because “dwarves don´t behave like that”.

This is also one of the reasons why there are so many humans, because they offer far more liberty in how you can portray them because the players are actually humans and you can´t really say “but human wouldn´t behave like this”.


You are objectively wrong and people that play non-playables are :poop: 99% of the time.


So many counterarguments, I don´t even know where to begin with my response.


In 7 years on AD, I remember seeing one single passable high elf RPer, and not a single good dragon RPer. The rest were a particularly bad flavour of :poop:


For counter-arguments I’d first have to see arguments of yours that I disagree with. “This opinion is wrong” is pretty much exactly the same thing I just said, so there goes most of it. And yes, I too /spit on human RP, so there goes that.

That´s not what my comment was about. It was about people who claim how going for non-playable race is a sign of people not being creative enough even though the same players are most likely the first to shun not RPing normal races by the book.

So your problem is people you presume something about presuming something about other people?

I guess you have never seen forum discussion about this topic because there is always someone who voices this opinion in them.

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Never seen someone complain about people RPing nonplayables while at the same time complaining about people not colouring 100% within the lines of the playable races, I gotta say. That’d be a strange stance to have on it, and I somewhat doubt it’s a stance that anyone sticks with to the point where finding this weird is worth calling an unpopular opinion.

And I never said this is the case (only that people saying this are probably also one of those who believe you need to RP races according to their stereotypes if you want to RP them well).
I explained everything in my original comment, so if you were unable to get the message (RPing unorthodox race is by some seen as not being creative even though it´s seen by many as bad RP to RP playable races outside of their stereotypes, which means you can´t get creative with many of playable races), I really don´t know how else I should explain it.

You did say that that was the case.

Which doesn´t mean they necessarily will do that or that they represent the people who will do that.

Then I am no longer at all sure what you were disagreeing with in your previous post, as we seem to agree that you do indeed think that the people that argue against both nonplayables and colouring outside the lines are regularly the same.

What dragon RP needs is a guild, something to bind them together to build something better. You could call it an Accord. :thinking:


They should host this accord at the Nexus too for symbolism


Yes. Yes, a Nexus Accord, and you might well be the very man to lead such a thing…

You certainly wouldn’t talk about it for years, but never do anything with the idea.


I like where you’re going with this, this is truly a revolutionary idea. How come I haven’t thought about this before?


I have managed to integrate dabbing once into my RP.

Aerilen dabs on the graves of night elves and silver hand.

\m/,(> . <)_\m/

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My eyes flash a powerful shade of red