Unpopular opinions 🤔

GCD change is good thing.

Nothing beats banana slices and chocolate syrup on a pizza tho’ :thinking:

Legion was a bad expansion and BfA actually improved the AP farming by not having to farm it for each spec you play one by one. Legion also wasn’t just alt unfriendly, but even main and offspec unfriendly (if you had bad luck) because of the legendary system, trying to get good legendaries was a nightmare and the daily emissary was literally a lootbox system. Giving us a legendary vendor during the last patch of the expansion was slightly more than nothing,

Going around in Suramar with our mask without flying was a miserable experience, 7.2 is the second worst patch of WoW after the selfie cam patch, the broken shore storyline was garbage except for the dungeon part, but killing x amount of demons and collecting x amount of whatever each week was boring and the class mounts were timegated behind that. Argus was a good idea until they decided to not let us fly there and then put mobs all over the place, even on main roads.


Renember when they kileld the only thing to even do on broken shore in sentinax farming lol

2 Things:

  1. The game is too hard and innaccessible, especially for Mythic+ and Raiding, which is why the player base is dying off. Blizzard purposefully ‘gate’ harder content off to guilds, when in reality, this same harder content was probably on par with some of the ‘vanilla level’ difficulty of dungeons / time investment.
    In short, give group finder to Mythic+ with an ilevel requirement and integrate proper voice chat / comms system into the game.

  2. The game is being content pumped and the fanboys are too blind to see it. It’s being revenue fast tracked to ‘end of life’ and no matter what you say or do, nothing will change the development lifecycle. They aren’t listening to you anymore, they don’t care, they don’t love you, they just want your money.

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BFA is better than Classic. Triggers ppl everytime.


Alliance got the best racials


Nothing is adequately explained, the proper way to play a class shifts constantly and everything relies on addons and external website guides to function. Yes, WoW is a chore to play and the old guard insisting on keeping the clunky design for nostalgia and style drag the whole thing down.


Yeah void elves do with half prices tmog :frowning:

Yeah, tell that to the ‘elites’ though and they will tell you to ‘l2p’ - it’s a cabal, they own the game now and it’s hard to see Blizzard attracting a new player base this late into the lifecycle, so, yeah, we are stuck with an engine based around clunky mechanics and the only ‘evolution’ of that is to keep chopping and changing these, breaking them, or overpowering a certain class, one patch to the next.

It’s like swapping a crappy government every 4 years and pretending that the new government will change everything. In reality, it’s the same a-hole in a different disguise who will find a different way to take your money. The game goes on.

-Old talent trees actually suck
-Expansions system could be great if Blizzard made baselines specs fun and playable by default, without said system.
-It’s been since Cataclysm that we play a SPEC over a CLASS, so going back to more class at expanse of spec is a bad idea.

Well I think it would be kinda hard to have everything written down inside the game at the moment, there is ton of theory crafting and working behind guides you find online.

To have everything explained and written down means you have a super simple game with no depths where the learning curve is basically 0.

Just out of curiosity what would you like to see changed? Because I can’t really see how your suggestion would work without killing the depth of a game.

A lot of games rely on external sources because having information shared by better player can only help you improve.

Also if you want to play low keys and normal raids you don’t need external addons because there are few and simple abilities in normal and you will understand them in few pulls and you don’t need the fotm build to do those.

Just a minor hint as to which stat a spec ought to boost and the proper balance between them would make a huge difference.

It is not as easy as you might think Imo. A simple interaction could change the stat completely and make the hint completely useless and misleading.

You can build a game, class, mechanics, whatever, based on pure ‘gameplay feel’ and most modern games actually do this. Warcraft is actually the exception to the rule, because it demands that you actually play your class in an exact way, with an exact ability rotation (spec dependant) it’s not flexible, then it’s supplemented by the stat / azerite trait system being equally inflexible, You need to have an intimate knowledge of this, rather than just ‘picking up and playing’ and blasting away and relying on physical mechanics or skill during fights as a barrier to real gameplay.

As I say - make any critique against this and you are told to go ‘l2p’ go read the pages and pages of supplementary sub systems and stats - dare you question a simpler system that could thrive based on a better engine or better mechanics or otherwise.

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I love to multibox.

We’re not all bad :stuck_out_tongue:


That’s part of the problem. The whole stat system is a vast, ungainly behemoth impossible to balance properly and relying on external sources to function. Getting into it just for the peculiarities of a single patch is an ordeal that many are too immersed in the process of to even understand what an ordeal it is to new and less religiously devoted players.

the phantom menace is kind of fun once you get past the first half hour


There’s a forum discord? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Several of the forum regulars set up a discord community - originally to create an RP guild for fun but we’ve also done several Ny’alotha runs and are now doing Glory of runs (you might have seen them advertised on the forums) which are open to anyone on the forums, plus friends and guildies - really anyone! We also chat a lot, but as far as I was aware there aren’t any attempts to impress ladies? I’m one of the ladies, and no one seems to be attempting to impress me? :woman_shrugging: Perhaps because my husband is in the discord too and no one messes with a Tauren warrior beefcake! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: