Unpopular opinions đŸ€”

I don’t know enough about Britain to get that reference.

All I know is that the Irish and Scots are better than the English.

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That’s a well-known fact.

They didn’t just decide to spaff away their economy on a nationalism bender.

at least not willingly.

Well you are entitled to have an opinion
 too bad it couldnt possibly be more wrong !

BFA had promising systems that were only ruined by shocking implementation.

I hope azeroth dies. The idea of living on a dead world appeals to me.

Sargeras was right to create the legion to fight the void lords, and we were the bad guys for stopping him.

There is a cow level, and it’s called mulgore.

The torghast timer in its current form seems like a good idea.

Here’s one most raiders would probably lynch me for: consumables (especially the expensive ones) are a waste of money and shouldn’t be required from every member of the raid unless the fight is a heavy dps check the group’s struggling to meet even when there’s no deaths.

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discord is b l e e p and people who use it are b l e e p

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Like yourself, then.

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no hunnie i dont use them, also dont go offtopic :wink: that’s spam.

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Othmar Garithos did nothing wrong he is the hero we need and deserve.

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Blood Elves would look great with blue eyes


A lot of people agree, but they also want them under a matching blue banner.

Anduin is actually a kind-hearted and highly emphatetic leader but people always seem to like violent leaders more which is sad.

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Dafuq kinda place do you live in?

I drink extremely rarely myself, but didn’t even know there were “dry states” in Europe.

I live in Asia.

Not Chinese I’m guessing then, seeing as then you’d probably play on the Chinese servers.

Thought the rest of the Asians played on the same servers as Australians. The “Oceanic” ones.
In order to reduce lag as it’s physically closer.

Most of Asia is closer to Europe than to Australia.

Bfa proffesions are bad to muth rng to get right secondery stash u have to craft same peace 200 times to get right secondery stats.

iam from japan gf is from eu

That is not an unpopular opinion.

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That’s true I suppose
 Was thinking more of the South-East Asian countries.

Mogs shouldn’t be locked over time (such as CM mogs, elite gear, mage tower challenges). Let them available through some challenge or through rating/MM+ score.

I’m running very fast after saying that.