Unpruning: Can we just go back to MoP class design and take it from here?

https:// www.mmo-champion. com/threads/2395179-Best-WoW-Expansion-Poll

heres a Pole which states WoTLK as the best expansion

and it has MORE votes then all ur poles.

https:// eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/rank-each-expansion-from-best-to-worst/ 21224/5

heres Another one… which ALOT of people put WoTLK, Legion and More At the top of their lists in ranking.

https:/ /www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/9gvb3b/best_expansion_in_your_opinion_and_why /

and another

Heres why, Because theres 2 Million Polls going on throughout EVERY EXPANSION OF WoW who ALL dictate a completely different expansion at the top of their lists.

heck that final one Starts off with like 5 people consecutively saying Legion…

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