Fun is always subjective but in most cases, like yours, is usually the last refuge of someone with no arguments. I’ve said this before but it’s ridiculous to think that with 37 spells the class is super fun and with only 31 is boring and unplayable. Secondly some options were taken away, i realize that, but that’s mainly because there are other factors at play when talking about class fantasy and design, it’s not a deliberate attempt to make classes less fun. But i often see primitive people like yourself asking themselves why blizz oh why doesn’t blizzard just add 50 more spells to each class cause that would make for the bestest game evah.
Also i don’t really know what you’re basing your claims on but it’s hypocritical to call others ignorant when you make such definitive statements, you’re confusing your nostalgia for knowledge. Also if you had some common sense there wouldn’t be a need to strawman my words but hell, what was i expecting.