what do you want to say? Nobody cares expansion release hype numbers. longterm mop numbers were horrible.
No there are no MoP servers because nobody wants to play mop. There is simply no demand. Not the other way around. thats why the big names didnt invest any ressources anymore because there was simply no demand.
Good for you if you like mop gameplay in general people didnt?
cant even imagine how bad it would have been if they didnt attach diablo3 to a 1year sub with SoO/S15 patch =).
Okay and thats exactly the point, it IS balanced, because of that. So theres that.
Its balanced and obviously more fun to play than your current 3 button class which is the exact opposite of MoP
So i ask, what do you even want ? Theres not much in between.
Nope, absolute lie.
I have around 20-30 in MoP and overall around 50 spells in my bar.if you meant that. Also whats so bad about macroing your abilities to give them more usage than one?
No, you just had the opportunity to do more if you wanted to. Youre thinking kinda too simple here
The point is the power of the character laying in the usage of said character and spells rather than the current system where gear is the only thing that matters. People want to get rewarded for skill, not for having more RNG procs.
Yes we can agree here. Its not perfecr by any means but the best class design out of any xpac so far (according to several polls etc)
Wrong, YOU dont want to. Most of the people in these “best class design” or “best pvp xpac” threads explain on why they think MoP was the best. And one reason for it was every class having everything and therefore endless possabilities to outplay someone.
It’s not balanced and never was, there’s a mountain of patch notes to prove that.
Also the number buttons has little to do with how “fun” your class is, even though this seems to be copy/pasted a lot without much thought put to it. All this seems to be part of a trend that gained popularity lately which romanticizes MoP like we’ve seen with the classic crowd.
MoP was so bad.
Every class had everything.
CCs, burst, tons of deffensives also healer were totally OP.
Mw monks and their anti stun miss thing every 10 seconds.
Warrior sitting deffensives stance and getting carried by second wind while need 3+ dps to bring them down.
Rogues that can stunlock you for more than 10 seconds and escape every slow or root thanks to burst of speed.
Should i go on?
I prefer WOTLK and Cata expansion Where classes had something different and unique.
Exactly, this is why MoP class design was so good. In MoP you could play whatever the hell you wanted without having class X and spec Y beat you by default, you weren’t useless in content Z because your spec couldn’t do so and so.
Sure everyone had a bit of everything but it was different enough that each class had a distinct playstyle without being completely gimped in one area of the game or another.
Don’t speak for me please. I loved MOP and the class design, ever since it ended my lock has been shelved which is annoying because I loved my desto lock in MOP. I also loved most classes and specs, even gave boomkin a try in that expansion and loved the balance rotation.
Now most classes feel complete crap and Shadowlands destruction warlock is having no changes from BFA. And this is the why from blizz: “because we are happy with the way it is”
My heart sank when I read that. So SL will be the fourth xpac in a row my lock remains shelved, if they do nothing for locks. Tired of being an immobile turret with chaos noodle build
No actually I think there’s plenty of players who don’t want mop back.
So a plural term for those players is perfectly fine.
Pls stop acting like 100% of the playerbase want mop back they don’t.
There’s more players arguing for WoTLK designs, if you read the priest forums the only expansion class design talked about is Catas.
And actually I’m not wrong on the macroing.
I still have half the macros I had rigged for mop saved on my list lol, there were defintly tons
There was even a interview from the time where it was even stated that players were lower in percentiles then other expansions due to taking dps losses for the sake of the convience of macro usuage.
The three expansions I hear most about these days.
Yes there has been threads of MoP but generally the same portion of the playerbase are arguing it and the same portion of the playerbase argue against it.
When we look at classes at their pinnacle they range in expansions in all honesty.
For example I’d take cata shadow priest long before I took MoPs lol.
And WoTLK was my favourite time for boomkin.
While warlock I’d defintly after mop was its best moments.
P.S having a game which you can counter one another continously through a fight already exists.
I think, we all want MoP back because it is much better in every regard.
Just so maybe you can understand that.
On another note, most things you wrote were all just personal observations, while the statistics for " Which expansion had the best class design/gameplay?" and so on are speaking against you.
No? The fun comes from class depth which is provided by the class itself having more spells / options to deal with.
Also yes, pvp wise, s15 was the most balanced patch the game has ever seen. There wasnt a single xpac that didnt need patchnotes to get balanced, stop being so ignorant.
And classic wasnt / isnt a success ? Because from what I’ve been seeing, classic itself brought not only many player back but also pushed the WoW viewer count on twitch drastically up.
This could basically be said about your entire reply. Half knowledge and ignorance are not hard to miss in that one.
Absolutely not an argument on why something is bad, just a fact.
Its funny that youre describing BFA right now.
MoP cds had way less impact than the current BFA ones. To balance all that you had good dps outside of any CDs, with any class whatsoever.
And no, unless youre talking abput 2vs2, healer were not OP at all and couldve taken out or killed by a single DPS.
Absolutely irrelevant in 3s. You could bait stuff like this with a DK petstun and kill him in a strangulate or even easier, charge and proc it, then stun him without even an dr. However, they were so easy to cc that it didnt even matter for the most part.
? Any dps could solo a warrior easily, they needed second wind to npt be complete cripple.
And then again, the only class really having struggle to kill a warrior through it was a rogue. A rogue who tried to kill him without trinket/ cloak proc. There must be downsides to some classes
Any other class could easily deal with a warrior. Warrior in general were food for any proper spellcleave if they werent playing KFC.
? Rogues had the exact same stun timer than they do now just that they did less damage? Im giving you a hint right now, outside of double dps, they were absolutely garbage in 2s. They simply couldnt finish something due to the lack of damage.
Much control, less damage. Seems balanced to me
Top Rogues on ladder played step against ele teams which were probably the vast majority of teams. Burst of speed was for sure not one of the major problems.
Please no, you sound like some 2s hero who wants to teach me about an expansion i played the past 7 years
Personally i really liked the cataclysm talents and classes, Cata was the last time i think it really felt like we were still playing Vanilla characters with ‘‘more stuff’’ tacked onto it.
MoP talents and built in abilities and passives changed a lot of classes and while MoP class balance was good, the very streamlined design of the talents is something i imagine a lot of people don’t like, i.e the ‘‘First row: damage, Second row: Utility, Third row: Defense…’’.
So MoP very responsive balancing with cataclysm talent trees?
Because it was easies pvp expansion.
Expansion Where every class had everything and % skill requirement.
Example warrior no more stance dance or rogue CP.
Warrior still had to swap stances alot if they wanted to get the maximum out of their class. You did way more damage in offstance (= more rage) and got oneshotted when stunned outside of it. Are you saying it didnt require skill because they didnt need a macro bind on some spells to equip their shield? Pathetic.
The skill requirement was low because everyone had everything hence you had to take an eye on so many different cds and variables other than the scripted bfa game?
And also, combopoints ? Comobpoints back then stood on the target, the only way to swap them was with redirect
God youre so clueless, please stop LOL
To be fair, i didnt expect someone with such a hatespeech to even have the slightest clue about MoP. Thanks for proving it.